• DEADLINE EXTENDED • EDITOR-IN-CHIEF APPLICATIONS DUE MONDAY, MARCH 16 Completed applications must he returned to the ()I)I Hoard of Directors by .Y(X) pm.. Monday. March 1(>, 1992 at the ODI front desk in suite 9K) I NIl Call Mh SS ] l toi more information An individual will he selected h\ April I I l hr Or > <«n Ifaiit I mrraLi u in fyu»il <>/»/*»> /«!/',■ <\rr .n±i li Moti/ni' tm*,Iff/it rtwrr < uiftjfilUv thxrnr wt Oregon Daily .M>0 I rb Memorial l nion, P (> llov 1$9, I ujjtnc, < )rvj;im 9740 * Graphics • T Y PI SI T T IMG • PASH UP • IAY0UT • 01 SIGN • COWSUt T A T ION • CAMIRA • . ... i.U ■ ' * POWELL Continued from Page i \i:W his jchovuti S Will,I • I In-; w .is i<: I i i ng !; i m he s nuhin'l go to college. despite dry otiun iu rdui ation, de spite his plat ing in the top fifth of his ( hiss and mriving .1 full ri.h- si fiol.irsliip .it tin- i'rover • ty ! i Missoula Alter m in h \ r i i 1 ng a ii d .lining. In vv rot .my vv .iy I it; I:,id I*--rli i|ui -.honing Ills belief m religion for >e.,rs. writing hitlerHoles in tin margins ol ins , hiiri h study material’ when he was .in i-.irl.y tern Coih-go gas.- him strength, making him hr:., ve 11 himself and ills idl 'd S John i’ll VS ell. lie: VS -i i. S.lili Ills pas' is a guide for ills job as the Ads 1 sing and Advin .a s ( iHir dinalur of ihe ! Diversity s l,du lalional Opportunities i*ro gram vv lien he y\ oiks vv 11 h non Iraditnaiai siiidenls These are students who don't III into the college s<:nr fills i; iy t>1 ?ii■: .him Hit■ y iii- ri'iurn trig in m hool years m the :.itnir lort i■. or l)i-i uusi- they an in i n ir 11 ii > \s lui w11: ry about suiw. il .'H .i prim.inly vslilli'. mobile ; I,ins < .mipus ‘.'.iii. :.. .i. viT. .ire like John vv.is .i firsi generation (tilluge s!i:.!. ul v\ Iii i has ne\ - f rn eiveil l.imily mu ounigomrni . I. "■• siii.I.n!s .iii- iIh i riiv i)l PoVSiHs C.iriMT Hi' helps i!h in lose their anonymity, lo lei i like .in iiiii-pml p ul ul lilt! Univt rsil> c .utljnis Hr wants Uh III Id furl .is absorbed by the iii.ii-gi- s.'lliup .is hr is .is His grandmother imu- told him he jn .s:i.;. l:.is,1. pruuti meaning In- i inp.iiht/.eil with underprivileged students more ih.i.'i nib- is I >r Powell. that is more than i romplunent II is a }>(*..! I here s .1 Kit of wastis) I.;I ■ nt in i hs \state. hr Haiti I her*' .di' 4 it.-! til jii'oj)if who could do Wi ll till! don't have l!i f ’ 11 ■ k>*r i tsl 111,1 k.1' It Mi»l of thorn aro ferix ious h sit, sM'ii out" almost all the 111::• I’ovvi i; said Many huve It• •:i.im• rs to raise, others .ire working part-time to support themselves through college But the theme thill tuns through all ;s that tliev aren't at home on campus hei.iuse the campus doesn't provide 'for their exis tenet! A lug school w as ex act I y •.vh.it Powell wanted when he enrolled at the University of Missouri l ur from worrying ..hunt anonymity, he actually ,! mi w .ii.t to Is- know n He avoided a small town environ merit because that's where he grew up He figured college would build his ego and tell him lie deserved tile aci (dudes his teachers gave him in high si h oo I even 11 Ills I a m 11 s didn't Tins w.is more th.in .m ,u .1 di'mii rdurulinn. H. 1 n:;i|i.iro,s it In .1 stuilrnt ul his ,slu. uni.o tuld him Ui.it '.!■.!• hud nlinosi mudo il through high si hot)I w iii'.n shr l M f » *i 4 • S«i II 4 444 4444 $ Wa buy and tall naw and utad childraa't boo lit. $6.00 $6.00 ‘Dnsssos 1895 W Alter St Mon-Sal 10 to 6 345-5555 Used dresses and accessories available a' low prices $11.50 $22 $22 The Oregon Daily Emerald Classified directory designed to increase your business on the U of 0 campus and Eugene area. Fashionable Recycling will run every W LPN'hSP.Vl m APRIL m the classified section. There are three ro choose trotr. 1x1, $6.00 per issue ( a savings ot $ 1. ~>0 ott regular retail rate!) 1\C, $ 1 I.SO per issue ( a savings ot $ 3.30 ott regular retail rate!) 2x2, >2 2 per Issue ( a savings ot $8.00 ott regular retail rate!) Ha.!. -a n.. .\. :\.s*res> r.an.e, address, pr.ora. : itvr. business hours and a ' -a • s \ ' a ■ >■.•:. . \.:- : ..•' .: an nunuin ••-t 3 tunes v ' do a", v. r ilv . - rat • vs•.. app.\ : r a.is under 3 runs.) Advertise Classified Advertising Peggy McGinn > N'.jnsjivr o- 4 :4 ' Oregon Daily FMiso&Mtsaa* _».qsox euccuc owcgon9hcj \ * * HI H K4MMI * * M*I* INWHm «««« «