University researchers to help with last fall’s toxic tide By Fredrick Hagen A Uimiuxity hunugv j :• Ii'smii s.i-■ i.iNS hill s toxu Ini'1 that i lust'd :■!/■ t. < l.iut .mil dnhgtMit*v> rriib mt)r • .;*.! .,i U .v I' . \. ! : .1 long lime But with ill** prupr-r rt ■<.*rt h and (luring, w ** i an Imfn In hit* with Lynda Shapiro. diruclorOf tin* liniviusi ; > s l Jri’gun invli!uli* i i Mat in*' Hu i',\ 1 In* i luMiro mi arris! Novimu1 ••• .i! Irr diunoil a* id vv,i-i liHitiii in tuiu* u.s* *i to lest lor i'iir.ih !.* Chi*!! lisii poisoning or Ki*d Tidi* Shapiro s od tin must iikolv lause of the* poison mg is i vpi' u! pby.tupi.m'kion .1 singii* * i'il lurns i iirliun dioxidu min sugai and proitun through photosynthesis Donum ,ii id' producing |>hVt.ij(*:.ri:k;.i’*i i iiusi'd tin* dr.iths ot pidiriiris and other in.irini* turds oil (t.iliform.i in September Thij ii ■ ‘(fir vs i :i1 Kilif.l ;n i i • i■*ri C.ih.iiiii :n 1411™ .iih] 100 rxprnmt svtr.piDins flinging.; front jimni.uii'nS. m, m ory iviss Ui upst-l siiijii.ii h in ill'- iif'-s (Imuon ,ii ni [h■ isuiting f>-pi'itU'd Bui Slvujnru s.ii.l Itiulu h- . s I ri! ! -I !;:!'■ -1 p : ,, Vs ''. ! ’ ' ' .- ..-ks id - 1 lil'VlMii i i,■ • g-' 11 is *,i. tiirsr urg-i l 'll; s s;; vs r, pin!: ! ■S h i ( I III sill S,|id , ■ . ■ , .■ • ' :’.I Ii - V pirn s.ihJ" suinr .i jijus--1r -vs hri; !11' vs . ', : grts vs irin. llimiish vshrn llu rr- is ■ ' in: 1: gi:' I vs ' ■ ■ ■: :'. n vf ■ :■.r' Irii-nls (ifi'M'iil 'll KIM ,111 ph-if-il -I VS tirll till'-.r UsIllHIS ilitur, wr I ,IM J ill IS 1‘illl j> r: ilrlM V’'! Ung su is. shrnmi F. if i i. Ifti p !«• sir s., ! Ill i ,1 ilcpil l II. .id.i :mis'..'!s ar«- gfuvvn in lung mrsh 1.1 ill's 1 h.l ! Mil, I r n.r • fii Vs i .1-1! ii v i . piivtiVpIiirilsiiin arv pri-suni ; v (in l\avh*rn .! iiutu-' *■ , . !..i v v ■■ ■ -r.! ivi t’iu x . , :• V. : ' ris.Vin |h.S' rv • •: -ut » ! ■ \\ \ t'-i.i Kiv't r jjfunm .irr.i V; ’ • : .iw*ip <:* m Id hr 'hat ifirrr.ivt thr in . itMv a 1 • n») t i Irar hiu nasi' wr dun l khovs h,V:u ir» i*;111 \ thrse pliytoplank.ton ■ippi'.tntl !111 i kuotu-. Oregon Department of epidemiologist'. said frozen ru/.or . in lull ft an ere found In hove ilunuiH .1. ;il m ifinin s . ! llu i Insures Worn .1 prei au , ' ii ;! imi 1 Ifor him mm h iloinoli . . I | ,1 health risk What \i i 1.111 si's illness in humans ,i iu n In- said ‘ iliologists may ■ • ;.'Vi- •. in inn art- way loo low Is.-. :n- said llu- eslnnl of thu fit-iillli : ' r.-ni a;-.o unknown S1 - p.