&•<**[* 267] Will*m*H» r PADMANAIJH S. JAINI I'KoIi.ssokoi m DDiiisi Mi nn s I H J'AKIMI Nl ( )l V X 'III \ S( M'l III \S I ASIAN SI I Dll S I M VI K SI I Y ()l ( Al II ( >R NI \ HI II KI I I S will present a leeture: AH IMS A: A. FA IN WAY ()l II RSONAI l)IS( 111 INK \S I DM SDAV. MARC II 4 MR i« X )M. I AH ’, 7 VO I'M seminar: J1IKOMMSC II:NC 1A o n; IU DOHA AM) I Hi: K;\()RAN( I ()l 11II AM |AT I III RSI),\V MARC II S I IR RC)()M. I Ml . 2 00 I'M l t l.it is fi.l 'd ihi /) t f .it i nu r;: , ' A\ l >. > tifi e a. \ hr .1 m. li ..nr f’t I . ’TJ^TT" mi rmtrr ;^=.l VI D€0 ADVENTURE $ ^wwWMWT GAMES VAUXT MVDmAZA «w..h.hi) '•wMUMrr » Classifieds 346-4343 Wanted! i i |>,ntiiicnt (>! I in.;lr.sh, Ri hnn I 1 s I ’I i I'unt di'Ln ' ( (Mitrst iauis \pnl V ’/'’O' / ookirn) fur .1 QOOii Vs .is ui’Vi'lop ' . k .Hi. I lor I h. i , -..Mr NBA imp il vv .is * I : is i-rv thing vs .is ! .m ),!.,<<• Nil' ilu.vfs hiliill'l .I .my ul tin’ , : iftik thfv .I \ : .,!,1 y iiw.IV ' ml vs ( M \ ill'" , * :,, iti.it tlurn m.ili’il N! , M tt li.n !" In . Michael s , .s ir dying It vs.is .i ii . . ; . vv ls.it jmiinisi’iI In s : ,. i ! i. i t' s w in'll il ill fell apart i jusl stepped out ol sight oi thi> telm ision lor ii mnuitii. mlivin’ two. to ii'liil the chip Ih. ii i Win?11 1 poked my head inn k il u ,»s h.illtmn- .uni ihu Blaze: . w ro down In 15 Wait just a inmate Thev wrri' ahead in tilin' v\ hen I left W ii .its going o n ' I thought is tins some kind ot i!i..l .itti'inpt in tin* N’HA to ni.iki sure llii' team local Uni in the largest metropolitan iirni will; die largest television .iudi Well 1 guess It wasn't Un less they paid oil the Blazers The v\a\ Portland threw the ball around Mimiin, mu iirn berwolves would have bouton (hum Easy Whatever the rea sons tin* lirst third of inv day's viewing was over, and my team had lost Ill'll Not a good start, but things got worse My next hope was l (’ 1.A Not ms lav onto team by a long shot, : ;,! I Isold the Bruins in much higher esteem than I do the Blue Devils i bis game started out about like I expected It was close arid stayed that wav even longer than the Blazers Bulls contest did Only this time I wasn't out of tin’ room when the team 1 Wanted to win choked I had to wait h the Blue Devils pull oil a ini rwn in the game's final To n to CHOKE Page I *4 ,/{V/ ,V5 4 4V.M1 4 •< ', i f \ 4* ’ , V- «* *5 < . " ’ ';«4 ';✓/ > i 4 A ’ 4 * •. X; 4 vM> , \ \ •• - *V- ’ V * v aw-...4>*t: VAO r -,\ with 11 k- * c <>ii!f>uU-r I .m:i . hi i' ,m. M.u'iiil"sii, • 'inputi-r ■ hi want (lassie ‘ I.( l Ini eu-ii tin 11 f \ \nd m hi c;ui liu.Ukr thr ivm nf \uurdrv.ini. too I‘miters. muni h :\ i |» KoV .imtN v.mints i-vvn software \I !■ r .1 munttiK pawnent that won t e\eii put a big dent in wmr pi.-va budget I'hf \ji|ilr < 1 •(H|>uUt I.iun is m.ul.ihle ineligible ->!iuii■;.is parentsbommiimonMuiltof eligible students !aeult\ ami staff If you re a student or pan ::! Isifp 'Aim; oil Ivliali >4 ;ui fllglbk* Student, I tu- \ji|’lc i omputer bum lets uni Like up toei&ht \ears' : •. in full Vm maveven choose topa\ interest oni\ while you rtstill in school, deferring the payment of principal until aftergnduaUon (Jo see your Authorized Apple ('ampu'' Reseller right away for moa‘ details and our simple, one page application fonn Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • 546-4402 Monday Friday, 9am-5pm