C- \ . WAf>/ it s the 1-i '! lav before spung break and the last i ha.ru e t> that final workout »n You’re a til tic tired,/and .-.that dull pain that > hvn running from vour right butfosk down to the Imi V ’of v«• vjr Iluv is acting up jpim, but Viui figure hey N’i > PAi N. NO t.AIN A fti-r ad, you re in a hurry to l< - >► Q'H >P Wl-o tare’s about how y ■ *u '?<■•* I 1 You arrive home and prepare t • ■i, uM !, I’ll! as yoil bt'Iid d< Wh retrieve a fallen towel y ou In . ■ »nu-thing duft in tin- lower an a i»l your baO t he n< »t thing \ know you re doing your vs • p'lsofiai rendition *>f an iKtoge tunai. with rl *mu.ii. id arthritis In I of ; ■-« ndsng Vi ur g, '» .•us spring break showing Of the .s-w you . u tin* great out g .h * rs , u spend your tin • ’ one of three Vs ay s I l VU-g ’ .it »»n your ha ■ k with \«- ur ‘ ' dfaj n i * >v or vs ha! ipii- f . ' oiffu s an obnoino h*ok.H g ’ - t sti>ol. 2 !n v our . hiroptcutor • . g ! 1. . ■ shut hr V you y »• 1» i.i. h .< : friend ), of I ( lavs !u;g to the i'.illuvK.nj on y our hand- a; d ► ■ > < grateful fv >r the •• ha i I rn felling v ou this U am*- iu» o!«e d> M|V. s to ha Vt' thus ! I ? Uv h tu!i it t! p • • ;hly ■ . ;* ! rust uk ! km us t i>u i ar. ai>. trin-t me when I tell you that s* ur spine is nothing to ;r« - - with, U i.u!h' s»nce y ou injure it m sunn vsay that vse.ikla itha f. h-f Ilfs’ Injurv fo tin* lower hi. I. booming more and more preva lent .is a greater number of js-o pie are .I ng to lead more tive and fit lives And while U mg fit is .ertamly a worthy g.ul them are a levs things that you • .>u'.d k ep m mu d Pam is Ni VI normal Pan. is your body s vsay of letting \.u know that sifiiuhiiu: isn't right living to be an uth.K'.. a: .'mu ami vs oik th rough the pa.it t being plu» ky it s Uung stupid st.ip win’ll it hurts I atigue is another thing to be a vs are of VS hen v »ur KhU o fa tiguixi it Use:- . . pa rtnu Lilly vulnerable ! > »:;-Iit\.- and ,i:.v )n Keren: '.trui tufa! « ■ . ;*e i tally it the spurn, W :: h . .ill '• “ • ev. ! •* * .1 I f •• *: " ! V ' • \ ? « . ... • , ng I , • ’ V ■ n; . v . ‘ ‘ t ■ . - * . - : swi'n; a if?'There n* a big Ji»!« r orwe attitude t-« r< if V i re health minded you re going ll! ^x* t: :m 1 to vow! U ' h* an 1 there *■ it •!!•:•.ti« aware *»l the ‘eve; af ' jJitrfv-:•!> 5lull vouf lv«dy t*it' afe U and mhirtabiv withstand II , . : - ! ’ • *■">’. s W ll!'-‘■ . < f • -J SjHH-d ■ V :«• g. >;ng ! « h-e rum h in .re apt to j ..sh \.'urH‘ll l■« \ •• 1 v of mints in >. h to V ’ ! M • !. * «■ \\ !. [>■ Work mg nut with .1 partner van lx* very benefit ;-41- t! an also tx- wry del ' , ..r ' • lv \ i'u hod .onxxiju* w ho ha a M : or f i f n e • s Si \ el well a-- vj*fu lar trlncx*. goals l\r, : ■■ ]■' J villiie !^!i! ‘ onto tl i’ next level until you w nusterwi tin first ami even then iturva *■ your levl of activity gradually i ! • o .a?•.i e Mvnv:s! ( ; g ti.it v 1 hke to do • tft.it v . * W ith l! and a v ■ i the trap of evert ising sjvoradkalh or just rnoi^h to i vp v . . a o: has •\ ' M',(»e o •» that ” > title 'ss rnutttu* v»u vheex* is a balamed aiul v»»n.pl« te one where all nu for movie groups ate strength en, d ' that one vet t r.’.isi lev t . vf pi iwer a : -f her and U . is (hi key to a liealfi . r and strv»nyt*'r vpnve and thus a healthier ami stronger h*slv 'asr s!retv h in MKKleration’ 1 .''lowing this sjmpl* hit of ad \ e w ... m-ip to el sore an V MS ip? .ng h ’ i ► and ‘ j *» t -. . v k.-ep V‘ i trorn having te softer the f ml .!:«■- ot v raw ling »• * the t! • ■ i \our hands a:.vl km'es Smart Snacking V a- • . p . .1 Pi* V* f 4) do \ ■■*.