Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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jThe fight to end rape is a
fight for education, commu
nication and cultural change
By Rene DeCair
Erfwaid AssooauH i-:o»
Rape It's ,1 M'liMhvi' suh|c< I th.i! lew
people like to talk about
Hu! experts vs ,irn vv ith r ipe i>n the rise
unless both men .uni women le.irn to
communicate with one .mother .uni re
think their societal roles, this v iolent ,u t
against women won't go awav
Although st.itisin s vwrv .1. pen.ting on
the source, .ill groups working with rape
victims .igrevi the crime is extremely un
(Jer-re|)ortml and ix curs trequentlv
hugelie's Sexual Assault Support Ser
vices reports one in lour women will he
sexuullv assaulted during her college
vears, and the age group o! 1H to 24 veiir
olds has the most reported mi nients ol
Moreover. SASS reports Unit oi rape
victims, no percent are women or girls,
75 percent know their assailant and less
tit.ill 10 percent report it lo polite
In there, were 1.1,10 report' !
l.ipes ill Oregon.
To help hilll the ; tone e\pei Is say
funil.iment.il c hange neeiis to take plui e
in our i ;iUure w heii'!., women learn to
hr mor. asset I iv. .md tnen le.irn so re
t women
V\ h.ll. people can do IN respeet (lilt h
uther aiul ; iimiimim.iti; w itll one :
about vyhat our sevibi! wants Hi.I : - .
.ire Niliii i rin (jollier volunteer i ooi I;
iintor with NASS And people who do
have powei should respect those who
don't have pow er
'liliis rnav sound like .i tall ordei hut
( oilier and others working lor i hange
say they hid lev e that through educ ation
and hard work, rape > ,m |M' elnnm.itc!.l
I am optimistic that things will get
better bo .nisi' evervil.il ! w ork with v o!
unleers who work to make things het
ter Col her said the volunteers) an
poweilul arid stioog. I'm optimistu
that with people like that .... lai i hinge
is possible
Moreover. Nadia Ice a c a s.-it defense
instructor, who teaches what she- calls
self delense from lh«» insiit«j out. be
lic'vcs ,is«uih«. i an be minimized il pro
plr Irani general preventive techniques
When in;: hear it'oilt self-defense
vou i-.i-or .ifjutit martial arts. ielsev said
it..; : : :i.l that's riot what self-defense
is all alKiut '
Most * iv dii
tiiijucs she said, but often don't imple
ment them I'or example, she said. pth>
pic will often give out information over
the phone or open the door tit home
wit!:-Hit first looking to see who's there
You all know this stuff already, she
■.aid it's not about 'knowing, it’s about
doing it
One id the most important things
ii-N-'V tells students is to trust their ill
stools and rclv on intuition to keep
th. :n out -if .1 dangerous situation
You gel ri<i of vour Intuition, the
lu ul takes over and vou w ilk Into ail as
sauIt. she s.nd
..'ten she said. women int>r<•
li;<•.r inner vi>i< t* hei ause they do not
ks :ijt .it. hull someone s h>elingy !)f be
I’l'iliiirf.is-.i if l or example she said, the
w hi :, ki.11* .I by si-ii.il killer Teil Bundy
n,i V li.ix e In on ml III 1,1 III lu help him chi
r. Hungs to (ns i Ur when lie hiked ,i bro
ken .inn, but tfiey did It anyway
VVe ■ net’ll !u learn to put ourselxes
first even if it means hurting someone
eke s feelings., IVIm \ s.n.l b.rr on your
own I whuff
Hut Bill Hrot/niiin, eodireitur ol the
l i.: s ■ rsity s Men Against Rape s.nd
yvhut is also needed ts education tii.it
goes bt’Vond women taking self -defense
I hisses
lio. p. up, loi example. sp whs .it high
si.In ells, fraternities and other plan s to
edimile people about rape
\\ ieii t all go . .at i o ! i lk’' s.-l! ■!.
!'■ ns, . hisses hill til.it ;hi.”>!l ! . li;llp|e(e!\
pioteot them.' llrut/ni.in said I he only
way rape will end is ,1 men stop raping
Aiul tin1 only w.tv men will slop he
s.itci; is when mule anil lonude stereo
: i jn s .in- eliminated Men need to realize
th.il rape is every one s problem, he said,
: then join ihe light to initiate cultural
( hangc
llasi .illy every .ispei l of our sin lety
' i.ot's rape Rrul/m.in said i Men
who rapi'i get power II you get away
with il you could -also get recognition
from year peers Thai s a hard thing to
light '
And llmt/man said another difficult
thing is getting men interested rn the
You have men who say I’m not go
;ng io lie raped and I'm not going to rape,
therelofe, it s not my problem.'
