□ University interracial cou ples may not worry about physical assaults, but they do face more subtle forms of prejudice By Tammy Baley Emorale! Rgportof VVhilo most couples simply worry about meshing thoir dlffoninl personal ities. Interracial couples must deal with prejudice, and sometimes, violence. In an oxlrcmo case, an interracial couple In Portland recently luid crosses burned on thoir (root lawn, and thoir children were threatened. On the University c.impus, however, students involved in interracial rela tionships say they don't worry about physical or verbal assaults Instead, they say they face subtler forms of prej udice. including misconceptions and stereotypes, Jodi, who asked that lu-r last name not Is! used, is half Native American and half while She said shit's dated iwo Afrii un-Amoricnn men Jodi said her white male friends and the African-American women she came in contnt t will) both reacted negatively toward her ritlatlonships "The white males seemed jealous They would ask, 'Why are you always dating lilac.k men?' " Jcxli said "II was initially a shock, wln-n 1 was labeled, 'Oh. |odt onlv dales bl.u k men ' i know a lot ol IjI1 jfce* re grturg ( irfuridu Duly I rtv ^A: > 2 1. 1W1 wow HAIL rKiUAl 1I1L 13TH I X Si :vat;».*uwx«,c<(0tc Ik! M*J>1 «UU3 8;0IDStiKan(«ak SUCik'' !’X 4' *U.X Su O**1