* *->■' K :".i '.N'iM 4 - J -al, 4 , .y tj... }>,«-. .,j . j;. . v..- , ,rv v-*4 m«n.*h ir- a r- a*trr «*{ minus*-* V-u arr.vc a? >»♦■.f n«*»t .• . . r»r«a’‘ and w. <-f d«r *'* - a ' did'! ? * a?' : K« - «n.% *•*: • a *. - ..*:■■ " } .< mar ■ >. vt-.i* :■ ca* ■ * -r « da> < * fhrrrJ.’nr wr nrly ur *ra»k* n» get , da v S*»-.r and .'.*<•.:» ,»»**• in fat, hi/h m « ar^ohydratr-% and %a*-.»fv;rg A b4g«-I !.>r *•» J , . r , < * aft--' » J .. • v a: w . >ou •..$> * !w« ciUx'w* than ?hr *rUy durui Hire arr a !<«. s ■ i r 4 : a k -- t * - . t! * . w * • nS* bf rt'WTT ' < Instead of h ■ U V - '* [H ,muf> or .llmunN )■-. -t.uo chip* hi- - r> am candy hs»ih fat t rai Kit*. Try lion inurtiii or b.igi‘l low ‘..ilt prot/i-K or .or popp'd popcorn !i.1 iv salt tortilla i hip with >..iKi low (.it frozen vogurt ir.- h iruit or applesauce with r, usin'. ru r v.ikt". with loo t.it r.ivw 4 bu I i z l\ ooJ INDOOR TANS “Are they really worth //” \ filin’. break .»[' I • u mans oi us !! to OUT M • \ 1 mbs >i tan ; ■. bill OI th.it I . 1 ... 11 .", k. vs e liet‘si 1 . : :bi *mk I won do: \r> thus re.tils ,. :ti, ,! K, .on! studies ! , tin.' 1 !>A ,iiui numiTiuis t j ifiiuiiloi’ists inn e li'Uiui that tanning beds inis v i .uisi ii pit-mature a>; iin’, o! t! i- k in A m mm or ,md cataraits itii- trouble witli tin-sc di’S U i’s toll ii-s VS til'll thlTi' i . direst skin i. niMi t vs ith ultravioli’t r.nimtion radi ated out through tin tan nun; bed system \\ Iht. a person decides to las in ono ol these beds or stand in one ot these iXHStilS, tin s vs >11 Iv sub|ectins’ themselves to two ditto! out kinds ot ultraviolet iavs <1V A and l \ H) studios ini so found that l \ |i iavs oan satiso van mi so companies have modified then systems to iut out l|;> ot those ravs Now thus are so vine, that those systems .lit1 sate , but exports have mixed Hrrc Booklist -• * .*• . '*• * -» *: K‘*' • mi n/ v\ in i >u i \ i - i : i . \! ; :iMjNs,mii .11- ii i * n.r. I\ U K / N i. SOI II \ i\ till mi in u\i ss v< < >/ / > I.KOH'IH P \> III h! s i *1 t':r IS i // »i »ik f tx \.i .'ii »!.<;' I t'lof ;s ■! .1 ! • » b ' It !,i HfT-sa!! |Mj t.. »l ..vi. to ii**ip v • u tsr.vi »• the pn ii'its about this One ri ison is that the tillers . -ed to ['lockout tin' l \ H ,ire net completely ellee . ■, i and tiif effectiveness mav decrease with ape \ w revent studies have sh.>w n that l \ A rev s are 1! >t peed lei the bed) el th. i S imtists have found that these i.ivs penetrate t! t dan deeper than anv . ■! Let MV s UK hiding l V H r,i\s winch m turn can . au'.e damage to collagen, blood vessels, and elastic tissue vvithin the bodv i x celts a be sav that aim' a p. • ■;, : ■ e\pesed t e l \ A mvs tin- bodv is more siis i eptible to the aging and carcinogenic effects of the LA B radiation binning bid advertisers claim that these systems ate sate vet, there is grow ini; evidence denouncing the satetv ot these devices It vou do decide to use tanning bids, take some r precautions There are two important points that ev j eryone should consider he lore entering a tanning bed or booth. First, you should make sure that you put on sunscreen, or at least on those parts that don't usually see the sun Second, people should use protectiv e goggles while in the bed or booth Also, if you are on any medication such as antibi otics, antidepressants, antihistamines or any t\pe ot medication lor acne you should consult with your physician before tanning Studies have found that people on these medications have an in creased sensitivity to ultra violet light sometimes re suiting in severe sickness or even