Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1992, Page 9, Image 21

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    Bugsy Spartan? \ \li» lug.in State 1
student was arrested nr |anuat\ bn
allegedlv opei ating -in iaiciimw
gambling ling hum his doimnon
i oom 1 hr ling, w hit h polu v s»\
spanned scvetal stales mas hast
earned hilii (mm vT'Ml to $lOOO pci
dav R ohet! Viitlom a sophomore
lotnpntci si iciu r ma)«n at MSI i>
t barged with t onspuat v to gamble. a >
seal Irlnm, and keeping a gaming
loom, a ‘2-vcai intsdeiueanoi said
MM Department **! Rubin Salt Is I I
Bill W tidwell I'nllit said \aid"i:i
look bets t mm slut It ills on * ollegr and
pioiessional sports Suite Vtnbuu '
Jan • aitcst, l>oln c base seized SJ.nu"
along with die student's hunk a* < omit,
belling tci olds and bis mothci s ( .it
1 he total sci/uie t ould be subsian
Hat. saiti IM'S Del jojm MM alidicss
I In it is an unbelievable amount ol
evident» we base to silt thmugh. \\<
will all b< siupllst d how big ibis leallv
was \ 11 ( audit ss sanl flu gambling
netwoik was tied Iroiti Fast l ansjiig to
1 leii• -u. Saginaw Va!Ic\ State l (*rand
\ .dies State l and 1 as \ egas I'oln c
said lbe\ also siispei ! othci Ml( higait
miiu-tsities weie involved \ssisiunt
l s Attorncv Biian lb-lanes said
Naidone mav have violated the h/deial
gambling statute anti • ould he held
liable lot thousands in ha k lax
pawneitts In addition. all ot Naidone s
piopeitv t. ould he seized, said
Mli hfgan ( hlet Drjiutv heasuiel Ni*. k
Rhouii VS t hast the power to tak<
« setAilmig he owns khoun said. \\t
have bn latl jx >wci s to seize assets to set
that the stale let cist s the moiiev
< < lining to it a Jt it 1 k m / *'> Vn->
\ea Michigan Slate I
\ i t is stale judge has det l.uedthe
lexas Highei Fdiii atiiMi Stxtern
tiniuIiMltilltoli.il hei .him its lliiji.inii"'
.nr denied i qual ,11 i e i s in ij tut I il\
hlgliel eiilK.tllnii St.lte Dntili l |lldgc
Hell I Ulrsll |l Idled Hi JailUalt th.ll
iiliivetsines in South lexas eijietl.ilh
III the Imitlei legion. lie ststelliallt alls
underfunded " I he 1 egi.xlaune li.n
Killed to make suitable ptuvixiofis h>i
the supttoM ami ol maiiltfliain e ul an
eltu lenl st stem of ptibht tinlvei sines
the |int tei dii t said Nonna < antn
i eg lutia I loutlsel lot the Mrxican
\rneinaii 1 »-)»,iI Defense said this
underfunding denies I esas llispunit s
,ii i ets to masteis and dot total
pi ogtanis I lie state, linnet el plans |i i
ajijieal the teidn 1 I he deleiidaiits
aigued that existing funding is
etpulahle and letietsed regulailt to
ensuie fairness and that the Highei
I tluialiun ( iiui di h i11ng Hoat d
allot ates jitogiums jiistlt lexas
Ntlornes (>eneial Dan Motales
dlsagit t s Me have a stsiettl ol publu
highei t dm anon that is inequitable,
that is unlai!." Motales salt) < It.nit
mu slate must do mme to inxtite
eouttt " ■ Stephen ( ava/os 7 it -
Piu\ i'u I of 1 evas Sail \ttlonio
VI.. .1 ii..ti
i*if »iu<! if) ‘In .1 him iMMi tlumig *t.'
S 1
lilt; i-Mlr • tin ti ll..Ill ihl' frini win !i
{Jirvirui-w ,ili.)i!i.m Hnm 'mmii I
M Til. i In '.-.m: u-i|I ■ h. ; ■ i■ . ,
: 1 : li 1:« ! i, .11 : :i ( .in'. ! ■ ■ ■' !i i I • ‘ ■' " .!•
• I'm m>ii i» i! li.iMlniif ■•m. i
; < !l I I i| Vi : ■ : : ■ I >11 : II ■ 'll; i nr '
I li'WfM'l , till I Mill 1 II. I . I h.. ill* 1 Ml -M i
. I til. it In I'UIUII: K • " U nil I 1 ! >
i null * *\« f M.ii i if. i si* Ml >n i) i * h r-sl »iish« «! i
. . »n>U5tn!« M; il (i^li* u* pt is ,,h v t« m .% < - I' -4 il
S • i < ) • » • l < . ; •« s ■ ■!!. ' ■. 1:' > R» i ' <' '■ '■ • ’
vs • ih i ■ ? w I !; i,t! ;S ‘ 1 . hi 1 , I >
! i.l I hi |)c .. 11 U : ■. 1 - • p i * ’ ■ 1
t!i< \ .1^.1111'! 'il* Il .* Il! i" • S' hIlls ?hr
RrpilMi* .U)< mi f m ’hr ju<rvs ot I rv»>1 Hllrp
ilirU j»Luh »l 111
\\ <i nu hi! * I *• '' ■ *'* !.*'!• ■ •: 1 • - *' *f ■ - 1
hi t pi. • !.;■ *! h . Ippi ■! •'' Supi« n > < 1' ■ i - :
JUSH.U tel|.. ; 11*! uphi.i.t Kim Y\ ..ih
'In * * i i ’ i n >ull h< in ; >i *i i w w vi Mf
Make sure your road trip proeeeds without a hitch.
s. ■metimcs road Mips cun he .1 little mure udwnturoiis tit.in you
expect tliriii in he Which is why x<>u should always park youi 1/A/ (.(tiling
(iinl its .ill \« \ 1 iiceh in make a tall from almost anywhere to anywhere
:s tin- least cxpensiw was to call state to stale- on MAI when you t an 1 dt;
Punt \nd \.m'l! he mi netted to the reliable service votive tome to expect
from MM I he l'/AT( tilling ('.uni* It's the best route to wherewt you're pomp
(.«•( .111 11AI ( tilling ( tint tod.it < .til I Slid (iS i 0 i~l I \t ll).