Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Tsongas, Clinton do well in Tuesday primaries
" <1 lion
A'i'LAN I A (AI') I'#uI Tvmgas,
am e I tin darkest u! dark horses,
trumpeted i Maryland win Tuns
day proof Ins UtMiHK ralii prose
di nli.il i*|fort lias national appeal
Ktvtil liili Clinton held out his ton
vlncing Ccorgia vicitm .is a harimi
ger of ( liming t onlests in the dale
gnto-rir h South
A funny thing happened on the way to oblivion
the message took hold. said Tsong.is. the former Mas
sai.husetts senator win) early in the r.e ■■ had been dis
Blissed as strictly a regional < andidati
Clinton, the Arkansas pivorrmr. i a si hi nee if in a tw
man r.e * with 1 sung,is from here on
Wit go on to emhraoo this whole i ... r *; , w :h the
message of change. Clinton sold ul a ra!1*. itt I tornia
one of • .gilt .Southern battlegrounds on Super ...
nestwik You have a clear dioin
Tills neck’s "junior I'uesday i lushes were a battle
(or di'li gates and front-runner's momentum between
I wingu- and (Hinton and .1 sun i\ 1! text for two other
i indidate Sens Hob Kern s id Nebraska and Tom Mar
>. i. o! l,.w.i I he results suggested the senators (iirtt
p.ngns were in perhaps irreversible trouble
The senators are strapped for cash and entered lues
das hoping to gain .1 smattering of delegates to stay
.dive a ml draw more contributions But neither Mar
ik.n m>r ki rn \ g.nt.ed deiegatirs in (b-orgiu and thev up
p. arr-d tiki Is to lx slid! > n M.irviand and Colorado
as well
H ii'ktn was the li ader in a slate port % sampling of
1 : . s t .ui.ii-ses, but i-ari'h ahe.nl of an itnnim
mitt d ' late of delegates
oner ( difornta (u.s Jerrv Ilnavn was in a light.
..t,l- with Clinton and Tseng.is it; Coloru
nmi.-.ng , Is. dl. a n w .is ilk. Is to !• gain Ills eiigl
. ’ detai ilia!: him hinds bv getting at least dt)
•.! , t the (.idol ido Vote a s : til la I mint - victor V
t.,r ins i w budget campaign
i'ursdav's Uonun r.ilii contests also included a pri
rn.irv in Utah and caucuses in Idaho and American Sa
moa Ini (all I'songas was leading with three fourths of
the vole i minted, vs ills Brown running second and (din
ton llnrd iust uIm>vo the threshold for getting ,1 share ol
On delegates In Idaho, urn unlimited was ahead with
half tie soti lounl' d followed hv Markin and then
l.'p lor grabs overall ,IH ! Demix ralii convention del
egates and. perhaps more importantly, momentum
heading into the busiest stretch of the primary season
Although (Hinton got Ins lirst win and remains the
Demin rain fund raising leader, he will need a series ol
victories to dissipali the cloud over his campaign
i aiised hv tjuesltun.s about his character and his use of a
deferment to avoid the Vietnam draft
h'-rri \ spent the d.iv in Arizona which holds caucus
es Saturdav and Vowed to (urge ahead with Ills i am
I he \nitrnl It net
of Soul I r »\*I
A’frrr wt»Tknhoj> mi
Mow to Kecome
\ (native Dreamer
four Own
fhlVUlM Tfl t'l MHU
ir>» Str.uih II.(II
•ijt-i i* ■»♦»!* b-? (W I «|( u I »»*■»»> v«u(i
iK ii umi mi v» ’< i
Buchanan continues to nip at Bush s heels
rled i;v IViUu:k !l:.i ...
strength in prim-in '■ .'!!■• liw
Whili ‘ i . \\ ■ ■ i in
thiil I’ri'siiii-nt Mush t null) l>»•
hurt in the full if tin i unscrvu
‘ . . .■ i h.i! irngi't j H >■
i !. 11;..n 11 ■;' bruti ■ f i . - ■■' i uiut
pl.ii i st.miiing us .in nutrighi
\.i ini', iiiif .miin s W iu!i
win this iiutniri.tlioit
In ln-.nl ll> tli.it CUISK-sls,
Hush triuinjj|h-iI i iiiiif Hu
i hull,in in th'iirgm, t oloriulo
.uni M.irvl.iiiil Hut Hiii Imiiuii
-.1 ,r. [II. king up in pi II I'llt uf
tin- iii'.l In C.r,.i itul win
ning .11) pi-n--nt uf inters in
( : ■ ui .iru! .
