Kultuld P llljltllJ* «% \lpha Fhi l Imrijj v\ M«'« \»;.un%1 K j j u* .% I Ml Hixrd >.f ln< ui<-nlai lr* ( ummillrr i i-ii. night. at 5 10 • \hm ■ S H ■ ! i- '-.o-df .t A » s»«rv. fi pr« i \w l umulUng CVdaf K jfat A a: ! H 1 ari-cj FUnnjn* and Fiji nsi.is! KK: H i kS '£w»»/l Alt' t > 'the ■ , . A • j V‘ '• . <’ - * . • .•«*«*;•«•,':{ uhiiMi f ' -i* i .. j': -■ : w ■ . i ' • ■ u . <\\ GAS air The vvcimi i harvested : ■ ’■ lift'd, friiie the /debris left «JM'’f tneliei . s; Wood i aiming > ; . .1 ■ 1:. . li ::-• •; .nd j>< ■ .tiuiv- iha.n i;j>, and I In' cast of equip!:. ■:;! ! ' • . ipla;: a 1 with .1 • f qual it v standards w mild hav i' bin'll aliout $.! mid .on." Met lit -mi Ai cording to an Ament .111 i.ung A-• sue ::it: >11 newsletter, wuodsinoke 1 ontains several toxic gases, me hiding .formaldehyde.. ( arbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides Stud 1 i n show licit wnod smoke is a morn polclil can longen liian cigarette stuuke, and that 1 lirotiH exposure to tin- smoke increases the lungs' vuliierajiil". ity to disease. I lech I said that natural gas currently costs about halt as mm h as <1 comparuble amount of wood chips We are not aide to buy the quality of wood 1 hips v\ e need to do the job," he said. Hortht said that in 19119, hogged fuel cost Si per unit, compared v\ ith the current prit e of S40 per unit What's happened in the last five to 111 years is that the lower amount of timber harvested is c reating less hogged fuel, said Dan Williams, t 'diversity vie e president for administration Looking at what's going on with the timber industry in this si,ee, hogged fuel prices are just going to keep climbing Hut lit said switching to gas from hogged fuel oilers greater boiler rifle leu. \ and requires fewer wnrkeis to u: - rale the p. ill! licit pi • teles si' am te at lor the University State ■ U : ..... ■! : wcrkeis C. : I a a had to litre people to replace them," he said The gas will 111 transported through a new p;pi :: wesl Naluf.il ILe. (I- mstal d under !• d- .. ■ . . Lngineermg Inc ol Portland designed and engineered th v ersion The I d e with is v\ t plus $€>■> l>«t OI..1 mu nr !<* m»lrfin */xl rvm rrutlrti?t (hr ^laee ai Some «*iWt Ku%r •t >** i-m , | ;; iVor> - t A fV'tjrtr • .*V*4rtr i ' '« **h RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS THE MOST EXCITING FEW HOURS YOU'LL SPEND ALL WEEK. Huikl your Mill-confidence m an melting Army R< )TC wlocttvo W«'U got you out oi the c Unaroom aiui into awlvonturo Find out mori Contact Major Bob Harts*tt, 1679 Agate Street, 346 ROTC ARMY ROTC THE S MAI TEST COLLEGE COOKSE TOO CAH TAJUL *1 1 i T i IJ 1 « 1 1 [' ' rrn T Ufr2JPn III, 1 00 ASA nts a( ' 2 PRICE (?‘jC e ONLY SI 90 ‘,C edd') §5^hou , ONL Y 99C , j" Prints C Seco «ggBB*"-",rP.. f""' ' Film San 00 ASA the ab°ve PHIZES ONLY99C ONLY $199 weekly SPCC' ;ils custoninrs cjnt PLUS nmccssing cus— .ton dim Pr0CC ,4 iooasaj The drst u E)LM C35'2 PLUS ^rEE ROLL OF UL ^S»SSr:r uo Thirteenth & Kincaid, Open Monday - Saturday, Phone 346 4331 t hi/