EDITORIAL Hate crimes stem from ignorance Moving is a pain in the butt, right? Especially when it's a family affair. Anyone.who has moved with children in tow can attest to that: it's no small under taking, to say the least So, guessing game time What would make .1 mid dle-class couple with two small children decide to up and mov e at the drop of a hat7 Sudden increase in rent? Strike one The new dog nest door barks ail night7 Strike two I he state dei ides to construct a cits bypass route .it) feet from the front door7 Strike three; you’re out No, th.ev're out. and it’s no game Whv the sudden move' 11 v cross burnitigs, stoni ng. a;,d death threats . William kenm-dv slid Jessica Dav recentl\ expe rioix i'd such courtesies,, complements of 'oral Ingots r h e i. I!' ■: I at 1 a I *),; j' I < ’ . V .1 w ' * . i ■ e v received lie- death tlue.it, ull.1 !i I mier two 1 rpss That this is no isolated (h < orcein e make wo; Area pci!u r ...\ t!:r ai !s of hate are part u! a ret nit series of h.trass merit i rimes .asmis! Port iaistl inter fat i.it cmipiCs, l.a-e month, two other i . ttt.iiirj h KK If nothing else, one can find solace in the fact that what goes around comes around. painted oi.t-.id1’ then house. .::u! run- .si’ O found ii swast ika I hilO .till.;,! tin’s Ii: I'M’ i S 111 m .i d l)( li till ’!, t I’»• r of S'untms !..i!e crimes hap pening in this cuuntrs (rimes against other |N*uple driven by nothin;; more th.m hate for tlieir rate, reli gion M’S ;al » a u;Uit u III, .Old or gendi’t i i Irfojrt unate! V, i! 1 in I li. . .. few . t;; I ’ 'll.’ ,;s people have learned ■. > I .ite . s! )•:. i * (Mi i: o‘!:i" Hoe In I. i« k of roue: mils the major examples .ire listed.) Hie crime against this conple and others like it prove it's happening right here .:i Oregon. Had feeling, huh' At least ;t should be People find all kinds of rea sons to justits then hate crimes, whir !; aren’t always as blatant as cross burnings No. tin’s can be as simple as a told stare; a slip of the tongue; .. derogatory thought There is no excuse for these actions exi ept iguo ram e and fear. Period What w ill it take of stop these t rimesNothing one can find to resent about another is worth the pain caused bs such arts America. I‘1*12 Hard to believe Well, not reads When will it stop' Where will it stop' It nothing else, one cart find solace in the fact that what goes around, comes around *;«*> .t:ur. viu^r*:« ■ y * **% if S u * ’ ”’■« I : m«‘ .;■ i ■ ; \ .»’i3 % rt o *t A..v . r.*1 »■•«» I ‘m» l * »> .»13 4 . ..» W , Thu ;«*' u~v>.,». >w \ ^JUn J»:> u Managing l (WOf ( atonal l ditOf Graph* a ( d«to» l ntartantmanf i dilor I drtof in Chtaf ■ \:.,h>**4*' t■-» P.f kito-ac^ Na*a l diior v. **■' 4» l'lit •** *. I cMonai i ditof jw” Pas s l •«*: *t.»„o » i »u ■ • » «•-*» M * .v Ka:* » Phologf aphara **1 I - M • tv » t* AJ»aM * tg «>.t i*.'.'. i . t». u • \ . i. .1 K L T jr* tuw ' lit «.: II uy .1 *.» • » f'-:» u . Va; Classified * <•., ;# *.4 M * ;*• A Buamaaa * .1 ‘ » «» . *• . Production „ «» • • , 1^ ■ « *••• «• ; < .» », • it v> It. ih ixi *.* t. > *.* a’ .-*» ii i♦ * •. B' * I r AJ-.att a ng Dnactof • . 