Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Dance fever
Dance ma/on- (fron :cUt M\'hen‘ Bh)om Antn-a Ha't'n.n r tUa i.t-f inu h<n ’ ’<• v
doing then /■< /.>;•< / err nf; n !ht", vv £>< .,/ • Ar < kj ' .1 ' An ■ ■ it ( ■ <■■}<' DanCt'
Ft ■:,!:Vcii in Mi . a idaf See related story. Page 10.
draws fire
j Mt.-n Aq, unst Rapt) and
ottier group-, are angry that
magazine like Playboy' will
continue to be sold
lea e ■ ;
l!n‘t With h i . hum
ll. \\h-f nps kt against Ihr *.»!«■ of thi'.r
i in . I i’.aj m ; t i •! ’Rat !!.-.• ! • * dorr
iii.itlr a ■ !••; . it to s oiitlttue to soil male
riai tii.it oni.uii{4;;> a vloinru e .ipuilis!
W' a: n •.!i■ j ! V a : W )il> . .. .dsi.mt tit
! W \\ h.ivt- to !e
:: : .'ay -I udt’hts
it . . !;: ji In lorr lib' V
tp . !.. ; i I a ta aphy supports this
>. ot r :. O. a.a
Ii • it A',im . hoard i)l dirui tors
. . linin'm. .1, \;i•* 1 to i iJiiiimin Milling
Sin- uni>;.i/im-s I.isi wi-i-ik following!) |,m
wjii n luiuiu lo hr,if itn- public'* view
, ■:!:!■. imi :In- sale uf llus in.iii-n.il
l! : i ' . ■ 1 !,! ■ : ■ S.Ild 1 tie \ lll-tiidfti thus
I , i .1 I :,| I;: pulilll ill lulls In-i .HIM
i:,■ ■ \ .i- ■ ■ ■ i!11 11,i\ lu ,i portion of hook.
Sion- i listoiiirr-. is ,i form of ciinsorsiiip
I , ii 1 Hi,- 1 f li'V *.,11(1 11 li- v
i. :i .i pi ■;lion lu i- ilinn i- < i-n .or
i -f hir.v Wr llinkrtl ,il ihl* is
ll w i- .III! i i ll ,il ship, said lio,ml
..!■ iii mil l M , i i -.Its si ll mi Si.oil
; i ■ . . .lil h, ,n| nolle i-<l a slrong
! li.ili- ( r lines low.mi worn
i-n .il lie Opelt luium Hi- said liiu huanl
1 urn 1 MAGAZINES. P.kju 5
Student sexually assaulted Tuesday
jA female University
student was attacked
in Kinko's parking lot
on Willamette Street
early Tuesday morn
By Tammy Batey
t rn«r.i!U flaportor
A female University student
was sexually ussaultud early
Tmrsduy morning in the park
Illy; lot ol Klllko's t opv (.enter.
1 tjWillamette St
The woman told police she
h.nl made i opics at Kinko's and
Irll, but she reali/rd stir I iri si
ril In copy another dm nm-nl.
l.ugene jiuiu t’ ilr[iar I;i.rnl
Si k< I.Inn said Stir re!..: Ill'll
.iii..; .1 in .m.i park .1 in
It r |m : r i;.r in’ i■.! . -! Kin ki /s
Alter gi ttutg mil ul her i iir ,1
man grabtied her limn helnml.
tiuevs lii i im tie.1 .in-etui and
pul .i kmie to her the ...!, (.line
s.n.i fhe nun then un/ipped
his pants uiui iir.iii > • ! ini/i -d
The man walked away with
out saying anything, (lime said
i lie M Oman told |u d n e the
man iiaii nut said anything tier
mg the assault She also told
p !• ‘.rn h.i.l -.ii. .i!i i.Hi4
oil 'he O.dlV idll.il
! hr woman r r ;j or Ifni no
physical injuries it) polite alter
'.! ass . n! r xt cpl -.i ...• siiir
: ’ . I \!
! 1; I ■ w uin.lflil:
to a tnelid's house where ‘.hi
t ijllotl III" jiolii i i' .himl 1 05
a lit
'! in uOman lolii polit1 tin1
man 1. iii dark : or .'. i
w a-, a r.in:... blur wn-. . .S.uk
shir! and light colored shoe-,,
s.n.1 Tim Him . I-.I’I) .».• •.mail
Tljr woman did not know thr
man's fair I’uliir hair no iur
tin r mlorinatiori about thr as
sail.ml a! this tilin'
Advocate supports
student ‘outsiders’
By Rivers Janssen
cmof.iid Reporsa
W tii'ii John Powell iv .is 17, his mother told him I hat collrrgo
was fur ihu devil. thul if would lead him away from (iod
I or someone w ho loved school, this was a lot to accept
John, above all, loved to read He had skipped first grade Ite
i .else he w as so ler ahead of Ills peers In reading level
In fact. I'owell had managed to rood every hook In his one*
rucini M.hoolhouse in the town of ('.uIxkiI, Missouri (popula
tion 1,400) by the fourth grade
Turn to POWELL. Pago 4
The Oregon club base
ball team won one of
two games during a
Tuesday doubleheader
See BASEBALL, Page 9
Experts warn that unless both men and
women learn to communicate with one
another and rethink their societal roles,
rape will not go away
Sec INITIATE, Page 7
There aren't many fire
lookouts left, but one
can be found on a trail
near Eugene
Sec TOWER, Page 8