Oregon Daily TUESDAY, MARCH 3,1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 112 Don’t drop it High court comes to campus j Students, public get to see the Oregon Supreme Court m action Bi ■ j• ■ <' i "e’: S ,s .s Ut ' . • . pin gr.nn i hr si \ Hi in. fin. Biffijs i n.;; ■n. -ns !-,.;n Sli 1 .1 m and 1 10 I..- » 10(1111 in the Or l.ifiii.i i j I'Joihs t nnitli udii; Konn \ 4W ( rn Iff 1 hr 1 nor In v in. . * 1 ■ r 1 i Hi She lavs w i '.v; }J; vi.un wh , w*:r I I it it;nil But ; - vi nmmlii rs of the pulilli -i ch.im r In set* lilt* t ourt ill action. During llii! morning wit on the1 . .i rt In ,ini two i ii, liis! Sl.it. vs Mi 1 tunnel. vv.is .in .min malic death s.t*n!fiu upp .d limn .m aggro ,ih I murder i nllV u Imn Hi will; ll tin- i - it! Will dr i ill. among other tilings, w heller the di'len i.lilt's , ,, ted HI il Sid, Id's || .! interest t S II- -h ilig ,1 (de.i bargain with, the ilislrii I .ittornev hhi* second (use w.is Purler vs Hill, involving tVs I' V!Vi, ,; IVp'ltf I.IWYff Thf lrp.il IsMies U).imps Thu r.tsn ’: :. • - ! .1; - U ; K. ( ; . p: ■: ; •. i! l nil iiSS : ■ ■ ■ "1 l !i llli'lll Jit ot Ut i i s l>! Ill l! It .Hi utluracv iii.ilj’t.i-' In r .lotion .titd a jrurrttHtuI in jur , i l.i l m .v.- ►.n. .■ i ■. Hill, tin’ . : !>, ;n| .it111;i ■ un vvhullu't ..ilnlily In (iiiv . .in .in . jiUblo ill l> iisr .i^ittnsl i rutun.il am !■ nijil fai l.nl n to | - ' !u I.! suppurl ; lourt will l.iku tin .itjjumunts fur i-.u h uf i,r..-. >1111i<■ r .n1t1‘.i•nil'll! .in.! I'Vp'i li tl In . :.. ii-7 ili-i I . ,1II: i l!i' iii w ilia:: ill.' i.r\t \ i ir A m.i|orilv ul (usiii os imis! .tgroo In-loro i nnli'iin-iit t iin In' glvoll i he Of i|. ii Si. p: i-ii.i l . 111 ; . 11.;•. - • I a! sf, mi j.,sin i s i-i.t 11 .i Iw n.,up.nil-..iii. -.I.iti'w 1.1 <• ImI Itit lu if rvn m\ v>'.tr U rms i In- immilmrs ul lhr i ouri i lfii uni' ol tlii ir millibar tu M-tvi a. i Im I (iistii.i- lur ,i si\ \ f.ir In in Tho lourl It.is its Insiilijuiiflors jikI t oiirlrnotn in Ihu Slip.; i ini' ( niifl fill till lug ; u si mis! i.! I ho Ol i-troll Sl,ilc ( ,iplli11 111 Salt-in PC virus gobbles data, wants more jThe clock is ticking toward computer bug's attack date T7~~7^T~~~ rsi is» h.ivt- iii'ci li i! m.i f ri mil . .It li'.M jn I ...ll.ll I Il!li|uili-r> M> i.ir, i s.iv ;ir.it !u mg is.ilii ( u in |i ii I i n i; i ,t ii •. it fc mi .i r it .11. m- i it.-,•• 1 in,in m.ulr vtrusi-.. mi lUliilig till!-. HIM! Flits is oni; iif til s’ mu -I wnii'ipft'.iil viruses,'' i umjjutrr sjHti l,lh 4 llitlll Mi A in- liilii till* AssOl I l'ill I’ll". ‘i! S Util tilt'll' in .i l.iigu iv.n tiriil tuulil i .him lilts of li .1 III Igo I I it Isn't slitjljH t! " 1 hi*, r.s|:tv ••jin-.iiimg iims (III. , Is ; • rsilll.ll 1 Ul!i|IHl(!tS ,ll.ll lluu Ih-, ijufmnnl until tin- in > : ’A . !.' e, iii .ir• 1 SUM (outputibtn personal t ompu I« iills;i >; 'Hi HH!ir ■ i.iinliiiil • 1 , ■ ’ : ! t 1 • !: > ••• ’1 ■ DOS 1 'iii- virus !*• poised in Iotails s.v>t: 11• data un trili ( it-tl hard disks mi i rtiSiiy unless |.jn i au (iiins .ire taken ! hr virus i ..;i In eleti , led Hid fl'tllllV id f e, us*i%t anti v ine, s, t!v. ate made • liter tu n. Ami virus software is avail I, a < at the I nivei sits \ l'outputiii>j ( enter, .aid Linda ! e • BUC, ('.;•• New theater group performs plays of minorities j Local organization seeks to explain diverse back grounds, provide outlet for non white actors By Hope Nea son ; about spreading history But mure j i iiu ;.. ■ i i/.. t a.