Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1992, Page 19, Image 30

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    Concrete Blonde
A new album, a new
outlook, a new life
liiiih lltim. I of Illinois
Pam makes Ini gieat .111 Bur as < a>m letc Blonde s
|nhncttc Nap ilil.mi > knows, 11 niakt-s life a hung lull
It was emotional tin nun I that spin ted ( mu i etc
Blonde\ hicaklhfnugh multi platinum allium.
liliuniUthng, and its lie.ut-mem lung liit^. "Joey" and
( aniline But while even mote piohleiii' hale Iwsct
hand mem het s Mine recording that album, tin
outlook on then iipommg rcleav , Walkingin I omlon.
«nm to have brightened a hit.
' 1 hat was a veil had year lot me," said Napilitaiio
the Kitiuu's sm^et. bassist and piiman songwriter ot
the time s|M*tit recording HtnmiLilnif "I tealll wanted to
hide .diet that teiotd was made I lelt like. (>od. I vt
leallv i til imvlt open here It s so noun that it did well,
ho atise tl there was am tei ord that I wc mid haw tailiei
lc h ked ill a 11c iset. it wtmid haw lx ell (
But mote ptoblems weie to follow While on tout to
suptMiti the album. Napoht.uio s bai k (used liom the
. i instant weight cd bet bass Ihcu, while in Mexico ( its,
she (initial led salmonella, but wouldn't seek licatmcut
lire ,nise she doesn t like doctors W hen she I malls went
to a hospital, phvsii lans couldn't find a pulse f )nr
elm tot told bet mother that johnetle was 1*0 minutes
twav liom thing Utiiough that e\p< iieiur will keep
the band Iroin touting while slit ret U|x iates. |ohnette
slid it moU\uted hei to stick h het t leatisr limits
' 1 htse neat -death ex (Hi lent es ai e really gt eat lot
wiut priorities," she s.utl "I laid there and said, you
know. I ni 11 seals old and il I go. I don't neatly haw
the w4uiuc c t| work tx-lund me that I should haw
*vi she set out to t ie.lie B diking iti / ■ nulnn While the
.illmm showiases unit It ot the tin deep-seeded angst
that math' "Joey" anti ~< at tdint- hits tut the last
album, it alst i expands into a tew mote upbeat themes
I tti pu tts pleased with the ptogtess that I hast
made, and 1 applet iatr a lot ot things molt I in able to
be stimulated and mspiied by ititlerenl tilings mote
than |usi liemg miserable and 1 dunk it slums
Ik spilt tbev setbai ks Napthlano lias also eanetl a
nit lie as a tolc model loi tans died ot seeing Women in
tot k pollened solely as sex symbols I ikt wnalisls
Natalie Welt bant ol lO.OtNi Waniai s and Ktlte Bnt ki ll
Nap tin.int t takes pride that she doesn I base tic "ware
iin tils m to nit ol the i .titlei a
\ud cyt n il B ulkirti; in I t dut in slot ex Mart h
101 doesni et lipse the mipiessise sales and lex lews ol
/» 'xllfttirig. N.ipolitauo knows she s walking in tilt
light duet lion Ihc woman some tall the lies! lein.de
'ot ahvl in lot k ii loll now t an eii|oy het ability
1 think d you tan do ait that enables someone to
lot get about then das to-tlas exisletite and take them
soinewbeit else, then you sc done a sets uupoitant
tiling loi |>ettplt . she wild "1 m a lot happier now with
ms ability to do that. I think it N a gilt
Napolttano: the best female vocalist In rock and roll?
l l
i i
Can college DJs bite the hand that feeds them?
