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S Tun st Si r i lit s !-Iin<* of do ! :i■ i forest fins Before replur «■• vs .i s .i fire lookou t on must high moUntaintops ,ii russ I In n.iinin.iT lorrst s of the Northwest iiii Uinkuills t illlli 10 .1 v .irit» ty ol shapes .mil si/. but uti fort untile IV' only u f* ■»% remain, tlie rest having l« < ri dismantled In tin' Iori st St-rvui One of tin most Interesting ol the lire lookouts still standing Is the HOlool metal and wood tower atop i >11.*1 loot Sudd leblunket Mountain a high ridge (jetween tin I-at I (.reek and Willamette Kivu'r drain.igrs in tin- Old l us ( aiies yv cst ol hugene Dcspiti In ng just an easy ] -5 mil< ifum lhr ni*iin i f ,i ,ii Lou i'l Blankrl Shi ltrr, , uu 11 hat '■ to p : l:r appro.a lirs art? about . .juai in hnglh just • srr 40 nnli s hut lhr\ differ sub Htaisit.i:i\ in MiMu rv 1 he most intrrrsting. ami longrst, routo is s ia j.isprr Ufivt ■.\»st i)( LugrlU! oil ihl Mt k* ;./ i« Ki v« ; i i i jj. .j s j \ Jli and turn loft at tin jusprr • \il i it s .it . , A J.;. 11 St n it; i . j k i1 1! . ;. .. i t ■! Spn ng hvkl u‘ t follow the signs to j . : t ; t K foil’ll piss l fir small town of jusprr. .is writ as ^*•040 fcT J*f%or jASJOtfy This 80-tool metal and wood tower atop 4 , 9 6 9 ■ f o o t Saddleblanket Mountain is one ot the last ot its kind in the Northwest 12 mile. from Springfield is Hit* l ’ml) lovered hridgi which w .is built in l'l.lti Turn It*tt im mediately .ilti*r the bridge to the Fall Creek road The other approach is more direct, but not quilt* .is scenic Drive on I fi south ol Lugene to H i g h w a v fi H . leading to Oakridge Fifteen miles from the freeway turn left at tin* sign pointing to 1.ovvell Cross Look out Point Keservolr and drive through the small town of Low ell. slaving oil the Jusper-Low ell n .al Three miles from Low ell is tin- Unity bridge Junction, where tilt? road from Spring field comes in. I ollow the Fall Creek road from the bridge winding above Full Creek Reservoir Stay on this road another 12 miles, cn taring the Willamette National Forest ami F How tug Ix autiful Fa 11 Creek About one half mile from Dig IS"*i > .mipground turn left on K .ill 1H.M Follow tills good gravel road uphill three miles !u ,i four-wav intersm lion Keep straight ahead, now following l'iii Drive on l‘)(> two mill's to another junction, and lake road 1 ti2-4 Another mile on road 1HJ-» leads to the junc tion with road 142. which is tile lett (uphill) fork Take mad 142 for one mile before bearing right onto road 144 u hn h leads another mile to the trail head There is a small parking area here and a small spur trail leads to the hit tie Blanket Shelter, a primitive wooden structure with room tor four or five sleeping hugs There is also a single outhouse udjm ent to the parking area Till' trail winds through voting Douglas Kir trees, climb ing gradually hut steadily About halfway to the top the forest changes to mostly old growth trees, arid as the trail flattens out on top of a ridge wild flowers such as heargrass and rhododendron become more prevalent. Alter ill in ti i n g t w o mi ill hbar ks, views to the west ,1 ml south open up just before the tr.ul reai lies the lookout tower Although trees restrict m u i h ot t ti e v i e w f r o m Saddleblanket Mountain, the lower, which was built III 1 ’l l ) to replace the previous lookout whit h consisted of only a small platform connected to several trees, is a worthwhile enough goal The tower, while appear ing solid, is not safe and should not be climbed A loop tiike ran tie made it you i an arrange a car shuttle, as the trail continues south from the lookout lower another half mile to road 14'J. wtiic.ll is a spur road off road 1-1_’ lay sun I'K tiby is a sports re porter tor thr bmerald RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS THE MOST EXCITING FEW HOURS YOU'LL SPEND ALL WEEK. Build youi self confidence in an exciting Army ROTC elective We ll get you out of the classroom anil into adventuje Find out more. Contact Major Bob Hartnett, 1679 Agate Street, 346-ROTC ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE TOC CAR TAIL GREG BROWN (^o\\ virt\»OjO Sunday, March 8 at 8 pm, CofKion School, 18th & Agate ^\aura C=5T"C^ "V\ Ti'. Kf)!s $‘j ,. ,t . ' • . Hi! ' > 18 •eotKa ' ■ a. : . jt »<> :t t M *.t : • . • » S : :••••’ Mu'jC fRflnce PHOTO WLLAMUIt OAK fim HIGH HILL ffRRY PATTERSON HllYARP AIDER STREET y D DOESN'T LDER STREET! THE WOR END AT A Go to Franc* Photo, 1330 Willamette, for Euaene't largest supply of Agfa, Kodak, Formulary, Oriental and Fort* paper, film & fuppliti. Plus Eujtnt'i bast buy* on new and used camera* at tfell at lentet. r' TAVIORS t 13TH & KINCAID G UO BOOKSTWH r-rrnf