death. So before using one of 1 these systems, ask cour se!!, Is it realls worth it? ^ Hi/ Hob I induct/ iWHICH AEROBICS CLASS IS BEST FOR ME! 1 ovv, h.g'h, h:>;h low comho. stop. :..uk ami aqua -ARC,I i' FI ere're so many aerobics «. lass cs from which I art' able to cluxise (low do I know which class is host tor mo’ lr selecting .in appropriate aerobics . lass, it is important to o\abuate vour iuvds Aio you prone to certain mines' What is voor 'ulti mate goal in taking the class’ What types or moVenibr.t do von e: o\ ’What k.: i o! mask do you like’ su.ch questions n av lit: it vour. opiums, or they mav open up new m i • m-mune it v ou are susseptible to sbm splints. war: to ;m prove your cardioresp.r m. s\ stem, enjov strong basic ihe: w;: u v and like top 4 ‘ music, step aerobics t ! 'e the class tor you. Accordir a, to the A .i Counsel of ) ieaiti lack o! :: . -ie offer than not the answer amt :: or.capo: rt -eli is surely the bkfvt tt» adherer. <■ to a.', .. > .stub fitness I program It has ix-et. estun. • i t: at up to two J •• ids , • • • -c • . op:, ,wu won't cont.nue ru u ore : :e. months. I bus, it is important to alwav s : a. v e a goal as a motivating tone Many ■ > g hide un proving your ..itdioresp.' r, . rehev mg stress, and raising .! e or. I he At il clam s e ' ges to i titness. I b.e tost stage i.v tiscon; torting" stage L pen a, a: even re program, the body is utm.n-d dittcrertlv I tns cun sometimes lead to soreness m the rr. is, !os or aches m th.o bones 1 bus is a tempoiarv stage yet many participants abandon evetuxt lor this reason because they think that ever me always means pain. Inns, externa! n otiv.gion is greatly needed during this stage to move the parts ipant to stage two lire seco: d m.e is W; is tile pin sn , stage 1 : . tu ipant Seels gisid alter his ot her woi-o Fhe [XTsiH’i in the physical stage is motivates! both externally and internally lie third u d most rewarding stage is the psychology ai stage I his is when the participant t.rd.s ever cise enjoyable while they are doing it It be cotn.es almost a form ot meditation as '.r e mind relaxes and the body moves into an easy movement pattern ' Hus ■ ■ v\ hen the mdiv.d u.ll truly enjoys e-xercise and no longer reeds external larms ot motivation Hence, important matters to keep in mind when selecting an aerobics class include evai uatirsg the instructor W ill this person moti vate you to come to class’ 1 Hies tie or she care .iKuif vour oMit educational into; mutton to durther \ oat: aIt mil. turd one who viik VV.;*:- o: :s :,:‘,to: :on lo think aSm: 'you Ye proKiblv wondering w bat kind of aer l vv s classes II Oi l- ■ '-e trooa Here is .1 ’run-down to help vou select one or more that ::!s vou: nv.!% . I .-.v .:/; to help allev lato rvo-1. .hock to the !•■ J\ I .1:. eca/./riate 1 l! -cement I, UMin; on the loo ,t exfremttc i • utilized to kn p the mdiv '.dual in lus her (tan mg /one 1 holt iinj'.u t In high imj a. t a eh bus jump in,; .md 'kippun; a 10 Iie.juent lorm . t mow ment used to kegp on m hi-- h-u naming /('ii«' I he music is iisuallv uph- it and in It eating a: I taster than tin' musiem ; ... unp.u ! aerobic s I l.loh lovv oetlVl'p I II,'.hi loW. i.'llilo classes llstialU 1 • ak.