IU LU K \ M 11 MID I
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Kill I** '.mi • h.u t-' in | .u in ti \ i - •’v! i<i<
\ U vv s < ,t! n t»t t <»i < dir ;»! ! m I « 1 .nl h i h i h m ■* vs <
uiulrl i *UHt{ m nvth**n !.ii fh» ,ilu i ii.itivt‘ l.ilx l Mil
\i tw (hi v i * m i! in ; !i:• r ■: ‘ ^ ! h.-. i V!. h.u I | i » -
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biu hiiMnr\>
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\ovsht fr IN till Urn*! !n* ! - xi?-a !h m
iti < nlle^a f .till, i C )f i* « * Ij« i r.« i i> :!:. !* <:
tnu*>\ .ilhc Irailess ami thought
pi < »\ nhn^ *111jn)i t ! -U. s ,11 ^ in « ■ d a
|\tdlO is t)oW JUsI .ilUHlin fool id tll<
|)<i!n!luth tilt lust !\ Mi t! ka fltl^ 111." Illllc*.
| ’ v . k s M i ' ni l K i « • «1 < •
M ■• • • - » •> I <
I a»11 * * Its • oliiplrfrh aul ill \ rt '•
holllx^f >x« Ml s llx otl!\ llllt(((lx<
\n (wren i ollr^r ludlo altci « oniim !• l.ll
radix »•> that someone s !tsf* rrmi^ o.
i * unniei % tjJ r.tclio
1 Vlaka*p>n. IimMi dlir • i ■
K \l l '! ■ >»a! i- ■! •! 1 • \\ . '
{ III I i *s \! i .a U'v i;:' * f s
( t dlri’e l ad n * ■ hi* -w s lx- said I'
was it one tun* tlx onh » li vl|rn”iu,:
musii ,t| outlet ay lai as fix dia k s Hut
how it s wall i ed down
| low did da St a! i * >1 ' ! t •
disinx mj ,t|( ts#»:t; that * »t : Hue .u to'i*
outlet to tomrflunig looked upon with
n< .u trwikiJ'n M.im tti iIn * {mm? 'in n
jrjugcis ji n: 1 ;in lain is I hrs s.n Tii..H di<
1<U I lilt led 1irllrgr sttldr nK as Ill U5I1 I' 1'. Ill;: Mu mi
individuals i idti' ili< r.iMi-I nn ih..«l hi
tins 11mttitm i >l«i linin' « udi“ nurd
\|.,|, >i !.|l* |s Si.il trd M„" III . II. ■
t*i'lli h.id h.ui tin ', c nuld find f in '■ sI.t* lt d
Miliiidi.m !.»Ih K »hu !>. .ii' i iidmu ' > ^ ' I ( ai u
thrri tni <•! iidleRc ... n» ' >i I'M ...
.nid .hi suited 11k< .hi null |i< mirnl l.d«d
iirtlLilh jiti.i'i d mil VHtvl dn an' |. :n n
b.illd'i .111 allmd
\lld mmi I1I1JM •! i.n:1iv Im • -in . • '
Vftll.ifiU null 111 (il<>tln>!|iiH.il (»|I SSIIH Iihik .it |.
jj,iln til piumititon.il 11m iv dm I and bam in.j«
mu band" and "d.a! ia ... K. : M ■ •
sflldlllK M-<Midllii>'i 'I1' 1 ■1 • d 1 i i
fug klx ls
1 sjMIldllia
liiii dung
iring Ikuid
llli'li iiwll
i it.inimal
I In n iIk
Iw ^liming
Is it.lt It li 4
III illt t alls
dxHit "this
r I'll t nr
• i«*IMr III
smells like lots of money
ufmjuittms .111*1 lAnwiit-11nti11; ii.iunih rn,ti us< h n» gi i i
m,i]< • 111 v **l in <inline s h * * 111 melt}>< tuit nt I .t hr Is '•stir
ll*« h1< • I vs ith in.i|* >i lulw I ilinn mu **i in.iitii.il
i m. !h ii sit 11m*i r»»i ('ii K l S! .»i ! Ih l • •! s 11\
I I .tilt |\< " >.i\s .t if hi mg It (lit l« .HI Milnr ji|i»jm*N IS \si»n ,il*
limit--i sLii.'lin.. •■! lus s Lt 11 ‘ >i i > |ih'i;l.iiiiiiiiii.: phili »v< >|ih\
'hi m nr miiin v%h*> will v;*» n > nt\ trnglh It* grilhni it i *»i<l
• .ii i mi s' ill* *ii Si i* h Iriiv;t l»s t \trhrl In mi pi * mi* »n 1 s i .illnn:
• ,!i ■! i s , -.ns -l.i' !' •: vs * - l i-4 m * 111 c mis f»» .;»\r ,i
t ci I. un it * • *11 i ,u m if I ir i * .tilth* ’.s .tv t* * tin i sil rning t*>
i I i! M ! \ J tt U -1 'Mi! . s IH •! IIMI* M ’ < ‘ '•!>
si.tfn »n^ lui.Hiun
( it !t ! . in twi si l . • ' h.i! •- d! p.it ! > •!
