Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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    Honduran speaker rips U.S.
By Brad Brant
Emerald Contributor
Hondurans art' suffering
poverty at the hands of .1
greedy government that is in
fluenced by countries like the
United States, said a peasant
Hondumn woman who spoke
on campus Tuesday evening
"You, as citizens, have the
right and obligation to go to
vour government and make
them c hange these ridiculous
polic ies they have," lilvia Al
varado said through an in
She was was invited to
speak on campus bv the Latin
America Support ('oiiimittee
and the ('.enter for the Studv
of Women in Society
Military intervention has
been one aspect of U S in
volvemont that has hurt the
Honduran peasants Land
used lo budd a training base
and airport for 1! S troops
was taken from the peasants.
Alvarado said Also, she said
American business interests
have made deals with the
Honduran government to se
cure the best land
Medea Benjamin, an Amen
can involved in several On
tral Amem an countries, met
Alvarado while studying the
reaction of Hondurans to an
Increase in U S military aid
during the 1980s Their meet
ing produced a book, Don’t Hi'
A fmid, Gringo, which consists
of Alvarado’s tales of Hondu
ran peasants
Alvarado, who only com
pleted first arid second grades
and admits to not even tiemg
able to read the lover ol her
book, began organizing peas
ants years ago to light tor re
U c has c mir r u lies. Ini!
then has i' stolen out ru lies
Alvarado said Ihev get ev
ported to other i ountnes
In time the peasants were
.ihle to demand and get I anti
from their government
Now. however, the hind
they have gained i' in danger
of liemg given but k to the ru h
land owners It’s the pollutes
of foreign eountries like the
United States and even the
United Nations that are re
sponsible for this turnaround.
Alvarado suit!
Alvarado, who has I ■ en
kept in solitary t ordin .merit
w 11flout food or vs iter for
days, s.ivn the fight isn t over
"I willnever abandon the
struggle, she said
AAA has letter writing campaign
A group of students from the University's
School of Architecture and Allied Arts has taken
seriously President Myles [Hand s advir e to v\ rite
to the governor and state legislators
Throughout this week, the AAA Student Advi
sory Committee will have a table set up on the
second floor of Lawrence Hall where group mem
tiers will assist students in preparing letters ol re
quest for replacement revenue for higher educe
As of Wednesday, more than tot) letters hud
been prepared.
College Bowl team wins regionals
l-ive University students will head for the na
tionul College Bowl finals in Washington. D C . in
lute April following their triumph at the regional
competition in Idaho hist weekend
Arne Baker, Burton Massey, Megan Lewis. Jus
tin Jacobsen and Michael Smith make up the
team that will compete against lti other schools
for the national title at Ceorge Washington Uni
This is the third year in a row that the Universi
ty team has gone on to the national competition
111 1 two, the team finished last and in UHI1, they
finished second to last
The five members who go on to regionals ear h
year are chosen from teams that compete first at
the University The five participants who answer
the most questions correctly, regardless of what
team they are on, make up an all star team that
goes to regionals
Sin1 I’edersen. dip tor . I 1 '•! K, ■ pm; ;
Center. yvhifh sponsors lip' i .t m!v s I
Hi ;\s : i u: i, pet i t lull, - ii lip- It\iin -- ■ *; e 1' hay r
m tin- p.ii! hern p ud by the i’r• ■.:.i>■ 111 s i !! . the
Oilin' ut Student All.ilrs .in I He l e i lurid
raising efforts
Mas .r ■, . Il.tl.er tilt> 1 lew p. yy i ; e i :i;r, o I
the team th.it went to nationals I.e.I year
Class sponsors food drive
Six University students in h -art pi ,;i ,:u
tiling, a leisure studies class, are ecu adulating a
food drive this weekend, .is part ut a final projei t
1 lie effort will benefit food l or Lane ( ■ lllty
The benefit, ill luoperalion with the University
Club Spurts llor key team and Lane County lee,
will take place at the hotkey team's Saturday
match at 0 p III. Admission to the game ( an be ob
tained by donating one i an of food
A puck shoot competition after the si , mid peri
od w ill take plar e. and prizes donated by i ommu
mty businesses will be given to the wumei l ive
names will tie drawn to determine participants m
the competition Other prizes will also I* given
out by drawing names
Rule hearing scheduled
There w ill be a publU bearing lor students and
faculty to comment on proposed changes to Uni
versity rules governing sper tal fees, fines, penal
ties and service charges '...‘lay .it t pm m the
LMU Walnut Room Tile proposed changes
would involve the University s fee srheilule ii>y
ermg more than 1.0(H) lees (barged by yarn..,-.
I (Diversity departments
New student group
to help late bloomers
Ry Karen Engels
i :v>&ak1 Reporter
Students returning lo s< lu>ol
nr beginning fur the iirst lime .il
js or older often start at /.no
Vftn lining m the work fori e
or at home for years, "You have
to slop ss ailing and start i raw I
mg. ' said Stars Ann Indus’. co
organizer of the Returning Stu
dents Association
The ness group, led by l ain s
and Uruce h.issrenie, plans to
address student needs sut h as
housing, financial aid, i fillti
i .ire and classes I lie group
ss ill meet at U a in I’hui •■day
Stan h V in l AH ’ t ed it Room
(. \ll returning students at
least 2‘> sears old and single
parents are ins lied re'g.irdle-.s
ol gender or fin.nit nil status
l ain s , ,i soi iologs student
svho svtll graduate in pine said
she to-‘k a .Mi Sear subirutli ai
!ii>111 m ho-.>1, then luutul mn i
ologS. tll’f nielli' Ml lift' Sill' In
now .i|i|ilvmi: lor graiiiialr
M tlOol llllt UOlllil Ilka' ll> SI'C till'
Returning Students Anmk iation
get oil till' ground brlnrr nIiii
Organizers hope to identify
iNNiii'N returning students [.it e
anil srt guidelines to alleviate
tin-si' |> rot'li-ms 111 ii \ tin'll
want to In' identified t>v tin'
ASl't) .!'• an offlrl.il student
VVr w ant to lit' .ii Uvi■ in
lii.ik.iiig ili'i isiniVs oil i a m pus
and n-j>ri-Ni-nI our part of the
lent fx ! ■, ! ihi i salt)
t Ini' problem returning nIii
dents (,u i• in that their lit.' ex
pr t ii'tna' iIoi'nii t i 11ii nI lot
i ini11n. I ahr v ai'f ! "t exam
plr. a returning Ntiiiirnt w itii it)
vr.trN i,| wot king joum.ili'.m n
p. : irni r who wantn a drgln' in
still ri’iiuiri'ii to take j,hirn.i11sin
rote i on:ni". I ahr \ '.alii
At- f i •: ■ ••
■>n\ fttHj! [fl/Mt ,f •
A rtftil fwif hjdg** >hkJ <.nsp
r-ifu ' , JMMJfHjf’. W ■ ■«*'
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l<i* !iq DA,;- r u<I N* ‘
m TRtAI TW Kiwi I
* A «J. •K'i' ’ J rt * ■ . 'V M*.
For Textbooks
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may win a pizza party for you and your friends
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