Survey says anti-Jewish acts increasing in U.S. By Hope- Neaison {" .!f .1 ki Ho;. '!<* A nation-wide survey has revealed the highest level of anti-Jew Ish acts in the I anted Stall's in 1 I \ears And Lugene is no e*i eptmn However till! ( III fills not I I I, .is large ill! ini re.ise ms other areas of the country Idle Anti Del,Dilation League, an or gani/atlon that compiles anti-jewish acts at ni'is the nation, reported in its annual Id'i! mi tv A ih,n lor the Inst time in naiie than I del adi . ihere were mure a! t.n ksdn few ish imltvidiiais Ilian on their property Ai ei.rdinj* tie th r i • j r i itt ini’, lino were •I’io mi idents ol harassment. in t i1 ; 11>; ;■:, . . . ■ ' . ■ ! '1 . ' ‘ ■ lients ol vandalism an Itu !■ e-e ol .!IK) pen eiit in Five v i a s In 1 ane C ountv anti-Jew-ish ilu idem r-s I); e ■ - t .11 . :ij : ' :: I! Hit id repotted ini ideiits ai i ording to a state W ide stem y 1iy a Law l.nlonernent Hutu System report I'ublli informal ion off it er Tim Birr . . I i , . !. .d IK'I [„i 111 u "I ,. . i! 1.1 • ► - in 1**01 i In ,j... .linn of rum ere, when dealing w i lit -anti Si-niilisin. Birr said, is what is proiel.ted as lire speech, arid when dues i : :; i in.ii .a t' W ,ti; ! ’ ■■ ■ .. 1 polite, >1 ciurier tlirss . r the huunda ties | , :w, en he. .join of expression and verbid threat. physical assault, or damage to |irujjt!flv as a criminal m ! The AUl. also report' i 101 incidents u! .iriii Si-riii! i-iin in I aria 0 lullrgi ( ills! visit Ai i!: i i Iiivirsltv till- alternative tii a • ji.H" : The Student tn*urw'nt has re reived i r:i a rati for ; .' Ashing artit'les That | iliil a. i In; aii' s.iM ,s.,y mg ah Jews are U •■j, a.ii'.li t.illu ; than g.a, i-mmi'n! poll t v. K mi-erg s lid Ha! K.inb1 ig sahi it nut h i'ii to a ijagfi'' to i ,nisi' great (urn ' ft) to the lot ill i ouiinuniiv linivr(sit\ Jewish Student I nit a j ! sri-i !,a ; a i A... k- w n Ac i a. Ilii ill.irv ill till l.inrlilld a; using lilt In . a . a ,v : : uin : .1 asking tin ' lliil ia said i! V, a. hardly Wurth tin VVh- a I » r .im* \et i was virulently, person iillv slandered.’ Zu( kertnan said Wr'n di i 11i\ uflended. but .1! the . : . time «'■ don’t waiit to bring-more negative uttent.iin In the Jewish. Student l neift. ' lie said (i 1 rv V irti .. the author id the Insur t.s-rif atiii lev -.iid he submitted a colu mn,tar. t< tie I'moruhl in response to Zut iii re ar, s artn le. but it hasn’t t een print* d yet V .itfeil S.lid his- 'response is III the 1 . nl.irv. and won Id not elaborate on /in Kerman's t laitns .. eli did s,i\ la d is 1 >t .idvo 1 ate anti-Semitism, catling it -i disease it s sit k -irui it lias no place in out so So trail said /an Merman said dealing with tint dii letenl types id anti Setnltism is a dill! . task dot to. till subtil- n ils of ills - nminutmg. sut h as literature downplay log Jew ish oppression i !,,s hid to claim Jew s are m the v ii tuns of oppression is the first sign of SI 01,1 will de.i. s|-,t like Jew s in said ; ! : se 1 • ,iit.ii s- .’.ut berm,in said. 1 : ie.ei Ci tdatant dist rimination. add ing .mil Souul.srn is hard to reconcile' due :i.■ iiiiensity o! emotion on both ■ Whenever VOU lire dealing with is sues. n.unelv anti-Semitism or rat ism. ; ides en ,o(; oils rise to lilt lev el of fear act defense oil both sides.’’ he said II,.s causes anger and revenge rather than reconciliation.” ir'.m kcrman said tlu-re worn flyers cit . ! with !lii phrase Kill jews ami k... Zionists,' and they w ere left at thf JSU. Hut hints rg said the individual who ii, tlii'in was mentally confused. He ■.a i th. individual wasn't totally bal ,ii i d. .ind wouhln't have meant how it i ami’ a< rnss i I:*1 AUL wrote in its report that thf iin i, ,is, 1 !,i i id harassment and assault im ti'iits signaled i 'change in tactics of i • i. ad.I mg it represented "a new willmgr.i ss to engage in direct, pro : ,. :,s w it!: Jews, a kind : ", \ •• intimidation, reflecting mi erosion id the i.ilmti against such open bigotry ■l)i. :he ji -id.' anti lewish in. i ■ , '. '. . > : la ads 'were down • .glide anlh Iron: lid aits of vandalism ; ■ a it i ■ 1C .ii is in i iih l, at i ording to the AIM, report In Kugi'ni', one of the two anti-Semitic in i 'a i. i mvidVi'd a skinhead racialh and saluting a Jewish I'nivi rsitv professor J ' " A! it survev also i ited more i out m between communities and ■ w i nluri > men!, and more pr. .mill e awareness programs in schools .uni the v. ;k|d,n ,■ .is ellective wavs to combat .inti- S.-mit isin I tie ]SU IS i U! le!|tl\ tunning a group to i timbal anti SemlUsm EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS e » Ceil! 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! IN BRTHOAV GREETINGS i os PERSONALS ■Wil Congratulations to our Rho Chi's Oiaiv* A Uejm .a 0 I (An G CouManay M Jnn W W* are proud of you' t u.• V our Si*t*f» l\l Xi2 O oluli : i A th ,.u yraa 1 funky Ti,*sn‘ on Saturday n«yht III i Muati* ay am Util mayt»« •■atl tune at tha > LH A Than** for I ha p.wty it gf • • » l u. *f \ \ i; Dear f:hi l**i ,;wj» l i t a the ; . * :• i M M ; Coii^'Ulu.Jl.v,n» lU out »«Wr Mho Chi tt" An 1*0n 11 Cathy 0 | Kti »l*n W Am y / j Yo*j girt* a)« th« gr*at*»C l ov# y Ou» »■#»•'» M M ! h# G#n!.*m*n ol \T to , J «*>-■»>*■• *3 \\u *S . * i'taVO ; «o . DIAL A TYPIST ' t Mi ' & \\ i .t.rvg 14 >001 mTVPWG SERVICES f ; » !*»::. I tU .( H‘. Min. • I 1‘.! *• r |/« of* s ^ .’>»»' S' *■ j)4,C .. \» 4 ft 4 ' ’ Mf ! T * \ . pH ; • PAPl »i *« A MA i AM H o, \ tuhnamc 46*. MW THI .U-iUJ SPl C iAi i .: CINDY 464 1 J •* & *. i J |>'t; v « % •. iivj • ■■ v.u ui> pm>> » ssis i.ium 4 i» • 11 • *- m *rriii’W. i . ' 1» .• it fjtt i s I ’■/v i 605 F 13th kin, ,iu . ,u. .. • > ► , , OS CAM*-u\ TYPING UNLIMITED I3dft;4.’a i. "• 46’. 3143 120 TUTORING GREEK MATH TUTOR T u«» ? huf* 1 30 9 &0 t'M if. ;r; f’fonto »h k RorHiQ«o« ,«>.t *. U • • ,f f ,.r O A U i» FOR SALE WSC. F or ' ji« » ■ « $ ■ __ U .. •> S ' * * >* *» »«> 4 f . M A • • • . ■ s * .» .V * f > * ' ' . ‘o' S Natwf ji *’» . O J t; ’ •* •.. A $ . -4 • V ’• WANTfD FUTON m FOR SALE MSC. mCAf&TBUCKS GOVI HNMt N ■ ’ji It 0 » V • U SI VI 0 CARS 1 y i . S M • _ 1*0 \ Sun A. SPStfO fV,.» : H , V W *.i. .»• m •• $ • :v u issBCYCLES TRI K tin) M! N BlKt $4 • o'. * S l » u «• - M A I A> r ccmpulcr with hard dn.* monitor and S K) C*** imcomputerselectroiics :IM f*C :? . ‘ * x ”■<> ' i 'M v, .. s. me ■ Mj iiljtth ',! .* Mf • • • * ' * ■ l ■ N« Jo «’ . . . , , t. lu‘ U, * r t . - 1iXr% tO M COWATlHLf 286 Computer a- $ - • * • • , '•'*» ^ ! iro SOUND SYSTEMS C ASH'" /%** , .. . u ,t\ its INSTRUMENTS Gutter Munner ST . > a i M .. -O' «' , * ;r S. - i * . $ Hit h»nt>£k«' t hyltvv ju/ter * * J 1M TRAVEL •,* Utah A^. f loi j <-*«KJrt ca>J l j to iJtafl tor i ' ."tf iv.. J trip . «ii TODAY' 40- an i9 FHfcl THA. lt ' .. a »' •’*’ ‘j a •» •« S ' u v;. • ,h.« J , * 4’ s .v •f's t *G a • •« i , t)y r«i*Cl‘njJ !”« A u\*ui [ , . Ma a H. ", %: ' * 'r Aa:.M B..i» J’ 4 ’ I m, QH9 f4Q5 SH<»UKi^ . ,! i .«*' "O do r Poitofino? Hamburg? Mar»#iU»? » ■ .* v • a" * « o .* wj>. - Mv.r. u ii al'O v.» I# in ( MU Suit# 4 ASUO A T T t NT I N J N OHS j a jfi o " a ■ OP A j .* St CONOARY SPl CiAi l DUCATlON PH .GHAW «s : ..- , WIN $S0 A a.* g ii **U W**J . fvttiii ■ a s. - ' .!'-a • a' ' €> rtiW w“ 4 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU RtAUV* KX YUP I mtm'xyMQff .’,< .» ’\i* ' HJf'"'- . 'Hf mcNv&z " iw £W - ’’if I -I * A' A ' otTjX' «< *• • &m>ANC> HA.WT > 47 V- .>5 iWk *JhAT A GREAT CONCERT1 / THANH S MCf AT ■’Cl*' ARM REST ASH TKAv