Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Ain’t nothin’ but
an Elvis stamp
Weil, the people down at the 1 S Postal Sets me
have finally done something right
Godhead.trs and guess
No. itN not another postage raise Nome'! ■ 1 etter
The postmaster gem-rai. with much fanfare and t o..Ir
ish..unveiled ias! wees'two possible version ot a in w
1 avis Preslev stamp
Now that's something we ran ail be happ. ab<> .*
The' - King of Rod n Roll will soon gnu e tin- upper
right-hand corner of - love notes, phone In'is. and ves.
maybe even letters to the editor at-this v«-r\ new .paper.
The King’s stamp is a long time in coining Those
American flag stamps are getting bur mg and staid hi
vis on ,1 si.imp is exactly
vvh,j! (f is nhi iit r v needs to
get i* . : f»ij' i>: this postal
After all. it you can't
lick the li.i! k o! I avis' ta< (•
and slap it on a t ihristmas
card. what good is the
postal system'
However. the lies!
thing alMiut t h.e lists
stamp is there are two
possibilities to
After all, if you
can't lick the
back of Elvis’
face and slap it
on a Christmas
card, what good
is the postal
• rum tin: nni:.^ I h is
and the ()id Id vis (hereafter referred to as "t ! and () Id)
From til is i I a ner. 'i I. is the choice II this nation is
going to commemorate the King, the stamp shoald re
fieri him at his Ix st I he VI. stamp conjures up those
irreplaceable memories of gyrating hips, weird hairdos
and those had Id vis movies where the < ast would break
into song without due i uu.se or provm ation.
B\ comparison, the Oh stamp only firings hack the
king's final nightmare years, unless you’re a tabloid
reader who thinks Idvis is alive and working .is a fry
rook in t tu a. NO
Do we want So remember Ids is as a bloated, neumt
te fitug user ’ ()f course we don’t
(in down to the post office \ ote tor the VI st.aip.
It’s w luit the king would have vs anted.
Thr Oregon Duil\ luucr.ild welcomes common
taries from the public concerning topics of interest to
tin' Unisersits community.
Commentaries should be between 7f>0 and 1.000
weirds, legible and signed, and the identification of the
writer must be verified upon submission The I'lmruld
reserves the right to edit for grammar, style and length
if nee essar\
Oregon Daily
r O BOX JiM.EUGfNt ORfCOM *7403
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the LATER vears
Primaries: Silly, agonizing ordeal
OK ! o r a r. . ! s w I.
hasn't wal,ltd Hi,; ...-as
nr ri'ici .1 jjiipi-r in tin' last
i ,p!!■ iwi i k‘.. -i run
lin'.vr, .' ■ nt [,r i ■. :. i, p:.
I ifs! tin- Di'rnuf rats
Paul Tuongas aun Nrw
H.i npshlrr .i.’i.l : : ir> .\
t'iit hiipj)i’ii in S it:. 1J.»K• ■:.i
anil finis turd nut ut ttic :nonr\
H> ! hrru v 1 im i tk . .
t!.' ;> . k i iriy u ’■■■■i ri ' ....■. :
• I i• Sc ml 1; i >.lk. !,l l win
I .■:11 H.i:km .. i m
S' Itii Dakota. but is ' 'isiitr: I'll
,i iin.paut ll!-w.i:ting
l**rr v Ur> .vn g.. vc is. a -.gas .»
r a i «• in M .lint', h u t i h r
Moonli.-.iin t .im p.i ign ii..s
lit .'ll unsiu t t-ssfu I t'Vnrywhrrr
ItiH (Hinton. tilt- darling i an
didatr, hasn’t wuti a tiling
Saw !ur till- Kl’plil ; a alls
(leorgr Hush won both pri
mantis, but I'at Uuuhauan (thu
political equivalent of a pi!
