Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    Clear miss
it is apparent tli.it thr leaders
in Oregon higher niui iiion
have once again missed the
V- tii.it diet
t ’ . . ! I ■ pi e p le lit Oregon
lilt give higher ri i U t .1!; 11 n
whatever lliet w.itit, w11fnmt
. nest mn. imtneil i.itel v i h is
;!ist attitude r.s one of the big
: j : 1 terns !uglier eiiut atinn
' IS lit: s jre: I I . t . I a t! it u lie
' : :: ... it t..r tin' ,i\.
. ■ ( I: ■ itiiaft In iv uit to-give
;. v I:; '-, in. eu-v .UH i■■ !his is
■'■■■ ;;.e ■ . ■ e. i.,. v. , • in.tk mg
t tie final tin ision
' liei.'■ i' the at I r 4:;: t )n v: an
' . . thl been
tiit'v want. their lav s i,v gu. is
:.;\ n Munihi'i
it i< iff ‘.ft ! .I \t‘S ]Vr: t .iUl’.l .s
1 ii
I lulls i list, attempt t. it 11 !! .' i s •'
it * : k in mi ri
; ill- i.ill ( I
I don't think :t-.e\
Andrew Schronk
Wrong blame
i.tsu! people who read f‘l
V and I'l'ttlln list- till;i an
tual rnnu-s ' Ulilmnd. i i
*n ;
u i h
vv I \ v
ti by
i. i .ilr fur llul matter Ami
doi-'s Uii•> mean readers of I’.ir
mt'. ri iiui f all wome n I : ! -,
mai tunes ’ Do readers . I M . i
and / anf.iM Si i It -Fra I i \ s.-.
tin- World th.it wav' I don !
think m
u- shun: I la- -. .
a vi fi'hir the power .-n to
I'l’iiihoiisr. '-to :h ■ ft
at a! similar ptihln a! A:
:. ! v lor tree sj-*■*■, h »■ ii
-is! IHvalid !o Kami- all . i
Wendy Hmrich
■ citation ol an o
sor John Bi-i-l.'i
ID . : Otis St ar
1’- 1 ' till- - ' i‘ n.llV la- in-,;
a" I hi i!i a IVai ks
mm-, B • ! ■- -,:ut on his
. . . s ms Bee
• o! 111 ,- r i h t- n
Im- S arm hmd
a l-\l - -.MU- tore
him- t;;s arm far
AM' r vh. * t
i Ua q ’ . *?++
* T‘U f4 VH^)*4 -
T*‘ ‘
V | V * 4
sii'u (• ! ik1 vv.is f t ■ i i! ig i:;> I hi; shin
>\ ,. i ' . \\ ,: ■! ! i; < jj -.! j ■! ‘■ ,i mi
lit i It \ t!if.; in get .m ,»v Ami lhc:
:r J ti i'll I I I :■■ I -! ■) U se I »
! ■ fon t1 tin this man!'
Jennifer Eustis
1 u is! ..mill .1 .t!• • ■ r re , i ,ng
D.f. r ( .'i.irtiuiinetiu s Oly in
.i . i In Ini; \im n
I III I I'.i in' [Ol II.. I ■ «• I» J fi)
ii.ii-. w i. irinintlc.i mi' u(
niic n! liaise annoying cum
i;.ill -i s who [■ .■ jUtigmeuS
i:h! vl-.'S'.;}! ihmng liic events to
lill air-tune
A:i- you .i imint-r g.>lii nieti.il
: . j.. '. i ■ .: > ' - r 111
• : ► - . [ isir 'inn !■!,:.!i . .
- - ’ .:. .■. i - . k;iii’ Vii.ir
i t It 1! | :.l nsull bcl Wi-l-ll 1 Ilf e it*
' * i! 1 ’ li ; ,
-a . i ! -1! ; ■ ; ■
So, you were once (irouti o!
• ■ . .t H .' I ! .
i;.r judgments nit her jn-r-.uii
Preparation of Tax Returns for Oregon Income Taxes
Wednesday, March 4,1992
7:00-9:00 pm
EMU Cumwood Room
Resource people: Susan Cary, Tax attorney
Cinny Stark, International Student Advisor
Ennis Wuite, Certified Public Accountant
Tina Zamora. UO Accounting Graduate
Oregon Tax Forms and Instruction booklets will be provided.
Participants should bring their W-2 forms. December 31
paycheck stubs, 1040NR forms and other documents
needed to complete their state tax forms.
Sponsor**) Ov tne Office of International Serv« es Graduate Sc hoot and OTF f ederation
For more information, call 346-3206
•tinv iin<l .it'! iits ’.rein In . ig. l
■ llii tW!’-f I find i! tint,nr lti.lt
yi . svi.1 .id ■ igg. .1 -.hi- d 11)11 I
w .ml I11 dn tin: u. ; k In gel lo
thr n vl i.'Vrl ‘ tl seenis foolish
lli.it n m w • iild make mu h .in
sumptions without soinu run
ini' nlenre. llki1 11 ; said
you uni- only .n ijuainl.mi es in
[uniur high
IIy thr u ,i\ ivii.it is it;, m v|
IrVi'l .l.'lVIV.tl ' \l 1 orditlg Id
... . n serin-. ttir in vl level"
1 jii v . gi.id mril. 1!-. You imply
lii.il lid- ()!\ mp:i s is simply
.dimit winning tid'd,ds r.iltn'r
Hi.m .1 w oiddvv nil- |. it is i v i*nt
Ini c rniijii'llluni .in.l personal
,11 tltt: V I'llvvlll
I don't agree I till I (In- US, nr
.ins tither 1 minlry, .in- 1 tic
greedy, tni’d.it hungry nations
S n' I ! 1.. tk.' [In in i .t i I In in ' Uni
do i lii’l sou .»r 1 1 umprlenl lo
11II11 ’«■ Ithli'll . nil lilt’ll -kill Ill
personalities Your generali/a
lions .in- gross, ,is art; your
judgments, il appears you are
lilt title Wit!) the .itltbuie
He K ! . •::. i i : lie |).r.t
li ttr i il.il e fleet) s, , vile III. j ill
11Sv i-.. .( th.it tiles m.nil! me gig
gle but Siiuf l,lte-.t (Il|g '( ,
nt)!', lib _'"i) must surely take
the i ike'
Mere -. .Ill iile.1 though Itnvs
tihuuI uut honing the i.ipist's
j 1.111•> lor rh.irity7 | he (ilix eeils
ssuntil benefit the s u tun. mul
mi. itlier like y oui sell i until use
tile genii,its lu h.ittle tile sytllp
ten.-. ul her ilf.jil.ii eil >.evii.lilts
1 her ,|py 11; I e s ery o [ l e \\ ! ,.1'y.l
say /
Dobbin Weisrnan
Bryant Howard
n.r ( )!<■>:■ II D.lllv lilliri.lltl U : ..*•> ".|>l III f : Mt .ill
irUc: i coul.ii: ng i un, :ih-;i!s <ii, •• of . illvi «■■>! In the
I Inivcrsitv uumriiiimU
1.(tiers In tile mi.,! lie i ..!«■! j lu J1 < mure I hurl
' .it wuf.lIt-11>1 • • .aim’d it;. uti-Hiifu .itmii oi the
isritrr m ,In- veritii'ii when the ieUrr submitted
i ' . 1 .1 ’It , I•,!. t . \ I Mr! Id!
,,’!i or s!vie
Oh M">ty always hales me showing this slide
' s halftime at the HH Detroit Che .igo
game when we met