-opli- 1 .inn1 forivurd with alli-r newspapers announii'd :i ■ 1 . '., hi' said. Imi the symptoms !: 1 . had iiiuld Ini at I r 1 fin I ft 1 lo am s 1 .i ! h.o.I poisoning 1 here's no wav lo confirm thu diag nosis hi- saul POWELL Continued from Page 4 Otherwise ihoy will continue to !.h o anonym ity in the college selling Ni l just anunvinilv bill alienation U l.en I’owell came lo the University, he saw .1 hrri bio in ed for nori-lradltional student advocates ll w asn't his original goal, but with only a half do/en iai alt', qualih ing as 1 aring lor the non traditional Sli.dellt. it soon bei .11111' Ins mis sion He has a short lisl of heroes oil rumpus peo ple he credits as e\i optional in then work as non-tradilional student advocates f.u ally and stall members hd Coleman Ki i' I’r nlloot, liunnv Nosier and lfolio;ah C asey are Woi >|er fid sluiienl advot ales, said Powell, pet - |e w ho genuinely i are li : their students 1 nfmlunate ly tlnife are only a ie>\ Othei s w fa > .id po ten 1 ially make 1 to list Most of tile !., idly ale mil VetS Caul at tie mg yy arm and suppottive ce -pt to slu if . nls yvslli w hum Pa y form all ingroup s.,,.1 Powell 11. .. memo to the University I ha! is, most 1 O fat idly art > idisl ! .have hi .ml .1 fa vv i I i iiT i! ig vr let V u! sluih iils lr,I ahiml i.i, I: v .ill,! Si.:! VV !,.: ll! M-:! i .l.l.iimt ulnh' 'ill,lies bnltiT than wumi'ii. belli r (('..hi siii (1« n Is of in! or. bailor than uhler-thanaverage simian:-, hollitr i!i.ii. sivi.i.-nis who .ire ih'-n.ii'-ii and Si I Alii! ill vv ires Ir.ii Inis .ire liuae lull i i-rncil with hang research than whether their students learn, ibnivving m,iicii,il iii tln'it stu d> ' Is . ..( i ijsrlii g them lu 11‘in h themselves ! Vv\ ■ I; s i niiiiy is giit-s him strength li.ivv H !.:s S, , I;. 1 Will- :y vv, :;i,it : i i. ( i. : : ■ : ,1 i liMT. ,m Mi' nil !' . ■ i: ! ,,gi nil If:,' iinlv Siimn .t.i * of the 11:,':.!! 1 sin- has i vv. .1 . . i. i S 1 •i.:i i .ills I,, s n v\ 11 111 .liiclilllill In iiiiil: '• u‘!a'( I h i !(i vv 1 :ti i ts! : Muss.,, mil M I IJWI'I fnling ,1 private s, !. u| ! , t: . 11 ■ • .. h .i . v -s tm \ ► .i s L flu* 4! ,i lift-la! 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If III ill"' <1 W a relies* 111 Vio •: r e , iii- mi hiding thi' possibility ul oiii : 11.i■ U . :iii*ii's t filter who spoke against ■ I e to; on.. s.i,d she believed the board j. „| !. : , I|.if ,t i 1 I the sale of the material ; ; I ■■US. ■; .’up liecausn the bookstore , ... . : :. e it vs .oils to sell on its shelves,' ; ,| U !;,it we were iv mg ss .is that ibis material hurts us, . Ill th.a's the part tl.1 bo I r I i missed i i d : , \\ ,.. 11 s t 11ti r u :.. ;kely lake up the Issue ev .a!e ot the imigu/lnes ! ,ppi I easiIs . ’ she salil : V ii \>; i 11s.t Rape, said he Is not I Ii- d he doesn’t believe it s a ■ig denied in the < online , n. ./lie s bei a use ifs profitable to i,.; then they are equaling 1 .omi the t dilveisity and the edur a initial l,,1K 1 LIVE MCISKI MEMBERS OF UNSHAKABLE RACE R6GGA6 & BLUGS 8 OO-II OOPM 1461 % 6. 19th 344-2295 BHRHtCUE B GRILL