hill,: Stan I turn in N.-w ilamp
shirr, un.i iasuiit' sun lantli
if a It ■ ' i'm ommitiftl'' hnisht-ti a
st:, dig ".. . , :; i in S. a! h Dakota
u.n "I IXikt* is st,;i missing in
a i 11.) n t. ■ r w i.u h w i• gi •. .•
til.ink- ! .:: w as last srcii , u
.. us making comp.irison.s he
Iw.vn hi nisei I and a soft drink
last' (.ut a (atla. Dllkr ht'lil'V i s
In- is tin- "real thing "
V\ ' 11 If.. 1 tiling" I.)t. kt was
rfiftring t,. had not tu rn deter
ininrtl a! prrss time
Analysts i havr no idra
what s gi.::..’ on. anti eiingru
11* :;. ;s ■■ .. s ■ a(..: . -j it.. ■
I in not altinr Political pun
it,is , ,i!J,m tivulv shrug thi-ir
s:.,if rs w i:'-n l.u i'.i w ;tli .!■
i id mg w h i is "winning the
No insult to New
Hampshire voters
intended, but any
state which put
John Sununu in the
governor's mansion
does not deserve
such political clout.
idv h.-c
sun** should not hovi- thf ri^ht
n »«jii i* .ifi opinion on presi
dential idutt's i or Ifom i!
But our pM‘M*nt svsUwi. howrv
vr it was onto* intrruii’d. has
now [mmdhu* prrvrrtrd into an
agom/mg ordeal he politic ions
! tir presidential campaign
ys ! i• t: m tnid.lhe_V lu gins
i U -dm-sday \
venihor eat I: hup year, has t>e
i oiiu; almost 11ki much to bear
After all till* post-ohs lion pus
luring is done, and a slab of
candidate-. has stepped forth
ivi1 voters art' subjocted to
months o! watching IVter, Dun
and Tn!:i stand ing in tins pas
lures, microphones at the
ready, trying to get a presided
tiu! hopeful to sa; something
u orthw hile
f-.lej ’111 by sound fate Is the
name of the game
The drawn-out primary pro
t f-.s ;s a trial hy !; aitiethr. iW et
lor potential candidates Tfie
politl. i.ilts' list's are scrulini
/ed ami any slip-up or minor
infraction brings the mass me
dia running with the' exuber
ant e of a vulture to < anion
• lie surprise becomes nut an
; . tat indam e of people y\ ant
ing to be president, hut that
-my tme would willingly suhn'i t
th -mseUes it, the primary pro
lilt' t .lllcjill.lll'v .Illit tilliS Selling
the agenda for !hr rest of the
.rip.t l:.me .1 little
sijueatt i-.li \ii in-- :.l to \t",v
i i.imji.hiiv v oters iiiIi'M,it'ii. bat
un\ ft’.iif which jail John
Summer in I he governor’s man
sion does mil tit'scrv f such j:ii
lit leal clout
luvi' invariably informed the
who ls tfmiig >' in thf
nuinin.ii; 1. ami Liit-r primaries
l irii ini, lamed.. ►. , i : .in .
Tin; soluHon is .simple
Hen’ s mv plan.
• vs
lit- iuiliit’tit'n to announce Iht’ii
Candidas m s until Ajiril 1 (ap
propriate; o| tile fir, Uon year
ill's::.: It . . ru !■ s\ u: ill It", .it
we penalty Personallv I
f-iv 11r t olming tin* candidates
iur om- month in ,i h.m: cell
with Jesse Heims us a ruom
• .S' p tvs ,1.1- : : v ■ -,■ -
lions ill ot nil would
i,i■ j ,:i s u:: A..g ! A i i pr; ■
manes ivs..r,i delegates on a
strii t pm i tit.igf of soli! ratio
• Stoj three ‘. ...
■ inventions vs on Id be held
Si'jit 1 Like the current pro
".s ail delegates are beholden
the suiisi rilii-d candidate lor
one ballot only II no one has
etiie.:gh t.. vs m on the hrst go
atm.nd. it s every candidate lot
turn/herself Vu e presidential
. arulidates would he chosen by
a countrywide lottery because
tl.ev don't to a thing unyvvav
• I'wo < and [dates are pi kod to
battle for the president v
See how simple that works'
No more long election seasons,
c-o more turning tins states into
jiu!ttical litmus tests
Besides, vs ho wants to see Pe
ter Dan and lorn in cow pas
tures arms av'
Pun Peters is an rs/itoria/ edi
tor for (hr Emerald