Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Guns and schools
are a deadly mix
You just never know when you’ll need a gun on
school grounds, or so suy Olympia-area gun rights ad
A measure to bur everyone, not just students, from
carrying guns to school is now being considered in
Washington. Presently, only elementary and secondary
school students cannot bring deadly weapons onto
school grounds
This action was prompted by several incidents
where adults and non enrolled juveniles have brought
guns to school to threaten and attack students and
Gun rights advocates object to the bill, saying it
would unnecessarily encroach on tin- rights of gun ear
ners. especially those c out erned about their safety
Simple logic holds that if guns are outlawed from
school in the first place, there would be no reason for
worrying about one's safety Two plus two equals four;
no danger, no need for guns.
Of (.nurse, danger vs ill continue to exist in the way
of school-ground confrontations and problems, but
when guns arc taken out
o! tltc equation from the
beginning, they aren't
needed to finish the prole
lent either
When one introduces
deadly weapons, or in this
east;, continues to allow
Two plus two
equals four; no
danger, no need
for guns.
them in be legally curried onto m bool grounds, he or
she is asking for trouble Why? Ueeau.se in a play
ground selling, guns are an accident waiting lo happen
a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts
If (fie appearance of guns on campus is the prob
lem here, tlu' answer isn't the continued authorization
of more guns, but no guns.
taunted, there will always be people who bring
guns to school, regardless of the law. and it's these
characters the gun-toting advocates are justifiably con
cerned about. However, isn't it better to strive for the
ideal of no guns at school (where they don't belong in
the first place) than to settle for everyone and his or her
brother packing their .45 to class?
This no doubt boils down to a rights issue. Threat
en to take away an American's rights and expect a fight
to the death — even if it doesn't make sense to exercise
that right. Part of keeping all our rights intact usually
means defending them down to the wire; many of us
are afraid th.it should we lose a segment of those rights,
the rest will surely follow.
And so the Second Amendment, the right to hear
arms, is defended in this ease, no doubt with the inten
tion ol protecting the issue on a whole Hut examined
closer, it's obvious it wouldn't be the* best idea to exer
cise gun t arrying rights in this instance. Think about it:
(iuns and schools just don't mix.
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Write a Czech
Our warmest greetings to all
of you There are four of us. I
Zdcnek am 12, mv wife Kia is
l*l, daughter Barbora is 1 l and
son Zdellku Is 7
We would like to correspond
with people from your lovely
i ountr y
Only three months ago we re
turned bar k from our lire years
star in India Mr foreign as
Mgnmelit to ( oinmeri ial Nei
lion of tie Czechoslovak fan
liassr took place in Bombay
and Delhi
I am going to answer every
interesting and creative letter
Your enclosed picture will gel
mine The door of our home
will stay opened to everyone!
who shall dec .life to drop a few
lines to Us
Zdenek Brlica
Wolkrova 21
851 01 Bratislava, Czechoslo
Anatomy 101
Regarding Big (: h y
Krondo \dair. 11 )!>!.' I eh 25). I
suggest that Big ' h. A study .i
little more physiology Castra
tion has nothing to do with a
male erection Erection Is
i aused by the male penis Idling
with blond and not some test;,
ular fluid licit real lie! rid of
Bob Barzee
Exiled Duck
linti'raid headlines an
nounewl OPS officer hand
c uffs ami arrests University
professor I thought, wlnit
has happened to the tradition
of friendliness on this campus?
1 too have experienced rude
ness, humiliation and intimida
tion from OPS officers Ms sin
was to s.iv "Hello” to a student
who hail been on tenant a
short time ago He complained,
and the OPS issued me a letter
of trespass Now I'm in that
special subclass of c itizens of
whom it is required to have
OPS permission to be on cam
How did OPS arrive at that
decision? 1 was not allowed to
c onlest ms ac i user’s testmions
nature of his complaints until
several months liiti'f After srv
era! more months of protesting
I iv.is nntifu-d the punishment
st.in.ls ami ! should quit i otn
plaining Tile process used fits
/..lire better than Oregon I'm
After 17 years lieing a Dm k
donor and season tii ket holder,
I'm no longer wellnine on cam
pus unless ! have pro arranged
permission Consequently. I'll
not donate money or time nor
bus season tickets 1 he four
members in mv family who
also attended the University
will do the same Some blends
and t. .liner tenants have joined
my ! 'niversity boycott
Security is important, but
flow v\ as that endangered when
I said Hello" to a student?
Once friendliness was an hotl
oreci tradition here Hopefully,
the budget crunch will necessi
tate a renewed interest in
friendliness and public: rela
tions Then, maybe I'll again
consider myself an Oregon
Jacob Veldhuisen
BS 58,; MA'64; Ph D. 73
Hear, hear
Hen- here for Anthony
Stumbo s Not a crime' letter
i )Pl l ob -’8)i It takes real
guts to stand up to such a
large majority wh sc- stance is
hi opposition to your own, es
pec lallv when the opposition
seems to Is- sullertng from tun
nel \ isioii and a me me syn
Hu- problem with Oregon's
tax struc ture and its consequen
tial Measure 5 is not tfle meas
ure Itself, but the wav the state
so heavily taxes the personal
property owner and then frivo
lously wastes those tax dollars
Until the state learns to oper
ate efficiently, as those they tax
must (Operate, then the state's
unfair and esc essive tax system
will alwa\s tie under siege
What the citizens of this state
want is not limiting higher edu
cation, park improvements or
improvements to the state's in
frastructure, but a statu govern
ment, which like its private
business counterparts, gets the
job done with two-thirds the
budget and without sacrificing
tiie ({Utility or quantity of ser
vices prov ided
This is whiit the citizens ol
tiie state have been demanding
from their elected offic nils lor
years, yet these officials, time
and time again, have not taken
up the t ailing Measure r> is the
unfortunate set only avenue
our citizens have felt they had
leit Mavis- now our elec ted of
ficials will accomplish what
their constituents have been de
manding from them for several
years a I,nr, act ountahle and
equitable tax system
Daniel T. Frank
Bad example
Dear M > lt*s brand.
Thank you for your attempts
to save higher education in this
state from ruination by the < on
sequences of Measure !>
However, 1 am not sure that
your t,u tiis are going to win
tiie buttle I understand that
leaders lead is-st by example,
but your examples leave much
to lie desired
Win did you spend so much
money on treats for the mayor.
Ins wife and other city offii nils
to go to a football game' Why
did you let the sculpture out
side the new athletic fuc ihty be
removed at a cost (by donation)
of more than S.10,000?
You should remember stu
dents pay significant sums of
money to run this university
Surely us the president of
this institution, you should set
an example Show students the
sacrifices you will make in or
der that it is indeed open to all.
not pist the privileged, wealthy
A first step would be to do
nate a proportion of your salary
to programs facing the worst
Roger Harris
Biology department
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writer must be verified w hen the letter is submitted.