Washinaton State Senate passes explicit lyrics law jSome claim it protects youth; oth ers charge that it infringes upon the freedom of expression Ol.YMI'IA Wash ! A!’) - The consiituti nul right to l-ee expression has Inn; abused I■ '. Miiiii! returdmg ,,,-lists. -..IV bwni.ikrivwlm pushed through tin- Sen .iti’ oil Tuesday .1 measure habiting I hi; sab- of .sexual ly explicit tapes .Iiuj CUlx'tO tumors i; S rolls : e. .dent lh.it wti have j». rm 111< .I tin? l ust Aini-t. drneiit on 1 x|>r• .ston to lx- carried to mi i-x u, nil- s.ml S.-11.111’ Judiciary Chairman Cary Nelson. K i.dinunds in debato ori tin; bill 'll having anega IK 1 »-f11 ■> t on tin young people lit tin -•'■it*' of .1 si 1 ■ IllgUlli lit. measure. I i I! J A VI. Was inspir'd by lit*' 1 olli ■ p|,nuts [ 1 f .hi Kvereti niotlu-r whose yi ting sun demon strati-,! a prvi ocious grasp of obscene language I In’ lull s sponsor. Hr11 Du i King. D hverell, said tin- boy learned tin; bail luilguuge from a sound recording of lit,- rap i.r. ai j 1 J. Live (,o.s ili.it i.. 11.1 it bo tig lit a! a lo cal record store I in Si-i:.;tr approved tin tnu.isiirv »f* 0. two weeks .liter it 1 nr, ,1 nr.,r an.101 mous p issage in tin- Mouse i , „ .. Booth nardner tor fm.ii upprov ■i i i hi bill vv u.. iij ma» • |ni!ih.isrs su< h as those by tf„. !»u> illegal In expanding lh«' existing -mil male mils I.nv In r over soutul rr< urdmgx Ni Null s.lii| syi.ll recordings are vi-TI harmful So mir m» mi) In-i ,ium' tli< \ lb-si nl"' m lions, and ••• as saults .Igemst Women But Sen i’lul I almiidgr, I) Seattb « r 111 !/••<) the bill .is silly M\ ■ ■ - t v.itiv 1 1 i.lie.'igues an. ulw a\ s saving lh.il ,■ ;; should getoil I hi* bin ks ut the i.uuinirr . ,.jI s tor. T.umadge s.ml Bui here we hnvi) gov eminent being the parent i.il:ii.. lg- s.u.| jirusi 1 ulo:■■ would !»■ pressed into if.. ;i.:e ,.i p.,Hi. ni'i he wundei 1 d d the !, ,. s b; ..id it Bunion w .aid apply to !<* ding Stones .in 1 Isdimn Mathis re< ords I iiis is the .Miuth anniversary of the Bill of Kights. i .ilmadge s„,d And the Legislature in many p,. 1 . ol n K.sl.,!.,.ii 1 hips away .it tin I*itst Amend llienl Si n Leo Thotsnrss |< Seattle, countered that Kights .Hi import.lilt, fit vve have had a system.liii degradation of our nation, morally and etbir ally This is the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights, and the Legislature in many pieces of legislation chips away at the First Amendment Sen Phil Talmadge, D-Seattie Quoting the l.nglish historian Arnold Toynbee, i'huism-ss said. (ireat nations commit suicide they dii! from interna! excess" Ri .ismi.ihli’iti's' is needed from *i 11 sides, Thorsness Mild ( urrriil law li,ins sali's to minors of etolu printed .. rials, photographs, pn lures or motion pictures tillolii. material is presently defined as material whose dominant theme "appeals to the prurient inter est of minors m sex and is utterly without redeem ing social value " ‘Humungous’ offers oversimplification, pathetic lyrics Fungo Mungo Humungous Island Records ★ • »l—• • • .. !*■ ■ j • («• ■ » • • • • .. » • • (*•■ • • • • T *•*-• • i In lovor nl Hunwngou■>. a /.my ili'pictum t>l a rampaging, purpli ski tinud apf ruldun by a busty blonde. should ellui live ly si n-i-n oul most M'lfnspii t ing mush Ians I or those who Iri l roinpulli d to venture past thr luvur, hovs c\i-r. a last wasteland awaits I ungo Mungo manages to hi lt out some excellent bass lllli's, hut these ati' ipili h! y overshadowed by pathetic Isr iis iind an utterly uninteresting attitudr Most . il tin' songs aru loaded w illi tlun-iv lilt'd soi ia 1 i om mi'iitarii's Thu painfully obvi ous message in Sex Si lls and tilt' fillllu orir in "Hype is Stu pid show not only a lilt k ol originality but a tendency to oversimplify thu already sun I)i« ' 1 )u You Believe In (Jnd. tries to .itlai k teles iston e\ all gellsls with •) p/eaihei like .. living. Y<> keep your money 10 (.ud h li.Hlk i luldreii. hoi .iii'.:1 no one rolls or steals m heaven ll in almost amusing hut sounds Ion in) and i' liitl m.tlelv uninteresting l o tlie bands i redii, lungo Mungo NUiieeils III est aping definition Then mt orpurate tap .is huh ll us they do metal and the horn set lion on some ot the ti.u ks is rather novel .Mtlu ugh tin y lit very hard rung.. Mnog.. ■ • • -p.inI.