Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 03, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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Build your toll-confidence in An exciting
Army ROTC elective We’ll get you out oi
th«» rUunjoni and into adventure
Find out more Contact Major Bob
Hartnett, 16/9 Agate Street, 346 ROTC
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Sale t35‘
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Thirteenth & Kincaid, Open Monday - Saturday, Phone 346-4331
Memorial fund started
for University graduate
By Tammy Batey
frT «y;«d R @ pof ? ©f
\ VYumcnspat r Shelter ini'
ii . ri.1! fumi has Seen set up in
Ihr mum- ul a 1 *»'♦<) I 'niversilv
'yr.iwho (ileii lei :■> in
Ht»>v ait
i ! wain i h Ann Mutseli. who
was i aili'd !!*■!'.', In her'friends,
was jj.ittii :'|ailing in a h
1 j!i;i• ■< ! wish lilt- Student lain
si r \ a linn Av-otiatlon ami the
i :-.|i ami YY iId fife Servit «• ill
Hawaii .it the tilin' of her death
M ii : i after lulling into a
, ii . a i fa k neat tin Kii,im a
(■' fiti-' flaw.1 nan Natinmil
!\ • I. Sim U as .1-1
. . i .i , V. : K:T of Mats! h also
: . s lull w as able
to pull !.,: -a :f out, saiil Peter
|jk t \' h s former !m v -
frit'll.f A’,' h was trapped ami
i.::a i it; t. 11,! i \ when sim 111
liah'ii hut fumes emitting from
tlw t rock
! it. » s.nii munv people will
IS:, sS Mills! is
"She tommany lives/'
Ur.sk! s.ii.i Betsy will always
live within me ami the people
, .t Sin* h.il .1 wisdom
lie, : .1 her \> its and a true,
n !ural spirit that w ill live on."
v olutileere I .il the
U :r ■ p.n Sin-slit fur .■ \;■.ir
■..ml r> -ir* \\ 'll’ . U,nnensp.u e
Shelter’s toon volunteer door
d i:; .11 ;■.: M ats, h also vohi n •
teef ed theOr yon Student
I'uhln Interest. Research ( .roup
arid served on ll’.e organWO
lion's board o! director*
]): a k ., r; si \: a u r eon kirk
OSI’IRC. iur Oregon organizing
director, set up the memorial
lurid Contributions to the me
murial iund tan be sent to
U . nmnsp.ii i Shelter-. l’.O Box
5'tHr>. l/ugene OR M740S
Greeks help sick kids
By K;rn Fogard
Oamma Phi Beta Miroriu
held Us m i ontl annual Inter
Fraternity Volleyball Challenge
...s! .srekend .nii! r.iiM'i! in-.iris
SI.(KM) I;if (hr Children's Mira
ilr Network nf S.ii ri‘ti Heart
t .t ru r.il finsjiiIn! in 1. wgene
1 ins scar’s tournament in
i 1 ..icil teams hum 1 iiivcrsily
and Oregon State I'niversily
Ir.iti rnilu - ! svents tour teams
par 11( i paled in the !svo das
tournament at the Cerltnger
Basil oils, a great tourna
ment " s...d i ' : Mt Nalls a
member ul tile Delta l 'psliun
fraternity from Oregon State
i ndi-rie tin ss u: I great
In a head to head battle !*■
tvs i •-:i lla' ; i . s ■ ; . : 1! a : i a
sels 111 tile iitl.l Is the four
member team (d tiie Umsrrssls
I ijrs closed out tiie Oregon
St.lie Delta l pslluns
W inning tiie hr-.! two games
If! die best w-.it id three, John
.' i li..:. . . ;I 1 i'll Min
S'. . ;. N s M... . ’ t:.
I ip, team hustled their ss as to a
s ii tors
"The tournament this year
ss as bigger and better.'' Thorcit
said ' Thu calilter of competi
tion wan better
Ur! la l' p si Ion took. back, to
( orvallis a second plac e tropin
and the most spirited award.
i’roi reds i ollected from T
• !:;r! ■ ales, entry fees and spon
sor (lunations w ill laise cdose to
s. 1 (Hid tor the ( in idren's M ira
. ie Net w vi: k. aid K arell John
son. tournament planner The
lI I'll s Mini ie \e!U or s as
sisls Sar red Heart in providing
vital nsedn ai (are and isplip
nieri! lor chi Id reii
sappuried llie tournament, In
. lading die Downtown Athletic
( .. . : : i ■ i i , . i . ■. . Welder!
■ I kS\|l k.SNU radio slalloll
lireaili asleii live hum the final
e line ami don.lied CD's to the
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