SPORTS Byme sliced from Florida AD search By Dave Charbonneau fl!i«,lsl rf t S Reporter Athletic (iimctor Bill Byrne is slaying ut (Irrgon ()ri Tuesday. I* lurid.1 n.1 r rowed a fluid of five finulisls down lo three for the vac ant position id athletic, director, and Byrne a finalist was not on the list Byrne was nuni mated for the job at Honduend interviewed for It two Weeks ago The three candidates still in the running lor the position are interim athletic difec tor Jeremy i'olc\, Dave Hurt Jr , cd hast (iar oliliu. and Mas link, of lovs a Stati Dr Nick ('assist, who was c Imirnian of the athletic hoard in c l arge of narrow ing the field to three, said it Was a Very cfifli c ult dec isiori to iHiiki "Bill Was ,1 \ er V slit in;: c .mil I date. ' t assisi said It w asn'l that lie didn't have tie cpiali Ill-S I 111'! I' Wl’ll I 111, III g ill i ' things that Use committee Iri! tin' other i andlduli s hud that fit better at i iorida (’.isM-st was ohsiuusly hard' pressed to find .1 reason Byrne was eliminated from the. :.n ■ "You rant gel fivi'"people I fill).. I ll fee spot S . ' he said Bill s one of the Bright stats out there It V roe said last w IT k. he thought he was a long-shot for the position M \ i : ii.ii*. ..! j’. h* job ate remote he s.i id Its me also point's) out that if be if id no! pi ! thr 1 !• a ida jolt, lie planned to sla■, at ( >■ * s’■ a: and 1 1 insider future . b offers as they t time to hllll "I am not out m • » mg oppi>r. toll tiles I,. get a W \ from 1 lie 1 mversilv." Hi rne said Sandy V\ ..Bon. senior .,■■■ lant athlete direr tor at Oregon •.lid she was surprised, hut i■ 1 US i d . sill Will Still get to w : a s Bill Byrne in tin* '..itnc liliii i- ivith H\ rm’ I t.m 1 hcln'i*■ ihrv'fi- mil lure U s.iui But I ni gluB in 's st.i\ .ng V, .• . w ss ! s • i IV .1 den ting in now (the (.asanc ttf) Bvrnc took over as athletic liirn tor lit Oregon in lflflt Me has seen the football learn re til h two I onset Utive bowl games, helped the athletic department get .1 new facility and watched the Docks' overall budget jump from Sf> million in 19M5 to SI 1 l million In I9 a \ ear Florida's scare h started with til candidates who Were liar rowed down to five by the hoard I ’ lit v ersit v I’res ident ! i.Mi Loiiibardl will make the fi lial sell linn from the three re maining candidates sometime this month i* k i \ c 11* i i s »t soi \ i) m i i k i m i: \ i i s \ i s i i \ <. WHY YOU SHOULD START PLANNING FOR RETIREMENT WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. IJ\'f irlin’im-nl ti> l»t ! h» : mi. . i h.iN «• !«» ii i i .lip. a lit t l< .JmuiI J < till! UHI »( t U\ .1 \ ' \s a n t o 1 11 > < 1 n t1 .i \ «■ l »■ \ | »ii >i.u t a I * 11 s i n < ■ ■ • Just ini.u'inc W 11 h . i J i r .11 n . i n t! .» j * L i n s * M i l ! : ' . l k i happen 'torn |i« iiMun am! Sm i.ii No unt sluitiiil iirm nlr .i i.*-»> h vt * u »f’s v It V I '.tsu i cl ii rinriil >m cim hu! v* -iK.uil all l h. *'I rxlr.js i hal make \ **ui lirrams jh»smMc ’ Non tl f»i nhal*l\ it mi muiii .»«i .ur r.n\ you make v on 11 i hut ions through \ our m\t it ut ion Ketoi r \ our l.nn .tic v ak ulated. so uni pas less tax now Y mi pas no t a \ on \ 1*111 . »I\ . \ I IMII I Il'llIlt'liS i 4iui r.41 nin^s until you I incnr (firm as muxnr £ \n*l saving ir^ului l\ ^ mean* votir t ontnnu t ions uiui t hr 11 r.11 nine's ^ nry? Ensuring the future for those who shape it.