Dancers to perform in Idaho competition By MancJy Baucum Cmtwaid Contributor i nivetsitv cliint i' tiiiij nr s and fai ally memhors will (.• .‘It.: in Id Muslim, this at the \mert i an College Dance I'fslivu!. a regional i ompvtitu>*i imi'iij; northwest universities and < o! eges Onu sludiinl and uni.' faculty |ilc > arv *.<■!*.-< ted fiian .mi ii -a hi ml to hi (it. s, ailed in. tin' i ;ii|i( til e m The studi'iil pie. . from tin- University, choreo graphed In Annesa is i ailed la iipsi- and is performed to the heat of t'dei trofni m Arc Student flejiji I'ln inaselti composed the music Not only is Hartman tins vat s i horeogrupher for the student piiie, she is also i o-president of the group Da in e On gun. who h sponsors data •• ti\ Hies on earn pus, tin hiding the trip to the festival l out people, mi hiding Hartrnan. are performing in Hartman's piei e. the\ are Michele Mount. Sandra lllake. and Kirn Christensen Hartman is exi.iled alaiut attending the festival and says she feels privileged to he able to go Sherrie Harr, r lioreographer for the faculty pin e, chose hV llach and titled her pine "(duldhood Drgains It.iff said she believes she is ; :> pared :!.■, ! is (liras d with the is ►. and e|:,,rt li< r MlldPtltli has i' |n;l ifllO the r ; lei : that till dam ets rr.iilv Understand s v 1 am :' . : . v w.;:: , v jam ' it,ill sal i !.>v hav e !•■ • is • sing hard on it sit; r C )i toiler file !ii, ij.inr • in Itarr < [ a i r air Him an, Afison Km, tain• i'. , A mi ,■■ .,! ; Hath Harr s ami Hartman's pier rs air , samples of the i imi-fsiiv's ft it us in; modern, tiaiii' < i v\ . i r other genres is ill In' sir:, at the festival ihe lestmil is not only o placti for oornpentibn I aka a good baffling rxpi ru III <• (of danti rs it's a great oppofllllVll v (or students 1(. sen vs I la I Is happening nnlsuio of out vs . .rlii ami tb' Ktn.!' I Jim r other si (tools are lining. Hartman said . da Haiti!.an, lit!,- I shall at !s ate j,K,k,;,g ■ as ail to tin festival arid the 'experience it has to offer Of Or fifteen ja apIe going to tile, five are not I a; petilig at all. tiles are going for the sole purpose of mug mote da ,u dant e Prestigious dancers ami dal - instructors ivill he there to leach ai.d critique I lie v, ri, of the part'll.Ipilllts (’note tjy Mc^m* S*vr» *•« }•!.»» rm I Ml drum trffur t ,* t C) ii' • • ■!■ . Mam I 1 * r /\n incut \ 11 v.i ■ i»»11vi tv pfi jv.i, j urili - hjv n rvlaMofho! i-«n NUmg arrangement« (>|ratc tall ' 11 1 M . t ■. the » ! !h- » i v: Deadlines \ itu \«h I pm •«»♦: Ivusmvu ‘las prior to imrrti- n l >oj-i «» \.i . i pi , ! w . ■ Uishvi *. • las s pti«*t to imrfttitti A Ml iai : » ,"f ; ‘ » a . S • ■ vVo : mi ' !*4» ’!!*/**'■» *.v l t»* •» do '■ -V„a f illuti Xi2 CONGRATULATIONS i to «N* tsinnars of tha K ai4>a Dalla Shamrock Haskott>ail CUmic1 i DIVISION A DIVISION II 1st -Hf ItlllKAj ?n KX Congratulations' AndU A r i > O' 0 A I A V.r. . !hanks to all Mho parltc.fwtad' Saa you n*it yaar' Janny M ^--g'a i o-vg.»gs> v > our Ststars [ AA_ " . '.A | K A Sharpro. k Basketball Class* Thank you for your donations and part i c ipation : « : JN f Ul : : ■ hi* i w \ \r m i K f M \ ; \T M A l r * (>l>h tUvvifWd ad %t