K i 'S Mo fy u *4k*^S*^ T»4VKl KC: N I Titt »*T Lj 1 ^ * y\ kt « f» jfr COMMENTARY Rousing Stone gathers no praise By Lucas J Gi/" an Hi n\ dare In- Oilvi t St i inr\ anti American rabSdo rousing borders on Shu ■i 1 ti .si in \Vh.,!\ u dll his ; 1 i!iSlur,lion.ll (looking ru i nd? dug Ik-' iolui I Kennedy is di .:d lor Cod's sake \ n d In - ,di •• u Sih !.. the \V I: t . ll ('• .in mission report is sound Not' Thu following set Ills to tie ! lie per v.is i ee iitt 11 ud e with which the media are treating the new Oliver Stone moi ls lew .is l 5 peri enl o! tin U afren t illv /e tile him instead of enibnu injj the mi dacits (Hul i;uutii|’i> ol Stour in releasing .i him th.it questions tlir miegfitv ol ruuL'h ol the ! S government, the press h.is !or tlte most port passed him oil . s .1 ; i : .suit- .' . s ! i to 1 mats i hr headlines si ream .! su k and twisted • •! 0 1st: r V lh.it UK presents i .; tie precise T.he Dei .’it issue ul \eirueri had .I set t! i .1 :. : tie tills!, 1 t h u! II K U h v Onset Sto!,e s lOi . ie . all t he trusted in thi W ill Sim I hrurn.il, Arthur Si hiesmger de Si : bed the nun ie .is a lei k less, paranoid, trails despii • able tiintass " Mu m.mi thm# journ.ilisls M viu [{■ ■. ’ w ■ ■ ill oper .itiuii Uiiii iin uU i-ti i.\ ndun Johnson, tin* C !A tlif mihinrs iihSusiri.il fomph v .mil .mil l .istro l iubuns umoii); oliu is Clrunu-tf, ii s .ill u b.i nuic h lu 'is.' N i: i ! U. I i: ) j ■ ■ j . ■ . : t ’' ■! S irif* inio ibis uII-i'ihomp.issing t onsjiir.t. ) tIt.-t.i ■> Uhuts milking thf .lUtlu'iurs sil up ,md luki- nolle* , Iiowt wr. is the ; " . k ■ " ■ U run ( timinissiun r.tpnrl Hun . Itl i! iiil shoo! .is fusl .111(1 ,u « ur.tlcK us flit is ullrgi ii So' .. 'ill I. pi tll-ssum.lK wtl. ■ S.IVS '!: Xi ' .( .11 lilt III till' fltll k I I Ki'iiu. .Ii s iu ( k bu misi.ikcn' And fhi’A wvictlv. il.ius u slruMc : .IS'-' ; ■i ; s | rid t o If: iiioii' : : ,cs :■ ;,iti u in-.ii -.ei-king Hiissiio .jiiit miii up unsciithcil' I'ur every hole in logo in Slum' s film, there is a hole in lin- U ,t;; i ii l ■ linn ■-.mi m report Yes. ihis is ,i pseudo i!im uincn i,ir\ ii is .i brilliantly filmed iii* .ii that Krai footage is often i in puss i bln to discern from m inaf.ii tun-il ni.iteri.il Hut the point )i filmmaking. even m ii.iin: ti • [niblit .... • ms In !h alterted bv tin- film m tbi' way Storm Hi tended tin' lrniiituin.il govern Hr. nt hoe |s bell g C j 111 'St i.i Ill'd l-.vcrv ru".v guru ration seems to !if given more aivd more rea sons not to trust their govern men! It. m W it■ : g '.<• to the Iran t mtr.i Affair, to tile sup port o! .in tatorships m nmn Uses vviio- 'a i- have Vested ei <> MoUlti interests vve have I nine In find that the l S govern ment is no less corruptible than 1 a ::.. i.s that perhaps We'Ve brill lied to Just as important as II is lo ijUeslii.fi the authoritv ol Stone s la. ts, we must question the tarts tii.it have been pre sented to as and demand ti.al tio' irtforiri.ilii.it we have not !«•» 11 made pnv V to be released for p u b! 11 r on s u in p t hi n There's nothing un-American about tb.it it s tin- '.pint that keeps making tins country bet ter l.ums I Culnuin /•. a sl.ulrnt af thr l '/in e/s/f i Wanted! ( >!lr / Xi client ! "''.I', In I l ruvrrMt\ o! (>ri*^on undfr^radualf student. SaOO Reward! I’ll k up lOllIrst ■ lei,Ills about thi> Stiinlr\ H C.rivntidd I’hi llrta K sppa l’ri/i in thi 1 tof artment o| | owlish. K.Him 11 8 I ’I ( [ )on t d.-lav’ ( ontost rods April ' b'u2' EMU CULTURAL FORUM & 95.5 THE KAVE PROUDLY PRESENT • • MOTHERTONES ()N SAl \( )\V Miurt 11 a » rlrr ; »>.* -* » « I r jfTW ». ■( i 4»>« *»!>• I >«il» I' * 4 , / ' wow HALL FRIDAY THE 13TH l ■ ' .* V«JL ». ■ i *■ , < »M -o *C «r- tl' .* JkMS I U ■ «Jk. ( » ' CATALOGUE & BRAND NAME CLOTHING SALE DRASTIC MARKDOWNS ON MEN & WOMEN S CATALOGUE & FAMOUS MAKER CLOTHING 50%-75% OFF REGULAR PRICES!!! dates: WEDS., MARCH 4 THURS., MARCH 5 PLACE: u. OF OREGON EMU, BY THE STORE time: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. THESE DAYS ONLY! DON’T MISS THIS GREAT SALE! COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r ■ 2 ••• .1 ^ ' In Saddam Hussoi1' s war room