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A I v fcsiHKuibli: I«*« muiv than I »Us '» UU« III'i l illH Hinii 11 \ i +i ikl IU< fVi4li * us i*l the < ni*f by i f> «»i i*n ihc lias iKi fuil mM'ftum Ih< 01)1 vaimi‘4 N habit J> i an afTM«ilU p.iralff lh.m tin am. uni paid lot mih adscrliiing Refunds Sillily IlltilU'd U» cli'dil I .-n!s V - , ash ii fuinli ss :: K II •.n d aftef ll.. 4«i iK adltm ('ii diii mini Ik uu d sv iiliiii b months .4 issue O r [ >\»* iiumhi BHN I IB«X» L>p I own [>own Town a « a : >r •• » .1 " a».M ' A ' M *V ’ b»l-' The Gentlemen of _AT_ HEY! MUt TIPIJ SARCASM P»d•«• x3 Your No»l »nd A«hl«y p» Ric* f«c# punt. *p*n ui' itO LOST 4 FOUND LOST *■> I U . 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WRITE TODAV 2io HELP WANTED ulort u T^!of■ y uj you' Ot'i/’' s ag cos’!» & pru.Oo ttOO 788 c*J52 y#nt*d Computt#' nsM?>:a ; « *0# PC I fit it* U)f5*U'W T'.i 'a o-’wo#* I4u»***» . ?> 10 frrvVi« I an t: •» , * « «» <46 V V 20S OPPORTUNITIES Chinese*, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Indonesian, Thai, Man h I 10 [all vr.tr pri^r.uii'. in C hma. ,,ir ,■ C'/r*ho»lovakia, Hungary, Poland Manti In t .ill M iiH-slrr pn^r.im> ui Indiinmj, I hail am! jm! \ irtnam \j-ril 1 ‘•vinimvr (.ill ii-.if ltHi|! priyuni nn DIS ,il Um\t r-.i!v > ! l ffsMihdtfrn illinnuitl \>-ri! 1 'n-.ir it,f.t!i.ui(;i-- .i! Tamfs-rt* Umvervity 41 inland). Oh Hrt'rvw UmvrrNily t*! ItTu^iit in (lurarl i. I hr truver.it v t■! I In- ! .it itu (I i|i), tiimnn r pny.ram in lVruyy.1 i Italy I M.1V lrt |-,iii term III ‘ tfi 1.1 (llalyi atui I .-iklon 1 upland' Studv Abroad —Think About It! f, >r more in t» >rn .»t i. ntact the Ottu v wt InUrnatn nal NTOt.'s n Hall Financial aid can be utilized Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU The Chick XX .XX 045sr ;MtW KKOU/ I ^H/ST l V -O ' V K'spcf a &Muex r&eess 'V.V? STYLISH V'yACIOUS r* ',1 'V4 roue* Of vuw/' •^. ; •>• ’h~”v •«*< vti i ^4\ • ?p PoemoN xxjfisei / Tht 4C A.''hC5 5H0UL pf&u "~\* *a ?“■ re & /a” 4. ,*& .c4vr Ttf.v TPfci.nt 'CL’fJA. ARB iAjrA’ KI *i*jy y,07 4 ■ U&TtMATt t ■ ■ »" S» -• ^ /> ^4 y^f - • ^ A /. •“r WITH A PUSH-UP &PA WHATEVER yOU A6P& WITH my Conan7