Urban project set for vacation By Came Dennell Sttiiionis wlio find thi'itiM'lvi'N with i. > jji.ins !,ir sunup bn-.ik, or oven llu»« who do, in.!1, -.v.iiil In i. i;-iiirr •*!>«• ti«Jillii'if v.i ■!t lo.ik itii; .1 differtwr " A.• eivi* Braik Co.ililiori HjiuoMif. urt uni min ,i1k for udiu#- "iludi nis from .in o. ! Off i.;< •. Stmli-nls sprrfid >t Hirk ol lb" nr r n’,'i y>- ■> - i c ;tti»r.\ .>• vohinlrrrs for «.oi i,i! vrvin /.itiotis iliiit work with tin! urban poor m nr.or rlii .so I "aorthi'.isl I’ortliirnl I.. v ■ I , ' 1 siril'IlK I..no .in of ;jo.; I ■. !o \ o ; ' . li llfi'.s k Hr.hotl itlo'i ! soli. M.sO !l , , .at A.i ii.l.srrn.iliori.il iiroctliig vvili In hold , .sin iii p in in I.M t * ( i-iiiury ivi >otii H S: . .. rs win uro HiIi ii'sIihJ but nin'l iltliTiil l i, '.no i .iii pH k up iipplir allow. from tin' OSi’iKI ■ s!hi o in LMU Suilt’ 1 n.o. li,. .o oiiil ><’.if l iiiiHMlv slmlonls ■ p ip.'H hik in tin* program AIK. also w ■> ' '.idi’iitk lrnm <)n-gon Stab*. I.mvis ■ t • V. - " • Uiiiwisllv. VV.inii’f S’. < ifi< un ! to producer learer images Although the Hubble tele si ope does riot work as w e! i as it should, it s still !letter than other telescopes, he Said Haw lev said N \SA plans to i:i■ : n k in.I repair tin- tele - ; i|> 1‘1‘l'J lit HM 1 t.e t«T cm ope is designed so it can be repaired relatively easily, he Lou Whittaker I ou Whittaker an mien ,r • ; , - ■ ,vr nv -unlairn't-r h •! if achievements include • i : ' ; Ihi' lif‘1 sue. ‘ la! ,i , t-ni ct an Ament an learn ' ttif !i p 'I .'8 168 It Mount Kanqi henunga m 1989 On March 12 Lou will lecture about hr many mountaineering .adventures and present an exoling slide show ol Ins climbs He has successfully spellbound a packed room m his last two vents to the UO Don't miss this opportunity to meet one ol the w aid > greatest mountain . limbers, He will be accompu rued by Skip Yowell another w. rid class mountaineer LOU WHITTAKER LECTURE AND SLIDE SHOW THURS . MARCH 12 7:30 - 9:30 p.m 150 Columbia. UO Campus Stv ':-dtadbt r u I hr LH? Rv» sf,-e Talk to Lou Whittaker At the UO BOOKSTORE FRIDAY, MARCH 13 10 00 - 1 00 Win A Mountain Climbing THp I liter 4it the UU bookstore tor a Climbing Trip on Ml Homier with L ou Whitinker and Skip Yowell os your professional guides ! tic tnp includes one night ; mn ':' n: - Jowntowi Seattle a boat cruise arid dinner ■ Puget Sound a live day • ennnar and basic mountain clinibiny training tour night' jging an t all mea it imj Moi on Mt Maimer one night a. ..-mmod.itions at the base o' Mt Maimer and an awards a nner and dark e party W rib $•; r ;• touting tnp is spun ■ v. red by Jansport The drawing will be held at Lou Whittaker's lecture March 12. and you must be present to win. Door Prize Giveaways r MARCH 11 & 12 the UO Bookstore will be giving away TWO DAILY PRIZES ol a t l.'Kp.u k and a sweatshirt ai MARCH 13 to celebrate t ou Wtuttaker's visit to the bookstore we will be giving away HOURLY PRIZES ot a backpack and a sweatshirt with TWO PRIZE WINNERS EVERY HOUR! i nter m the lobby ot the UO Bookstore March 11 13 20% Off Jans port MARCH 9-13 You Save 20°o On All Jansport Merchandise at the UO Bookstore .( r V not .'K'ludoa BOOK SIGNING with KENNETH HELPHAND (3 oiouMH): i/s/o.vs o/ \ i.wnscArr Author Signing Thursday, March 12 12.30 - 1 30 p.m. in the General Book Department Kenneth Helphjnd rs of Oregon Steven Hawley said. '\YV will instiill corret 11m> ■ .jjIii - In; said And hopeful ri'i u'.ft nearly UK) percent of tin- original design spot ilu s After the speed), members of t f. . 111. i i I ■; i < e tons Inurs of U if Imnetle II. ill .mil w.itc lied .) la - ser demonstration ll.nvii-v, .in astronaut slrire 1 M~H, .i ‘ lieu al l .uni Dist.ov ery n i'lHi and the space sluit tle (olumbia in H)B6 He is presently the assix iate dir. i lot ul NASA's A it ies IS eseal ch A a ’ll ! : i t alii H.uvii v was tile first speaker in the University seminar series called ‘ Frontiers in Science " Howard Reese, a research usso* 11.lie 111 iS:e L’lllVelsity’s lllsli tali nf V d-i ul,)! Biology, said [lie ■■ e:;11n..rs are designed to la m b.iri/e people with current is- it s hi sclent e Reese said the I diversity's si lent e depart is a inlrr.u i with the community u. have a fop notch depart sored in the University and Spe; ir„ I’hvsics St aiming Sys t(fjns In* , £»[ LitigiMir § ,C VIDEO GAMES s«rmirr (o P1MMJC HARKETw l.SrSL VIDEO ADVENTURE YAurrMvnpuu '•< CNMU fwC\3uir Create ycur own ( FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS PHOTOS* ARTWORK MICH QUALITY lAtACf S A MRMCT 4IFT kinko's M4i UM urn *vt CALL OUR ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 346-3712 O'fK’n ikiih Emerald