■ a e ol hath lu/h at ! I -.. impa t i hofeographv to keep "participants in their training /ones Step • r Hoik h Step classes are I. a impa, t and use a belli h carving in height tlom tour to twelve iiu lies C horeographv is dc signed in various steeping patterns Mam emphasis is on the lower extremity hunk I unk utilizes high an I lew imp u t choreography in order to brine, 11 lividuals into thoir tat get heart rate /one 11 pul.u dance n o o . - on a 1 M 1 \ t , .111 ' ■ • . ! a . Ma d.nm.l and Hammer ate pvr tonne i ma pio giessive manner so that err, me can learn the 1 horoography Aqua Aqua acrohu n- ,1 non imp 1 t form et evercise which u- the resistance ol the water m get people in their training /ones I or added U Istnii parti-Ipants at'a.h hvdl tit equipment to there -inkles and - an use/ float able dumHils I his is a great aerobic s , lass tor | - 1 pie wh- ■ ha. e not cer . . d in three or tour years or who aie res •■.ering trom an injur \ Heart rates u--i 1.111 v an- not in tl - uppei [s>r tion id th.e training, /one due m the |ui. k . ■ ■ •! mg, proj 'ertle . - -I the ic atel It you are interested m ttvmg one - I these (V pes ot aerobe c l.e. *•-. visit a lass and sc-c it vou like it It not try another or it von're luckv, vou might tuul m re than one you like, and vou could cross train between different aerobics classes Recreation and Intramurals (KIM) and Service Physical Idiuation (SIM ) are great services here at the- l diversity of Or r)'.on -/11/ic Wiytnnotu 1 THE DIET MYTH /it/ Sm>u* \ftjm’/i'v It hjpjvns aU'Ul this njhh* time every year I he sun u'nws out and with it >.inns everyone's tear of vs hut they are going to Kh>*. hk.e in a hath >ng suit Whether m preparation J -r Musta or to v an h si >me ra\ s at i lumpy Lumpy. it s^ms Spring . the tune when ali iohege students attempt to shed that e* tra winter pudge that sum* hovs .i.ai :? .. aU\i vs hot: vve vss-ren ! .>*ok;:g I I ■> v ampin* is a dieting fren/y vs;th o ur>e of the strangest diets at that ! remember one Spring in high s*J mol when my n • t friend a; d ! went on the "pupsk le diet Yep‘ '• .1 We ate nothing but poppies tor t' • vs ti '.\' days \t vse had a variety of fla vor 1 p. nothing more than sugar water, vs, lose weight, ne*t to mention all e-i s»ur efier ■ !! o -.:gat vs o.*e o.’f \aturu U the gair e-d a ! os poarui NssxiU-ss to vav that vs as the last time vve ever ums! that diet again a diet book -r Kvn told plana tun; of thi V. t,> Susan kune in hit hook Mjk.il i’ /Va. • W;.'h /,»k/ exjvnments have shown that 1 tin lew, . r It hi many calories rarely re ’ ; t! ,>r gam ol .1 tsiuml Chie study ' t'.d tt .it .it'., t ita r,Msitiy j .tii>r11 intake In aver " ,'t t t: .i .t.!r .ksi setting that .1 large port ■ t tl.t* ex. ess ijutfies were burtuxi oil is " i/..t .it. tea :t eye:. !■•• In (jit. the heal ter m. it N'. ame the ■ weight they gamed on tti. ey.es ne .Jilt Iro! .. al.i a do reuse of . jlones resuitisi in weight gam ■ after the dieters re form'd tu their normal diet ’»*• fit happens is the body .friws t.> conserve ■ i .tat it tu be a fa mine The . : the deprivation, the more suieessful the !' sty be.. . a! retaining energy tiulurK-x) The let r -fav >mi a low . alone diet the longer • f t ik« s th.-.r tnetab il.'tTi in ret on: to normal uses people to rapid weight fjtntne as was the u-e with :.i. diet The longer the diet .t earn ,-ter the diet . over d ha' been di-..o'.vrc-d that when jsxiple • se w. ight they love b.-.tn tat and protein but wi.at ff.i'y regain is almost all tat not a good trad Basically . thi’ Irjm psimt i't this aril. is' is this I 'll ' m^ leads ti> higher and higher yseights and levels >•( tat Ills’ upfxisitc i>f its purpose I am net ad vising that every>!>!• eat as many .alories as the) .an hold, just be sensible Don ! eat Kits of hxxi all al »tui‘ like one or tsyo huge meals a day md deft tiit.