Oregon Daily THURSDAY, MARCH 5,1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 114 IFC spending clip may force student fees higher j If student enroll ment drops, incidental costs could rise above current $103 per term By Kirsten Lucas Emerald Reporter At the rate the Incidental Fee (ionintlttee is going this budget season, students i an expet t to j>uv higher lees next i, ear I'he IFC. which is about mid wav thi ugh Vts I'l'i- '• I buiigot vviiMin, lias dIlo( ali'd morn nnuu'V this year than las! fur the s.mu' programs II lilts budgrling trrnii um Iuimis and I'lirullu.i'ii! drops hi v! war as ar.lii ipali-d. this ( i at Id Illi'.ill Il'Wl'f siudi'llts Will l i ar a grvali'r burdrri to sup p..rl i \islnprograms tiimugh ini ri'.iscd UK idenlai In s This vrar. tail fi sImIi’iiI paid $ 1 0.1 per I<• rin in tan idi-iil d 11vs lm liliv.lal Ire luiiii.'l slip purls a tula I of 77 AM () pm grams tilt! allilflii di'partmrnt. tin' i.Mr; 1 .'Si) ,md tin- i ampus rn v< ting program" tSiudcnls p.iv an iiiiiirtiutial s', S so tor tin- si mi, nt ! h-.illh (irnii r iiml SIH Ml ! •; a nt.i!• • in.imil!tint building 11• i• ) i . s .11!' li.r.i it i!IJ II ( I' I .ilhn .limit'. ,m.I .s! id. nil fill .>11 irtv I i s a III I ill- v t v so s i-ninil ini'nl tigun-s .in uiu \ rl.im I hr jil.tr I '!'(.• 'll , linn .1 rstl tjl.itr frum the I !mw Jsitv !U;dg rt ( mil r IS 11 •,% I :: S t.. 100 .OsI 17.000 i'hrsr liguri s ri'i'ri'M'nt a rtingo ih.it h.is In rn c li.ir.iclrr i/rd .is 1 OjillJiilstii l»v 1 hr budgrt uflii is iiml "on rr.lihU n.nvf and tuifraiistu " I •. Il l' It.. ! s;r! .Aii.ilv v': ■ \ i \t ,i -..it .inti lumuittlrr (lha i t woman I \dt.i 1 i rm.i M.r.al. W ; ■■ :;; i i til .1 ;!, I Kudgfl iiltii c about .’ll timi'N to i','1 til.- t'Cl.: 'll i • i;: i it;:: i ■ -: 11 < 11 - mail's, Milt lllf figures til.' lit. I'm.i! 1a ia ‘l m : 111:11: tlliu alltU higher tliall liiitriiirfs he heard liver the {ilioiic V\ i re Ii.ivmg list'., ai' v i lling in mi a liutnl’ii. - a i.i t ii i v rr •• 11 s H udget 1) i r ei lot Irimt Hjif.idling I'hne ati' a f i l:; i u).' Lydia Lerma Duck Call registration breaks down again jMiier i.ouu siuuui us were rescheduled just last week, second shutdown affects 200 more By Lisa Mii'egan • .ikl A--'-.: ,:’e ! l1 >f The University registration system On k t . i :. ki- ili.'wn .igain Tuesday night, just one ii.iv after i! had Ihx'ii repaired University staff were ah!r get this system going again by \\ ed Ilesd.l . ISH lining About dOO students Hi-rn tin able iu register between r' 1 a and B p in. i urMlav I.hu j > i l I . \ i . i • t '• i > * • 1 students wore after led and sumo student registration times wore resi heduled .is a result nf the problem. The tilliversits -.!.1!I worked from r> p m rtmrsd.iv In It p in Saturday tu lie the s\ stem After I'uesti.iv night s shut down, University personnel i ailed the l iuliforiiia nninulai turer of the database that sup p. ; Is Dm si ad !' r ! • ip Staffers trimi Oracle's (lafifor nia office were aide to assist University personnel With re pairs through advice over tin; 1 ■ s ( ail was operating again Hlv.wvi'i 1 iiio eiLs ti< ;. irar Herfi ( hen i k -.. . 1 . .11. i University staff nor the datu ! ; si s 111.Hi.i '.it lull r i IS aclly vvfiat is i.i ising !!n- sys ten break I, v\ ns ffe sa.it the :: -; in, i . ' DUCK CALL - . e OPS defends oolicv j Aggressive bike ticketing called nec essary tor pedestrian safety By Ltsa M egan t"u'a : AiUiC al« : J.! < Ufspiii' rot unt i:i)tilrovt:rs\ over t.ampus Mn.urily's han dling ul Intuit' violations, thf Offiui ul Lublit S.ifrU main tains it Is doing a ffusunubir job. Last wii'k, t.ampus Maturity taint: until-r lira alt<-r an uffitrt Itantitiuflfd ti-i-ycar-i;Iti I’roffs sor John liffhf tn.lim .t.g an ar guiiient over <1 tm vt.ii' citation Public Safely Ollicer Otis Star borough maiic llu- arrest after tin- professor ran mtu firm with Ins bike hollow mg the nil liient, sev er.il students wrote letters to tfie I'mrr.iltl complaining the tin er tiM'il exi essiVe force Don Lee. as sot late director ol i ampus si i antv. s.mf he la lleves tile oil iter acted appro priately under I lie circum stances "Tile officer at lli.it particular time thought it was rut sal V to do that lor his prolet lion and lor tin: protection ol the nidi jf” to BIKES i ;>■ I High anxiety jm \ TOGETHER 1 Campus interracial couples are not physi cally threatened, but they do face prejudices See COUPLES. Page 4 BYE-BYE BOB Presidential hopeful Sen Bob Kerrey is expected to withdraw his bid for the Demo cratic nomination today, close aides to the senator say Set POLITICS, Page & BILL STAYS Florida eliminates Bill Byrne from its list of athletic director final ists See SPOfUS, Page 12