“ ' f^| v;mW» »••■-> • « * • * ‘ - ‘f-’ t -* *k* f*t «--v! * > i-v = - - V‘. «<.' i'Vl »■ i t > an athl up <|uu kl\ \\ h.»t r m .tk* SK \ • . j M .»! ‘ \ hr « a t . >f allot alum , htMt r h inn t hr saJrt y ot 1 ! \ \ It* (hr in\ rM men! ,u « ount * <>l i k I I s \ .tf -.a Mr annult \ no sales i h.u a \ .if irt \ «>t \s a\ s to in n \ c im omr mi liuiiiu 'annuli n*s pa\ iiiriil s *»\ rr a f i \ rd pr t )Oil ui i ash N mi flia\ also he able to l»m jow .uMimi vour SR A .tv i urmiial ion before s ou irtu r \!l this plus the top investment manage ment that has helped make ! 1 \ \ ( Kl I the largest i ot ire me nl sv stem m the » mint i \ So star t ill earning and planning tm the time ot s mu hie Met a use l hr sooner \ mi staM \ out SK \ the pirate i v ou s.i\ in*,"' .mil sour retire ment \\ ill he /. ** SI \K I 1*1 WMMi I OK I III 11 Ml C)l Mil HI II I . mow. I «.■ !irr I ! \ \ l Kl ! V 4 r • < \ ' , K I *« * •. II \ \ l kl \ I •«> I I* i r 41 \ r i > . - r V ‘ k S'! » - 1 S00.H-4J 27M. » V. ... hriti , 4 SOU. Rough road ahead for the Ducks I he absence oi iwo w s could cost the Oregon wom en's basketball team two Ws The Ducks will be playing their final two road games without the services of Staid Wallen born and Sara Wilson, two of tin? tcuim's top players A foot injury has likely sidelined Wilson for the rest of the season, a n d t h e d e a t h of Wullenborn's brother will keep her from making the trip. The losses come at a had time. too. as Oregon travels to Stanford tonight and Cali fornia on Saturday, two of the best teams in the Pacific 10 Conference At 42-4 over all and 12-4 in the league, the sixth-ranked Cardinal is first in the Pac-10, and the C.olden Bears. 10-7 and 10-5, arii third in the conference Wallonborn, one of only three Oregon players to see action in every game tills season, is the only Du( k to score in double figures in all of Oregon's 14 conference games She is also the team's leading scorer at 15 4 points a game. l m MJiuui ft- i.'immi, « .j • year-old Duke Wallenhorn, died suddenly Monday The Associated Press reported Tuesday he died from cardl ai arrest as .1 result of VVolff 1‘ark m son-White Syndrome, from winch the chances of dying are less than one in 1,000 Duke Wallenhorn pjaved n.iskulbuli at Western Wash ington, tvhme he was the Vi kings leading scorer Wilson and Wallenhorn s are merely an addi tion to a long list of missing platers that just keeps grow ing It's a list that is becom ing fairly commonplace for loach Llwin Heiny's club, which has utilized 12 differ enl starting lineups going into tills w eek's games i at ing Stanford tonight .it less than full strength is probably the last tiling Ore gon wanted to do at this point in the season The Cardinal lias beaten the Dui ks nine consecutive times, dating buck to Ore gon's inti7 win in Palo Alto, and the Ducks' last victory in Berkeley was four years ago lronir ally, though, Oregon has a hotter road rec ord this season than it does al McAr thur Court The Ducks ure 8-5 on an opponent's court, but they are only (i-5 in fclu geno Create ycur own \, s FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS PHOT OS •ARTWORK MICH QUALITY IMACII A MRf ICT Cl FT JBr Jhttar kinko'i a •mi un urn *vi IMIal M • *«£> v