-K do not starve yourself Instead, eat a little something vs hetiever you are hungry so your t-..iy never goes into "starvation rnosie You'll not:, e I didn I say eat whatever you want Obviously > or shone of fo.si nukes a ditteretne bruits vegeta bles and whole grams are good any unis- of tav and don't sontam many grants .»( tat Try not to count saloris-s Calories are not yshat is important It you're ot.s who ns-J somelhmg to ysatvh keep trjs k of the gram- «»t tat ti ;> ys hat realty matters Ur.i i lots o! water i !■ • goes y,.iir b !y wnitilMU of 4*» v\ s-|| *1 ; ? i legalising your entire system The ne*t link1 you get ought up in fi t .1 -t fren/v ri'incmU r in the long run the v - me*re weight YOU* II gain t .1. >. after v your normal eating habits So now v real diet story Making a Splash Hu l Ku <• li)linson Question: Wh.lt do (.ill l('Hiv stroke victims. I'liy.nant women, and land aerobn burnouts h.uc in common’ t’hev are .just a low ot the many jvople on joying tho Kmetits ot deep ssatoi exercise 1 his lotm ol water ovitom' is ji.it ssvimminp, but xotti. al iiuilnm m doop watoi be v.mso tlio participant 1; siip|H>r(od In tho watoi thes can have .in penile or a-, powertul .1 workout ,i’> thes desire I hi-, makes deep watoi exert.iso. is ’r.■ l Ulimuifih k nown a . a ;; :a loppmp, ono at tho low o» 01. o.on th.it i an tv ot ■. i i In all apes and htno i-n ols \ |ua loppmp u ■ ih, o ■ ivoarms; a I loatati. a les ; o that makos tho mi l bum ant in dtvp s\ atoi \\ Into a.|ua 11• • parti, i pant is u .palls m an up npht position and has lull runpe ot iii.it; n in Kith thou arms and lops I wo la, toi ■■ mah tho water a unitjuo and elltvtive ooi , in,, oiw ironmont hirst, wator is bum ant, allowing lor pouter lloxibtlits anil e hmmutmp imp.u t 'o oikI wator is re a .taut therefore tho moro jKnver lulls you w oi k upuinst w a toi tho moro posset lulls it works up.mist sou I his pros lilt's tin1 sottmp lor an optimal workout loi any individual, w ithout an s imp.Kt on tho joints Atjua joppmp tan bo dono in mans ways tor a variety ot ronsons An ath loto t an atjua jop, ti> built! etuiurain e .H' ' "ength An injures! pes in tiM* dc Vp A .111 ■> IS i ■ > ' Us .1 lorm ot ii-li.ii'. ' ii . ii and l>i mipros e !1 • ; ■ : min.il ll . <>1 ot tittle ■ - ■ M s . >s ri ,i While i '.ging a | ’( ; -i >n ( in I,i: i I pro 1,1 tit • vds, ,; h as slum I / ; : nancy, tiM t 11• 111 Kis i r-ist tor pill' I’ll .islirr .!'.() In MM lion I In-re have Ihvii nuns torn t' i i ire >it tributes! to .U|in igging ranging Irom rem.u kable I'll VMs ill ItnlU'lll "- to s .1st improvements in athletis th• i lorm.uu e Oik' sm h stors involviv! local tr.isk sttii M.ir v I >s\ I i-i ‘’Lines Slant's used .in As|iiaJoggei tloatalion Ivll attei she got hint lollosv ini', the r )l vmpis I rials in I os, I l of three is esks she simulates! hei land svork mits sshile in ths' water She then went on t<> set a svorlsi recurs! in the 2,(MH) nieti i ’ jn -l tsvo las s alti i pet till); out i it the ss atel It son au‘ thinking alxiut hoss sou might get into shape this spring or it soii are looking tor a re Ireshing alternative to high linpast svorkouts, siis h as aetohu s ami i mining give aqua jogging a ti s A ^ Shift I5(t\: I ititor: McI.imo Shvd I )i rector of I toutth i duration: I- • - I :.i: Health I ducators: la M :> : - I : i I' -.: ■ i . M.t: i*no C ,i,.: .1 :ui Mi .: 0’cci I ayoul I lesion: Si 1 >!! I ).i:m . Mi- ■'n ! Peer Health Vdvisors I >.:•.•• 1. •' h .*:.*» II Rob Lisulsev, Pa:iura IVmoid. I:a-:;J Str.vUr, Short II. ... l.i/Wi. : . ... V . . Ik'!!.I.■: M:.,. k:. Ms: I : ,• a:\i I ,! :v. Production: k:. :.: . r 1 .’••! K ■ wui. ■:/ h.trf ii*»v it^rr rtU'fT, <>r are in