1 f*aar»r ,>on Bull! Off c • >,iaf>a;a! Managaf • Prudi.c! • ; Ma-'agar M M' '..Ml D»*pJjy AJ.au vng 34v yM T V I«aa.f a 1 A J. a-1 s g 146-3712 I4r 4143 Levied Class The Mag it of tke Marketplace sou Caw Pvr i t 3A( k o, HO* HULO ' mT5j ..— it"IB Storyt/me A ; ; iHi- lur Bry.m \\ ■ ' ■■ A i:i i n walks i nlu .i i lii i'iu si. y- : ■ ;.ii r. h.isf his w • rk s ivunli nl uttd Upon enter .ng !!. • : -. r i ■ Sit' mi s uni I In- warm ! .: Ill i I 1 r •• 1)1 i I I nl M r Mi < .1!ii-rls lf!• . !.• ■ sdiri > ': ■ ' ' I his i. .1; II, • • V rl 111 .11 \ Ills ; ' * I'i'iM.ImVi'.', Alii'! ail I in' si- ii.irs sep nr,i!i i hy !In* mil walls and m creasing ini.i i . sis. Uii'ir re ,,: ,. i. i u .is iis I. it H d lie- i ill i \ ,v. :ds iSh' man < ..: : muster ,\ : ■ l)l ■ s till ll.IVi- .11: » i urd '" ii.- I.atm 1 ( v ■ • r stared with Wide ijUCsl Killing eyes His iinly res|iuiisi' vs.is I luve yuur fist With tin ms I an Ins shunt : ,1.1 ■■!. , 1. ■ : 111.ill 1 all lluiii tin' sturc as last as Ins legs - . .. Id ( arty him, lea', my; tils !i .i r i| Sieli:: id I h .wev el. he did not i until nn itis- falling pi arm cnming straight at him s N:: ' :: s yv ind. .v Martial arts d idn 1 help the 1 urd lliu-r I hope you Imally under V. ’ . Jerod Hume Zoology No apologies Past. >r |.i! k S),i vuison ; c d a |)ublii .1 pology to Hirons Drug stores fur my fami ly s prrsofi.ll ilri IslOtl List De cember lo lilst ontinur shop ping .1! Hirons bri .msr of tfirir 1 onlribution to the Orrgon (dti /rris Allium r Dav uison r host* to erroneous 1 \ .11 Ign No On Hate/ Lane County for his gross misrepre sentation oi the truth Mv t.imily tlors not use "halt* t.irtits Davidson's words) W hen we first heard of Hirons' contribution to ()( A we were s' .:;nrd We It'll messages in hopes td private dialogue and rest ; ut.: ;: 1'ht‘Tt' were no re 1 . Wetlis. ntinurd our patronage i!:. good news' John Hirons ret rm:\ distal, ! himself from tie (X \ bv publicly declaring In- saw : reason to tlontribute •u Ut A s current campaign' ('(I’ffistpr-dutinl. ! *'!> 12) 1 ha! day, my f.!i:;s 1 v hand tit-11vt*nscl .. : -u- : tl...using Hiruiis. t , his r ,! Hi' rUllr W I'll I; lu form': them into ■..ini o! so ;.i! i on (mutation demanding their time .uni attention Bet-in- *\as simply trying to teimnhimself from nn unde sir.dile situation, and Scarbo rough apparently tell his posi tion ol authority was being jmi pardi/ed Supposedly, Scarborough is employed to patrol the campus in the name ol safety I question his methods of maintaining safety when lie finds it neces sary to bring an elder of our community down to the ground and shackle his wrists in iron What about his dignity7 Is nothing sacred/ Shame on you Scarborough The only injury suffered was to vour ego, ami you were quick to avenge this injury by taking ( ontrol of the situation it would he a great loss to the University It Bivf>e decides to search lor employment under friendlier conditions than those shown by Scarborough Let's hope Beebe doesn't take the ac tions ol our over/ealous "hall monitor' to he representative of our t niversily T J. Highboe Student