dir I iu u it i vi,nir p< * * j»1 < v%h«*
.IJ Ij >!\ pi IVM if < to fiiiisic ' i 11 r» ' > > I *< Hut !»S
.itui j.ugr tim'.its Ho i tit m i\ii t lion t
fl.tpjjl U ill v.ml |*1 , »! I j» I! i fs ,1 I »
ullMHUI i in % ohvinmU f I \ 11 * tj tl! up. lip
thru mum<
I ),t\ t K . .i i f i r - - •'h *u' di! rt It h
flit Null H«>p ill V |t vimpi’. VV) 11! * 1
lOttldtl f ntu .1 -tin » *sit Xt I -It 1 i* * i
still Ss Hit >'h< f s i !» • • I' - Vs h I Vs,mi • i H IP ?* ■
fill II* Villi
Hut ‘ * f h» i N in ih* !!iih!( imiustj*. \;u
i < *! 11 41 imho i \ {, ' h j.i fitr ! "I 11 > o Vs !!
I il til }s< \1 I i ■! | *s j , * » «>!*»{< 111 v M III* 1'
ihfMs tin tndrjK tiurni iiiuvh n.iv** m.tjot
J.lhfK fHit'V In j I < •!} t i J ill i! 'tilt I >n :. fill
Vu ik i .ii» f H < * iff Upf • 11
' | !v< j.ut s' in s p ■,11 • <1 if hut •miHii
ilitrt tois dun i v%.nit to s< i k .uivihuiu
tlrw Hid th* v don t w^iit !»* iirlp
IIH <-ii! a;M Mm ;• i »j • MUM i 11 IJ i
11 f VS in s.llf i If V>,< |r -o Mt I s .Hid iipf n niin«lrii
i ixnmil. the \ would hr ih|«- to vi\ in t j>ioin«>U I I u» k
\ol| \ Olll IIIUMt Vll.isll .mil | II) llo* ^olll^ lo pi.lN It
I < ' s« • ,1 : \ k I h »! I • du!' i > *
i ikf ,! j.! { * ' • ol'f 41 i idi* ■ tii < < k drill* .tit d i tli in
< o||i m< !.k{i«. is iisoxth » vlii'df nt\ .s.mtin*; !.. hi
i * n »| S«. it!!*, s.ik! < )f;t . ; . joint d u>i( ' i':* ■? s ■- »'i him fit
thought Itr * • Mild 4* t i.ud I lt.it d‘MMi t \hovs usu h itilrn si
Hi i .jt.lt*»
I ullc-i i.idio tit* ir.d* j * ndi t vi*. *■« • » ,*
m vs imiMi l! i Nl.ttioli mi f :.ikiti4 i hm» ii • h in • x tin n vin
tin n shiMildh ■ In « vjM iti d to ?.dr !m tin i.d min Shot
Hid if ',11' jlt> Hid lli it ll » \ ifi'ii 1 « «|ll i!f \s till fin >tlf '
\'- M.i'.i•;* : K• -■••!• ( »>-!•' ' • " ■ .' M.< m m ;: • '1 . '
dir ftii>|U'N , Vs r Ns i Mild M'U ( l«i< k f Hilt I |>oj js< mi ,i jdlN ol
\it\ iti-i u « *»r«lx