rliving S» furr > «hi reach I hr tnd of tour rups' 10S PERSONALS W\ Congr*tuUtn; n» to out Mho Chi % t»» I v«; • H l GV* YiHif *>• *t• f» MJI j : W S«*h U j j «tul«tK>n» on your |)H;rut^ . O * • foul ‘.'at* ! * A : \ THANK YOU PEGASUS PIZZA Ofu't M > 1 # OWI .A t Ul - VV# r*i**d over SI 100 and I 6 60 Sbk ol food for FOOD FOR LANE CO & The Dean DuShane Fund at our ransom party. Let s do it again Sometime! -The 4 o'clock club - us TYPING SERVICES DIAL A-TYPIST tavjrn f l YINC f INC .1 MS ty j>.nj iiiiui f A»! »CCU»*t* pK>f»»«»on«l SI OOpay* up 4r>4 90 36 JO THE TYPING MHO ' , u«, -t M i • ...» • N . < • ■ M#0fly » Typing S«r«tc« , CM • ; «> . . » ■ ax: *v u C*U M*yy> at WZ 466*1 m TYPING SERVICES PMOt l '»SK>NAi T VPiNG 7 f >•:M PAP! US ON A WA l A St M i. v I Mlv ,H! T UR NA MO UN D 4 6'. 6464 T Ml W >MD SPl C 1AL {*»T 5 Cl NOV 464 %4%4 TYPING UNLIMITED Diit)«ii l44 0“* K M*. OH AO SOiOOt a 1*1 p .to. . < «- • •• : *> • . i» I ’ . . - ON CAMPUS' T,i. -*Q & <*<>< d p«|» IK( *« I SS|N«. , *fi ikxh *rrn siu nmsi H 4>' At t ' i/O ..a : ; «« M 4 s 4- Lh US issBCVCLES ! Mt K 6M) MTN Hi*t V • ... < \ i * *. u . W. A! 4 f Compul«r *.{h hard dn.« monitor and knybo*' cj S^OO .’*6 818* itJM PC jf . • • i M • * „ .» S . ’ Mj. !.;»h ‘ t *a» »• • u»; ; M $ »' 44 *., Mtu 164 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Ni tendo m ? . . ,?4I. a*'.#' ^ p m i TO SOUND SYSTEMS CASH'" W* : f ■ >< .? > «> VM’ . H 5 a <0 Vt* j 7i-'*«'.>■ • l •**.' * '-V 'sA*». 343 V.* A ^ • fc -V-'-k* J*3 4’’ RS ft 1 Smith Family Bookstore * i U * ; $ 2 S*i BUt-NO riCU 1M TRAVEL '->*> • Utah AfJfPy f u» a Ca«J f iy to Utah ?oi S’.rf reurvcJ trip Call TOOAT 4t*‘> Soil* Potti-fiiK)? Ham but g • Mara*-i*« "' 20S OPPORTUMHES StCGNL'AHY SFIClAl JOUCATlON PROGRAM' * : .♦> ■ .. *, rrv_> :*■-y ,At <2 ‘ (j..aa o w. 'ml t»ii "■y A u \ Od^'ou • u ; * o m l>«*» • * ’*.• t U- .V?. 'f o' Ooyi, ATT (E Ml *. AN OATES 199;- l laction Pack at* NOW Availably »n £ MU Suita 4 ASUO ” p } lmt*M in jour fulun wi!h Ol)|- \dvrfUsin^ ATTt NT ION J UNIONS ».V -4- S'-.'.': ■ « o j- ' ■ i;.p ■.« ••- *i> «'» f **ii' m ; a JM * ' 4 ■ ,il‘A o? 3 «' p~. • *»p | ;V' App tK •O*1’ • 364 rv» . .! 't. ■•. 1 ! , I h,[ -AY MAH. H t 20S OPPORTUNITIES FREE INFO M, uy fot Co«‘**g* CB i '".wp' *.«»*•. BO Bo* •» '*!>.•<- Ma" FI 3324 7 WHITE TODAY' Camp coon ** lor» watarlront & acJ mintfilrailv* *laff > , a o -.• •>: great * ’ ’v* : »> . .i’ • g «■ u* . 4 « t .' *.• *w'*.”> 0'1V Juf « *5 A ,j V * $ • , ♦ frr & txjd'O *W, *.••• HvOli (V ‘k v-‘ COu' i 1 :• . .r •SH*> * i f OF AA IMtrn&htp ftvfiiatjiw Ni a. .. 'V v 1 A a - ■■ .• -r«r«w 'o'w. N M I i> o Bo* a • _•> (V ana. Ofl 872045 L at> Support T achrucun DO Computing C«nt«r ! U . . . U : «•*.«■• *■ a ' %j»o V© S’ * ' . •> Ou-^-aU & „ .*0 *•' -**»' ;s ’2 'r w* , «.• ’ »Ur. •-.«*. so Ca."-p. ’«.# v..y#?u -.j -a lV«o o v HfcXy'i ’ CtJ ; u Mii'i* • f 5«.* ■-..., N A - . .. j. i .( AA j Vp 4 4 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU THIS !Sff7 XXJRR£6 UlMuSt JIM** • IT. M.• T0U6OT 'HAT RjOHT I At A -WiKHW^ AKTIST. MY HUCSANP GOT ';«Q.UA tV if .«KX . ANP: UJAGO"' f TV NO ANY&L&5 50 I'M ;xm ■ th;5 until -if can j it' Tt4tNG&BQH&AGAIN AP'VffCTfytNS >i£'S iAjhATf? H&e