Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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Pt>©»o t>y Siaan ►jo*iop
Oregon s Jarrett Clark boats Cal Poly s Michael Contreras 7-2 in the the first round at the Pacitic-10
Conference Wrestling Championships this weekend at McArthur Court
Vidlak pins down championship
By [ nek StudeniCka
., a Cor '-if ibutof __
In .1 fitting conclusion to an extraordinary ca
nri Dili; ill wrestler I >.m \ i,aptui"d the
11H ; ! tie and !*.> () .:■; : n e Wrestler
A vs • 1 us 11 ;*• I‘.a i i i it t : •• W ti siting
(In.iin jiion's !:.:s w' ■ m :. : .,1 M Ain. it ( onrt
\ • ' ■ , ■:. • , i : : w r:.} n ■!: ’: ; n ! I u ■
tournament. reiording a tn iitiii ai full ami a pin
h. . way to tin lii..ii in tiii I]i;i
l:i,ildt against Mi M V Nolle/ < i Art/ ml State
\ , : >. ’J : a 1 n c a iv ,ng.,g: a!11• r Us < ■
per. 1 .! . i11 ■ i ■.i i.i !.. ka ' / avs 111
In iln- third period, tl. mils ipn m l>r-i .uw
w . :: r \ M ■ K w. . \ 1 ■ ■ .one 11 g , u i the IS
p. ;nl ailvantage net ess.uV for a technical fail
U N.u t,.,:, :y g l,, si.md U . . .. ,,! f ,
lie . \ . :. .k :. ■ : ii il ,i f ui.il !,tx ■ low: M :
11) sc. iunis tu register a t-H victors
\ :. i n a m ! : -.i.i- i i ;
ami enabled hint to finish Ins career unbeaten .it
; vs..Si. 1 really limits ils^i aUnit ms liotm m.
Is .:.■:i streak i.t' said i.servil : ■: ss irk.-il out
well In this tournament
In tin team competition, Oregon State jumped
out an carls lead and finished ahead of Arizona
State by the i omhatahie margin el K.'-l ns Ore
. . f.i.ished in ! ■.: I. ss [ .: .!•
Other finalists h i the L)tu ks int l..di-d !'at Craig
' lf>0 pi .lids and Sint! Myers at HID pounds
With I *. wrestlers in the finals the Dm ks
11 nil .1 Mills Oregon Stall’ ltd and Arizona State del
u i humpinnship round representation
( raig. suffering from an injured shoulder ami
lorn i lirtilage in ills knee, game, v l.t< ed II against
ti.e only unbeaten wrestler in the i onlerem e,
N'e.s Nelson of Boise State Nelson recorded a
hikedt.svn ami escape to gain a three-point advan
tage going into tlie third period, but Craig cut the
:■ ...‘ 1 ! v. ilh on escape of his mi:.
W ilh time running . Cr.ug had Nelson po
sit.on lor a takedown. Ini' the referee ruled NO
son out of hounds, ending Craig's ujiset hid
SlV'is 'allied Oregon Stale wrestler it'll Moll
s..n I : the BH>-pound . n . nj ...uslup n wlial
turned out to be the i ios.-st mat; ii of tin- ev enilig
V :iv:i. weariui .• s lot protei t: •: 1 My
ers .! 1 alter two pe; mils
M \ . - , . n ;, d the Dad to i - J,
found::..; himselt .:. tfu- same position as Craig,
m: ., I go takedown for the win Although
w : . M. ns. ,iu de.i Myers ior
:: fond !w. minutes and became the Beavers’
On; ', imiividuai champion
O'.f . r i);..k-. j it ;ng in the It r thre • and
:: : : . Cuming' n’.e NC \ A t n r n.; ■-.
M II ()K.,d, :n.a - i: I .i.i I.onCl l I os at
Uti pounds and Darren Custaison at Ifni pounds
Cus'.,iIson earn, i Ins t: p : l ikiah mu with a nO
overtime win over Andy ia athers of Boise State
On • S'it , n V. : k . inis n was . hit sur
d hv ih it. rgm . : . . : tv m tire Beavers' tri
*'*•0*0 0» Sujft Poilor:
Dan Vidlak s arm is raised in victory tor the last
time at McArthur Court Vidlak ends his career un
beaten in home-court matches
. ;i. jili . . >T !.i\ i . ■ i An/ mi St.it• ■
What we h.i was i liii.il team jn-rlurni.ifK f.
i ■ i i ,iii! We had !i'ii place winner*, which
i". i!. w.w : • win hiisman,fills All we wanted to
ihi v i* w m we didn't are il i! was h\ ten {.mints
in one (mint
Oregon head i t i. h Kon Finltn wasn’t sur
|>n*cil by Ihe final results
Os Ikis good overall depth ' he -«. a 111 "When
U -.Si.- ‘dt Minn • the s.in Devils wrestler at j.}j
pounds who Ins! :n the lust round! was eliminat
ed. lit lea in ;are was over h or ASD to have had
a chance. they needed all .1 Iheir wrestlers lo
::..ike the final
i'in! v was jo'.ivtl live Oregon wiestli-rs had
j . 11 Oil'll lie the \t \ A nieet and s,t..| (he sijiiad
has < h.Uii I it' improve oil last \ ear's l till jilai e
N(!AA 1 iiinaiH .sh
Ihe st en't-rlauimg rnateh was the ljli
pound : i! p. i: ng Oregon Stati s Itabuk
M •’ A:.S: ,te\ Shawn Charles
He sell, ni; lie, a la:: brawl at tillies, ihe two
displayed t.. : : olfense Oh.tries ranked
fourth in the ; :.:r\ hn.illv pulled avv.iy willi
two takedowns final period to finish off
Miili.i'intiad i. 1 -I -1 1
Other sr.divi.taai . h,impious included Lyndun
tiamjihei: i I 14 ; . .:..ls) of t al-State Fullerton,
Kv S...',a M. .if Oregon State, Ray Miller
: I A: Stat I tent (•. . k (lti7) ol Ore
Stall A. :wart/ 077] of Cul-Foly San
. (!i .-.d Mike Anderson (Heavyweight)
ol Arizona Stale.