■ n in l fed ltd V little Blur Leisure SBK Records ★ ★ Va • 1 ■>•>•»<»! * • ^tMog ■>■ ntt • • • ■— *■ • >■•«►' • • • » \ ti.mil Ui.it 11Vi's by thi’ hook <>Itimi (iti's l>v tin1 hook Blur lines iiutii Blur relies un danreable in-ills and standard pup furmu i.is t: i. • 11 d ri! W i III a del nil'll! v Kngltsh flav i>r lor thf first half ol bersurv this works wrll ! he mm ontl hull however, shows Ihr iimil.ilions ol this formal fhf energelir llinru's No iMhi-t U.iy is Blur at Its test It is simple .iful only ut tasionally inventive hut completely irtf sislible Bang a whimsical !■•>»>k. >it I .ssivity mil tin- daily grind, w : i : tin same w i \ Win'll , I is * -11,11 a t a I all IS dune W hat was said was ncviir done, sings Damon Alburn in his nearly emutnmless volt e ()n iiiany of the Iroi ks his vo i ,i!s, w ith their delivery bonier mg mi deadpan, i untrast nit eh with the luioyant musit This and tie i ati by hooks can only hold interest for tile first less songs though The m'i ond half of lhr album proves ihe fallibility of formula pop and the dangers of relying on refrains lo i arrv entire songs I he steady diet of risk free Sillies IS like empty i .dories and 111 the end I! Is dull /.ensure leaves no doubt that Blur (.in write some great songs Hopefully, next time tliev will lake a lew more i ham es E A Man Called (E) Polydor Records ★ * ’/2 • »i-w » » • • • , •,< < • • • «•.. #■. * • • • • f.l '* Ac is sue h .is Sling. I’rince and Madonna gel by with a sin glr II.mil !. takes tin- icicM .1 lilt further Autographs will be easy, hr might hr thinking, and no imr is likely to misspell It t. sounds like ii veteran of the smoke filled i offer house ( ir i uii Although this is Ins firsi album, the Introspeilive and oi ler. i (impelling lyrics make him sound almost weathered The opening truck and first single. Hello Cruel World.' gels A Man CulU’il ffcV oil to a pleasant start The sense ol (aim resignation in the fate oi I ,: 111v is refreshing Norman Rockwell ( olocs fade All my fa vonle things have i.hungrd/liul what the hell, hello cruel world,' lv sings Mu-.: ul tit*: lyric s are strange ly optimistic The: pain that in spires mans ul the songs be i unit's nearly transparent .is t. stsirt:ln‘s for value: in agony In ' I' ll! ir.u U i|ii (In' Misfit' hi: seems happy to have at least found someplace where he Its'Is at ccpted It is unfortunate that mans ul the trat ks sullt-r under heass Most of the lyrics are strangely optimistic. The pain that inspires many of the songs becomes nearly transparent as E searches for value in agony. studio work I he keyboards sometimes slip into an annoy* inn organ like sound, and ou a sionallv tin- via ills are t onspu • uously layered This album lai ks the energy that would (onie hum a bit ol spontaneity, but it does i apture the potential of f£ By Eron Witzel f" if ji<3 :''« "a .• »f Ikr foide* frcr pi A.m*tk» dome parsons DiNU comrvn PARSONS DANCES A DAZZLES tP( DELIGHTS Hi i t Center kb ini urn 6 S •• SATURDAY MARCH 14 8PM When only the best will do... futCj/rn&fct/e^ 485-8266 ^ 1917 FRANKLIN BLVD. Close to Campus RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? K it' SHai** hfjntjs l Hjothi'f j ; >■» ,r: ! • f AflVVk hi*r»' > : Off.Jun < •* ?f *r^ •.i ,'h j! !hf v juntfv 1 <>t mot c information call 345 7600 RIGHT ®N TARGET Cat our Advertising • •• ‘ JA&-37I2