Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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\ I .1* Sv h.« 1 I'l S . > * pcrattvc cfl >M < d tbt < hi , • h.i!
1 4w\cr v \sui i.»h« >n 41>’I the \ iiivf t-*il\ <>f ()rcp*hi n l'< ( ie I > a
Sv h«»'I judges. j»* .it tu mg lavt vcr s and Livs student-. wiii u ,»■ h .»u A lull
I <luv .ition Senes designed j I* tu t m! mi the pubh, aK. it t:,. *jy the
It->•.»I s\ stem really woci*
< iimiddl I j** IM IU, i'tnJr, l*r
\ idiim • l»I \. Ilov* (<» ( Ikmim j ( r imitidl
I a* > ti s* tilrY>f i«t
Nmir Ki^liU In Kf^l l slalr Iranv^iliimt
I jimII -i ill »fiunl I ^ *•
Mishit «rf t I >iw r Immjll<»n In I he
Work TU« r NVtukrit t
I Vi m \M I)M Sliw IKO.M 7-V |’\1 • Kttoiu 221
University of Oregon L;i\* School
noth Emerald 346-3712
6 mm
Open 'til 2AM every night
Should bicyclists be allowed to
ride on campus sidewalks?
they shouki
Ik? able to
bike any
where I rn
<i bicyclist
and it I were
biking today I'd b*> on thi*
sKiowalk "
-Charles Doggett
sophomore, music
"No I itunk it's
There are so
many pedes
tnans on the
sidewalk The
rule shouldn't
ho changed "
-Matt Langston
graduate, physics
because I
almost get
hil by a
But I don't
think they
should be ticketed They
should just be given a
warning “
-Julia Morgan
sophomore, undeclared
“It bikers I
can bo 1
responsible f
and con
atrout the
welfare of
others I
think they should Out ot
course they're not so
(nayhe there need*, to tie a
rule like that
-Christine Snydor
junior, fine arts
'I don't think
so because
then- .ife so
many stu
dents .and so
many bikes
and some
collisions or
trouble will happen "
-Ching-Shih Chiang
graduate, physics
“I think
there ere
should be
able to ride
and areas
where they shouldn't be able
to ride Where there are
large sidewalks I think they
should be able to "
-Suni Elgar
junior, biology
Cor'' ."a "ot Page ■
Bohln .1 bfi.-iii until r
sl.imiing of how thi- ASUO
. :..tns ,u;ii vs!.,i: a ! ik■ : ;
,ki■ u inn wt'ii. Ion- 1.111!
Ih |>‘ iuiiv what I nan bring lo
ll .1 r 1 list- skills llldt I Vi! ill
(jintrd Iron. SUK(’ Over the
ji.it two wars I've iictjum-ii .1
(JH .il drill of il(i m Hi I Si f ill i V i'
' kills mui I |i*l*l lll.it 1:1 hr illlil"
Hi bt mg I hi'sr 11 v 1 r to the
I'tltr s.liii .1 Il'IH'W 1 li I'llijiha
sis on jHiltln ,il lobbying us
m ii \t ri:f;isli.iiu)ri, w ill
bo CJULl.ii frum Shu Iiulii)!, .villi
up< nntifi)} luilionni itln ikms In
‘. . ■ !ii!» i and .1 --l.ii i.i!
■ ;,ill ,kr Im i•'r wi
i jiK l.i) 1 Th.* new pri viiii-ni
jfu) viic pr.-vnii-nt will s.iku ul
• . - V
i.i . : i;:. | 1 ' k■ ■ * ;)
i iislv down in thf AS! 1) by :<•
■ !..< iii(4 stall hiijHiriiis tuf slit
ib-iilv .in.I addin}; ilium inlunis.
who could rocclvit credit
IiiriKigh the !.S( Ai’L program
' : r n i : k, ' l .v . :. .. nil'
• :: ■ . ... ill (i \
I! . !■ .ui- only thfiv ASIA) in
WEEK of March 3rd
/ Iron John
In Robert Bly
1. I rial (ireen tomatoes at the
l\ histlcstop l aft'
In lannie I lagg
L Rnini in the Weeds
In I K’lriJn* Mi \amer
4. Homecoming
by John Bradshaw
v In the Spirit t>f Crazy Horse
bv IVtor Matthiossen
<>. Coyote Waits
by loin I iiliorman
7. Hi ere are Xo t Ini,Iren Hire
bv Aim kotlowitz
.S'. What Color is 'Sour Parachute
by Rkharii Bo lies
l>. I liras sic 1'iirh
In Mu haol l ru hton
10. Difference I ngine
In William tiibson
UO Bookstore
tdth k KSrv-JMd M t- 7 SAT 10 006 00 346-43J1
li'ins through ills', program
l.ci' si mi I'urt; also plan to
hint <1 pi-rtnu nunt adviser iur
tiu* Incidental lie (it,’milliter.
Something thl.'V hopt! VVii! (MM
the incrciiiing tuition burden
Hits plan is iii i. .-. irv bii lusti
tin-;:;! ■■■ genrr.dh lo *.*;, .1 ;*. ■a
lion on lisu iH, tot ot'lv .1 yn.tr
ft tW 1!,l‘i* *.,| i.j
U r in 1 .! in see inimi tamsis*
loot 1 in 11; ill s work, l.i*i*
s 411 i " L very year stud mils
1 uini- iii .Itiii o il, so il makes
till* w!i* -11 * 1 1:;it 11111 *i ,1 d 1!!i. nil
strut tun because there's so
much transition
For Textbooks
Mon. • Sat.
Smith Family
768 E. 13th
1 Block From Campus
and cjlbert^”
a presentation of
Glvia Alvarado
7 p m.. Wed. Mar. 4
IOO Willamette
9 donation requested
t-f “'f JO Latin Af”en:an
Support Cjr'Ti;r.ae and the Center
’or ."* Study of Women in Society