Trrrr7 -iJL ill Oregon throws last home game to ASU, 58-48 By Dave Charbonneau t>i ■■'aid Sp- 'Is Rdf ll u ,is Ori'iiuii's , !■■•! me game of lilt' season. ami nobody was compluiniug A dismal r rovs i , ! :> i Jti w.III hod till' Dm. ks lh;nu away ,i t hame at a rare Put tfit 10 Conferont *’ victors as Art/unci Stall’ storm d h u k. from a 10 point sc, iind ha 11 11 elicit and defeated Oregon rdf Ut on Son i . The Ducks did not si ore a point in tiie final three minutes u! tile game and Were ofitsi ored in tiro final 12 minutes to keep them at tie ’ .-’.I : lie i ’at ■ to SV it ft a : 2 • i i ic.icce 1 e .. ord and t> they era If mat k Oregon used a I .a.pie id dd ferent delav offenses to control tile tempo td the game tor the entire first hail at.-! pit ked up where it left oil to start tile sets ond hail As the Dtit.ks tall tile tas k •down and lot the,: shots. Art; /ana State struggled to get a de . ■ :;! it A. it the hi, All when the Sun Devils did get a gut id look at the huche!, Oregon li.e mt ti edt I’otter arid t i... ■ s Patterson were then' to turn them away freshman filial, lo \V 1.. a : hit .1 20 foot hank shot for three, and then he and junior Antoine Sloudanure connected on three straight free throws to put I lie Dal r. s up is 2 o V% it h ! ' minutes left lo (das Oregon seemed to have the upper hand \\ :i-il ;t■!: V ;;;.. in i - its is .. v*Hi! Sloud.eiure who h-d .1.; v..iriv w it la points H vvr i i >.i ill v r made. vuivr iu\ sfi•> .will- !:■•<■; ’hr. w v \v-’ ( uul.i !m rn tiv 1 i or M> ly->■ . !'h i! 'sixrtiis to tic ,i vv id she P ; k-s h.iv - ■ to k iiS .1 1 i to. • U r ii rill ■ Si 1‘tiili U1 th i! I . 1 1 i -this ...•■■ -hoi In lJreguiv ! hr . J.iC ks nils ■•■,! easy made (Mil pusses and inuldtid ; 1) a !* j I nti h -.I- h r. miu I hr g.ilisr . . ' ia rd M,i /oli.l S i' 1 i k is Vt h i d ■.; k \ I id; re-j! . ; hi V fi.t U ■■ (■! V - hi : i: i ,;,,t :k . ’ >.u k I i hr Urvihi vr ,i»J in 11 i; tn.vk i■ mi vv ;:- ;i Smith hit i thu | il ivi Aw. ;.,i S' itr < ■ t i !'i . j,i With 7 JO lid* . i hit uni of two !; •• throws to k • : tin’ < mint h i k n j i i ; I t!. : :! thru t!i. , Hu ks I U li ii t!11■ ir trial'll hinw lit tin g 111:- ;• o! ! pit ked up in-, huh tout W Ith just liver six minutes toft to |>l.n M km-w hr was in troutdr When Potter went out. S' ' . ii it . v hurt U v*.. " Mitt uinlet in nth n nil Putter P the Sun l. its' big nii'U had no trouble get ting the hall inside tor easy bus kftS NimI's thr<<- point plus In . arit by mother ir*-> hv South .is Ari/ortii Mate p-! loti ft 1 Hi {’.iHerson's I .: k ■ ■ .! () r ■■ ijun ! i k vs. thin l!;:i." with three 111 mules it’ll. bo! the last, ! i me (In’ tiffl iM u >uI 5 I tl.ilig** lor thr 1 > . k-s l! vs.ts .i hard loss tor list! 1 I .. i k s it II l! it K i ;u . t It l , \\ i.!s . .t i t v t'tMtst(It-rtng ■ tin* Sun Devils \v t • 11 •: without le.i.t it;g si tifir i . ,t i k i: e r Vs 1 ts ■. I ..'it; hod by i hl U 1) . kS .t:'■■■■' . mg < t .1.1 bus <■ snniethtag lo do Vs tiit ihf loss \ \ 1 :, , . : i v' !in' k i: t • I < ■ f . - :s 111 Sl ! imo k I .! 111.- .<: : it.: lw ,iv through l!-. half I II I I Vs t) h .llli s .s .11> i • • I leads for [Ilf frsl til Ihf hitlf. ,<■; ! Onv.i'ii led i it h.ill Potter I..til Hi points .lint live rebounds in tin- lifsl Itisll hut finished vs till unis 11 points iinti ' boards Patterson. piavmg in Ins g.mif .;1 M A riltnr Court i 1 ):■ ton's In-.: b e k m, tor a shot in Sunday *• home qame atjainst Arizona State Smith t.1111**