\\ ■ linn* ii again," H i
i I. n,.' !: a j i In i ring support -
!•; ■' \t : .lit ; i VS f1 Vs uftiT
:i i ii lli.ish ill Now
i ll. j), rMiii'lli rli'll before
11 | • ■ ; . 1t t ■ .! said
■ l.i v s : ; 1,1',,Hi vs,
: i vs i ,, s. .; vs .i v t • ■ llns
! a :1, :l..i! inll ,i!. ! k Ini VS .Ifl!
:: :,,► • a' tin- ti.i!I If In l!ie D'.m
i» r.its
iit,; • >in .is Hush pim hiinu'ii
viil :y the .idministratUm i s.
(in ssi .i Himvni lli.it Hiii h.m.in
vs .is it u r 11 n g H«’ p ii b 1 it .1 n
chant ns of holding on lo llif
\\ ! i. . '• ••
\ < la t.ak to t.. . -ii..ns
\V'°aOC’N -
I IBKI \. through
I vin li . Marks & \ssih lati's,
is plrasi'tl to iiiIuhIui r tin1 I IBKI \
Sholnstu I )isnHint Program
Miuiriits taiult\ aiui ■'tail mrmlvrsol
quail t\ nn; si In mis a in I iinivursitirs i an
pun liasi1 puu ri ful .iiui lu;litu ripht I IBKI X
noh'book iompuU*rs iIimh tlv from I \ in h.
Marks & \ssih lati's at tivnu’iuimis savines.
I \ m il. Mark'
A \‘»IH l.lli III!
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tlii ■, n it:!I \uu it's < ertitmlv not
helpful us sou go into .1 general
i hi , .1 lit Worn 111inm
press m'i turv M.it lo. I'il/w a
tit 'Wi- think Kepubla uns
should give that sonic thought
hct,him' President Bush ts going
to win the nomination, In- is go
ing lit vs i u the cl cot ion It
doesn't make sense for them to
make it mote difficult for him "
Dm h.in.in showed no sign of
go mg u|. U t rt going to go
.ill thi wav. tm friends, he
i.iusi ihe buttle of C.eorgiu is
now mer and it is won and the
buttle ol the South begins to
Imploring conservatives to
in; n tits I .inks, Bui h.mun (fe
ll.u d VVi i ,m win this nomi
Angela Bus Buthunun, his
sister ill i l umpulgn manager,
mi tlr\ v lew Mu lagan's pro
murv m, Mutt h 1 ' us the best
si: , t ■: vi, l. S We've got to
w I r: si line wI > re Wt i .ill ! |U si
keep going along with id and
,ifi pen ent of the vote
Bu s h . in his s t a temenl.
reat.hed out to ilt.viilfw.liKj vut
I'ts in tliosi' who have inrun
with fm m the past hut liui not
viili1 Ini me- today, I hear your
emu rm.v .nul understand your
fruslr.i!m vvilh Washington I
am committed It) regaining
yuur support
Bush s i ampaign said il was
resigned si i ing a protest vote
against Ihi' president as long as
lilt- w.mioiiiv Is snur Bush lain
[i,ugn chairman Robert Teeter
said Bin iianan is "going to gut
in the :.;gh J.Us and low 30s ul
least tor the time being "
Nevertheless, Teeter s,iui,
[tush won ( dear victories "it's
three more behind us, three
more wins
t he president w.is leading for
120 n.tliun.tl convention dele
gate-., to 11 tor Buchanan from
the three primary states
Minnesota and Washington
belli (it)!’ caucuses, hut both
states planned to allocate dele
gates based on the results of
presidential primaries later this
t.arller in the dav. thorn was
hopeful news about the econo
inV and Bush quickly seized on
it hoping to (aim the anxiety
licit translated into sizeable
protest voles earlier in the cam
It s nice to have some en
couraging news," the president
said, pointing to reports of
strong home sales and a surge
in a key economic forecasting
Buchanan hit Bush in (ieor
gia with television ads thill ex
ploited thi-' politically explosive
issiii■ s of pornography, race and
homosexuality One commer
( nil showed gay men in leather
harnesses and ( hams in a film
that But hanan said was (i
minced in part with lederal
Bush t ounleratlat ked with a
commercial questioning Hu
t.liana!: s patriotism for failing
n support U S involvement in
the Persian (lulf Both candi
dates courted the religious
I piseopal ( a in pii s Ministries
132I . IVth 6S6-W72
between I inerald tV Onw
lurosmos or \snrs
5:30pm at the r.piscopul Campus
Ministry House
\ll are welcome as we begin Lent.
I hi Kt i Hr M't 1‘rniul.
I‘ru \l \wtn lull
yUWycni cur.
dust tuuJL' 1+ift>
dust yju stuUi
\nn kloepptl. lu' ( huptuin