-A. -.■>-»---.---._, ■ >. THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER NEWSLETTER / v / . X ■^-T-4 When the sun isn’t fun fly Sheri Helms ™ Ah, Spring... it ushers in thoughts ot warm; sunny days; sunnv days that will bring enough sunshine to give1 us that golden-bron/e tan ot health. But is that tan very healthy? Accord ing to the American C an cer Society, over 600,000 new cases ot skin cancer are reported each year and 90 percent ot all skin can cers appear on parts of the bodv we don't usually cov er with clothing such as the face, tips of ears, and the hands. One ot the leading risk factors to skin cancer is excessive exposure to the sun. So, before vou rush out into the sun take some time to learn how to pro tect vour skin. The sun rays that cause vour skin to tan are ultra violet A and B rays. When these ravs reach vour bodv they trigger a pigment in your skin called melanin. The melanin absorbs the ravs; and as your bodv contacts with more sun light, the melanin rises to the skin's surface creating a tanned effect. 1’he mela nin is actually trying to de fend vour skin from the INSIDE SMART SNACKING THE DIET MYTH WHICH AEROBIC CLASS IS BEST FOR ME? harmful effects of tho sun's radiation: sunburns, cata racts, premature aping of tin* skin, and skin cam ts to namo a tow Some people' have more melanin in their skm than others. The fairer vour skin, the less melanin \ on have, which means tin- less natural protection vou haw against UV ravs and the higher your risk of skin cancer. Although it is com mon tor us to think that only fair-skinned people need to use sunscreen, even those with a darker complexion can benefit from sunscreen. Tor exam ple, the depletion ot the o/one layer 1 test ,>:: I\;esdays onh from w u to 11 : p m I > ir more information call 'In .14'o mmoi know I he Sill! s IJ jt !'J \ U1 !t'! ruv s ,iri' strongest tv Iwivn 10 a m. and 3 m 1 >. ;v I'.urt* n 1 the sun is .i leadinj’ risk Oh !i>r oi skin iala er I hi' American ( aucer Sh icty estiw.lies there are S.A*! ,f .: , aiaer deaths anmialH m the t S Su in' sure !t> use a Ml I) S()\1l PR \( I K \l I\l’l Rll \( I I OR I ill Rt M WORl D”? 1’ii-r Hr.:1'!; AJv til i’ j Hu T<« HA( KAC 111 S??? I lira an- sonic hints : > prevent then; iI i An. ! sit for estendid periods >1 tone, 2) Do hyin .1 sirenhtt.i; program. V IX. Imi.ii'u' the ha^s vuti re 1 r:..■ .• or. . n : side -t . .r : r. ) [ An. : rf> lit! ,»n\»hn& stork win di ..vs hided, "! IXm t tv- J 'r '• . waist, and ’ : ‘ : !'■ 1 : . ■ >:;r : a. k‘ i