Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Duck club baseball
jumps back after loss
By Matt Benck,r
t'nt'.i .1 C '
The Oregon tduh hisehal!
team bounced hark from •
tin- first game til a douhleh hi
er against West* rn Baptist t <im
munity College 1 1 ti to ton t!»’
second game .10 Tuesday after
noon at Lane (immunity Col
The game tvas supposed to
fie play mi at Stieldon H igh
School hut was moved at the
last second. Duck manager Me
vein Scki said
The Due ks w’oii the s-. oral
game with good team defense
and a tremendous pitching per
formance In haitl throw mg
right-hander Chris Conway
Conway allowed jlist one hit
and no runs in six innings of
w ork
The game was called bee arise
of darkness alter the top oi the
seventh inning, in which Con
way was roughed up lor lour
runs, so ihft top u( the \ • rs• 11
innmg was ar.isrd, U-.ivmgt n
wav with an imprcssur t>:;r In!
I unU.1', -.V .IN .put ►. : ! '
in[ *nst' Kir ! l.-- vs i: .
. ■ v hit me pri’iIv I .1
hr said. !m! till' halls raw: !
out--of till? If)field
• hr Um N N ini lk ill! V .lilt lit' . I.
n. irr:>- vvihl pi!( hilig !r a; W Mt 't
ill list.' mn iirui g.iMlf ti. arnip at
in itl ■ ally h'.iii i hr i )i., ks !
Kit 1 Ninth's fitiin third has'-ninn
(.ring Boling .mil si'tond ! ..si
man Doug Braski-t : ia :t; r
run .\ as si orcii w hen r ■ r
!i 'iiii r Tmi Mwii.ii-v si a: :
.i vv .hi pile h
itl" VH tot V w as i's a,.. : ,|;A
s\\ lilt, it (tie ! >u , ks ; .a a :
VVr t a It tiiw is 1-1 t ..hh.ng
aur fai rs in it tin' !;tsl gann .
Srk i said
I u as gi-id to si a .is . .ant'
o n k to Ain altar wh.it hap
|;rnrd in the first gatin'.’ hr
. ;
Duck second baseman Travis Cover tags an opponent during Tuesday % doubleheader
fftp Ducks maturity, togetherness and communication
on the held helped the team to a -4 victory over West
ern Washington Saturday
Ducks strive for championship with victories
By Steve Minis
• -’ .f I < ! ’ •! ■■ t '
I hi’ Oregon : .gin (ea.-i. ! :nj :• •■.! !m ►. :i 11 • ! ■■ 1 :
herih lli the West lhmi . . ; ;..: i w i: i - I t
titrv over V\ stem \V.e.: ’ ■ m S-.l mlay
Tills is .1 v«•! v S.il sty mg wm (Ifrguii head cihh h
Hi S. Snv<|iT vii.l \\ :• 11* ! • :1 : ..! '
I in 1J.. is .ii'. n w i, w
games left they must win both ul llirm ' > have >
• !: inco .i! quiiltfyim' foi it-.. : , :rn.imri:; in ! m V. : :
Saturdays )4,inn- gni ,i!t U) i s’.ns start • both teams
hint trouide moving • .iiiin•;img it.' t . . ITm brst
bleak of tin garni' w n! : ul i), • :>.im
stole an in-bounds pa-.s on liif tint v io! i s .,i:.i dove
,n ro-.s if it - gi <sl. giving (hi- Din k- ill' id
it:.- >. lot wards .. i'.\ I U
Ion mi almost every scrum. .uni ii paid ul! w,:h Hi nun
.. ! i'!; i: w I :: V ■ ' w I
t ... ■: ’ ’.'
was up I i ill U
Our forwards played Well, a • -. o,.eh t ...
Smith said "They're one of ihe best Uiiils ill the
\\ uni , . inn nl ihn liny i amn
' ! •■ ' > H: : : ' ' t .1
• h in,’, n 1 r, , (tilting lit.- 1r.nl to
■ S
nn-iiu; i' i!li’- ill!. !i i nmi- whr'n fin-gun's
i'iui.i- mn 11.inn v. i' i • iur ,t try ■ ! t, > ■ l.i-.t play ill
ii. , i! ... g.iv-u On-gun all tin- niur.it-utuin
/. : ■ : ' . t !: :: ’ u i -il l u l Ac
: . . ■[ \\ !. a ! i W .i-.li if igl 5 '11 -, Is
, :i ili, p.,; tl,i n.,11,1- away 15 mimiU into tin
. U \\ 11.i■ -1 -• in11 in t!11■ i[
■ I ( i ■ ' • k . i I. 1 in 11
. •; u i ' i:..i aiiili-ii two
: .,:.• l : : i.i hi,a! m.ift'.ilt nl y n turv .nut tin'
th. ►. . h ut ihrir tifsl h'agu*- Will
. : : ; illlr.l tin- tfalii ■ iii.iiurily anil Uigi'tliiTin-ss
, ... nty WIi.-ii (lit- y • v, i- li.tn I 11 -1
,i -,v i t , . ml I ii u h.!'. .i lul In illi with l ummimii ,i
Sinn ‘
1 ■ .ii ,(1 at
!.i .st ( i-ntrai U ish at Si HI III
, :. . ■ , i . um = ,. in |! i. s. i-,u; i , i yyr* k -.
. U sll I llglun Vat
Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen
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Weasel’s World
Kraig Norris
A*ontR might a t.v.
ho* x *x at? -At w
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