.Urot/mun said Why would they want
to .juesti.at being on the top (of sen ie
,iri vit. bin MiCarths Irum thi
ll t! 1 rl St Uill'llls Olfi( C. wllit il S|>,msilIS
•i i.ins k h irrm i alii-ii i mating A K.i;
frrr t.nsifunmnni. i-thuril llrut/nmn s
srnlinirnts saying till' cuiluri’ »r
Inc id no-. Is lo hr t haiigrii
|Vu|ilr arr mu i.i-li/i1,1 Inti) brbrylng
turn an -.ujirmir an ! yy nntrn arr mfirri
Mit art It) 'aid it mwiiv tli.it yunri:
!!:.■ nil,I ulli ..lit ;! y. . Ir .1 WnllHltl .111.1
yir.i st.mil u11 .mil say no
V\ ■ 'I tn I to |. .irn to lie .issrrlivti
m I m n nr. ,j in ir.irn tli.it uhim wunn n
say II.) th.ry nir.lll |! stir s.ilil, .111,1 tll.lt
saying nothing .Inrsn't mi'.in yrs
I’nij a ... ,) 111■■ ,! I. limit, iitnml r.i|ii*
in >rr . I1 i; .mil ■, • ask !In’n!m‘Ivrs h,nv
th y ■ m | i-vrnt rajii! an.l hi'lp tlinsr
yy ho I,'.ir lining r<i|>i>«I. shit ‘..nil
(Inr parson i an tnakt! .1 illlTitftiiii n, slin
l‘iii|ilr nr. ,I to stnji .iriil think iihout
things hit morn than tin- miiltsri 0111I
thry in M,C arthy salil II poopli' arr
bring alranl. rnspis t that
Tactics provided to promote safety from sexual assault
By Chandra Foote
Emerald Contiibutof _____
Sexual assault has been greatly publicized at the
University within the past month. ruising questions of
who is at risk for an assault, who commits these us
saults, un<J most importantly, flow can assaults h«
Sexual Assault Support Services of Lane County
defines sexual assault as "any forced sexual contact
that happens without a person's consent "
Anyone can be a victim of sexual abuse, regardless
of ago, race, gender or background, according to the
SASS informational pamphlet.
Sexual offenders tan bo anyone Including family,
friends, acquaintances and co-workers However. HO
to 90 percent of all rape victims know the assailant by
While stronger rape Is not as common us acqualn
lance rape, stranger rope is more preventable than
date rape, said Carey Drayton, director of the Office of
Public Safety
There are many protective measures available to
women to protect themselves from stranger rape.
Doing uwuro of your surrounding* decreases the
ibanco >■! becoming i victim, !trayton suiti Hu uiso
suid tfiut ult ohoi or drugs mr ru.tsus the chance of
something hap|>oning that you don't want to happen,
because intoxicants 1 un dull the senses and limit a
sense of aw ureness
Another part of rape prevention is being assertive
Self-defense instructor Nadia Tttlsuy. author of the
handbook "Personal Safety for Women." said to ' Re
spond assertively to any unwanted touches, ques
tions. conversations "
This response ranges from naming the offensive Ire
haviur by saying "I'm uncomfortable with the way
you are touching me." to staling, "Leave me alone!"
when being bothered by a stranger
Tolxuy Haiti women are often taught to Ire passive
"Victim behavior comes from cultural expectations
of us as women to Ire kind, friendly, helpful arid <)ub
el." siie wrote
Doth Drayton and Tolsey said that being prepared
lor situations am boost your personal safety
Preparation includes knowing where you are going
ahead oi time sir you won’t gel lost, parking your car
in a well lit area, always having your keys ready
when lining tu vour (.it or homo and keeping vour
doors lor ked .1! homo and 111 tint i ar
II you .tli' being billowed. i'elsev advises going to u
mi!i populated jiliii o. sui.h .is .1 lire si>ition or mi upon
store, to 11 viiid loading llio person to your homo
II you are assail I tori. create >1 m one unrl yell repeat
edly. sin* s.ini Another option is to physically resist
assault tiy lighting hiii k
Tel soy also wroti- that noil-resistant o 1 tin somu
tirni-s bn thu lies! response In each situation. validate
tin* choice you iiuuiu to dual with tin- assault, slut
said. Ins an so survival is the most important thing
Props t Safi: Run, on organization startisi in liugnno
11 years ago. also is involved in preventing assault
against women Sale Run provides dogs lor rent for
S25 00 per month available to run with women.
Safe Run, available at J-1T>-H0«li, is only one of the
lor.ul, available services working lowarti rape provon
tion Projer t Saferide, a campus organization spon
sored by the Women s Center, provides free rides for
women in and around rumpus Located In the Wom
en’s Center. Salt-ride's number Is J40-42110 Call
d4 !-551d to obtain more Information about Telsey's
siilf-dofense seminars tor women
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