-; i (.died the Martin . other King Theater (In. ip gave its sc iii,!I (M-rtor(in i- at the ■ I iwntown (la ha ret Theater in bug’. m: to a sellout crowd last Sunday The first play . In IV/ri/e \inrrh .1 it.Us three Alrn .111 Anicriuiis arid three I.j.i itasun* portraying the struggles ■ ■! Alri can Americans in their eflurt to gain so l la I equiltl l\ w Itil W St 1 tes Dire* lor Uridgrlte J.u hsiiji-i' ahnt.u!.e!i sanl tlte group plans on doing plays which help to explain the more diverse bin ^grounds of minorities namely AI ru an-Anieruans, Asian-Americans, hat in Alltel 11 ans and \atne Ane'i, ms U ■ at!' tl u usi ug OI1 P' op,!' a ’ ala left out of the mainstream theater, she s.lid "I'eople who need a von e 111 In Whih• Amrrit .t. .. tors ih rifn recollections of slavery, sui h as being chained by the bands and feet to ships and being force fed Slave 'handlers an ■ i .i the ■ i. .. rihi.11 hoi. te*. er. .• tin* floor of u slaughter is. Slave owners give other monologues, in. holing t.ortes|toii.if!;. t ■ ' v,i-i n ,i for liter slave who has been Irei-il and a for nu*r *>In v i uw tier 1'he owner implores the former slave to i Him: ! k saving ■ nosed her sl.r.e •• t inidren like her .. The former '....I.* reio:w in hu. :■ :: ; V. d• I you raise \our own c h.i ! 1 m.ir let) la. ' Uhl .• whipping post . is* Mi.h. Th „!■■(. , rl :m ... Whitt* .-t;»ie:. '■ : l. t i > Si:h,it>!, lor >■■> a ti set or iniurmatieii i .1 I I i t ’ fOM J.o k solid . s 11 r 11 ill lit !. ..d i-.ngette thru lei already dues .i good .0 oi .thralling outside talent and pulling on sm h Uadi . O I r.., I 1.1. h . . life./ Saif .Stilt i 15:1 ; i .: oil MIA group wants to etu on rage ha a I artists l ;r c a use she believes hu. -I*. doesn't do enough for loi al talent \\ e h t.d i.i ; . ' people who go to Portland or out ,.! town, her,him- thi s ..: no' r> . I li« ally. she *..i.d Otn al i. tr> in t! Mi K .' K . V i live outlet (he group p: "■ i- s tor her Idle work tie group d ,s part in, !.tr - iV I:.1 • .! i 1: In ilif, M.limns s said, lu ( jir >' of thf impnrt.UU e i>[ lilt: subject Mi.»t ,d .is really don't know .1 lot bl.11 k !. 1 -.tor y.' she -..nil ' I lear net! ,1 lot (list Irnin learning the si rip! Another actress, I‘.e.!el!e Ansar; nor n .: , w ; > , in the Springfield School liislnc t. ami |ier!orsneil in the lot al story lelh:;^ lestai tins year Ans.iri retailed 1 time when she M I .. I ti l 11.0 > .it: 11 fe.it) I10W ss linln t t , ntr ;h..te Iti A met u an so VV- > . tut) V' if. • i W ha ven t t onlribiileti anything according to ■:a !• it; t. s!;e saiti , :,. ■ play s pertorinetl 11 v I he Ml K g; up ar' a way o( (hanging that kirn! of tl: using An 1!. ml " The more people are aware 11! our history, the more they are going to he able to apjiret iate each other," Ans.iri said j0 kst.n-l ..hnholleh said the gr. up will now perform yvherever they tan, a- 1: 1 ,::g ;iki - : /\ : . kei ; going m group had t een working ior tv. n years to get enough money to start per : ► . .0 ! aiinbulieh said Hat tie y .! turned down for all the grants ! , . . .; ' ' the Vf Kell/ie giver t at: ering and Oregon State (ion: ■ GROUP Maya Fnnctno Thomas recollects slavery in In Whilo America which portrays the struggles ot African-Americans in their ef fort to gam sor lal equality with whites