Suggested boards merger draws mixed response Hy Colleen Po’ g Eft'** »l -) Rl,■: i Ihr si.itr Hoard of loi.ii .il. ii is bring un i b> miwl bid KuIhtIs in hi r latr-laruiarv Slain of thn Sliiic addn . .. irinittoiMid .In' »aibi ! .1 “thorough (fist u' - iiiii" of i nnsolidoling ilii iwo hoards itiio .1 fio.iril of !h-grids to ovi rM’i- .ill i duoalion in fix' si,do "! su111. iri tin* (. in rpt of muk-.i.ig tmt I‘'. . . ti*!r>»orti'H I2tii Till- ' srafnlrss proitss Nubrrls is pro posing is bring un i by opptt!loll by .ih.11■ !.U Iti.Ilk It is niii j ssii .1 i.i fm livrly mnrgn i-tiuc .ilmn board*. Iti.i! itiiv i* difft-rrnt agrndas A si ..Ulirss pTol r-.N is *J MTV pfullil-* i id.*.I ' s.ii.i Al.ut him!).ill. .1 ; i. srlsity history [ '.sm a smalm . n (hi* I .11 . I i\ Si*lli»t • • 1'liis i . ,i l.dst* i i.ii. i*pI it'*. .i tronl.ii ,is*,.mil on traditional p liiin * dm .diuti i in* 1 wo hi! II ds *, iioti Id In* lilt in* .11 in u 1.tied .Hid i miiliui mi .lii* Willi i .i( ll oilirr. . i;: i i ■ . i i ■ ,. i ! .. I . .. - .' i !..! . i \ . : . i. * 111. - - mission in pi t lutm : i .*. ■ .A i*11 : S' M . m • d . .-. j.(V=.f o[ si .Hu loss systrni id I'.tlH .1 lion tiui In s.ud hi- i*. . mu ' in* d di i! fo i using on ( hanging 11* sir at lure of edu !I vs :!! >1 true *' f-fsolving th« prob lem at hand stall- funding for higher' i itut.uiion We t an he . . d I ii at sir . changes Villi hi the to resolve even • tiling !hanti sail! Lei's fm us tin the p: * : • ::, lost and .! vs • I'.itik vs e re Is ' ler oir will) strut tural (Langes, then J»1 (hal (td'uvs Hut ft*; on strut tufa) pt.-t I. ir. .. t iglil n- - -s - ' • (.eorg- il.1 n, 11.<• or Hoard of Ke j.;t 11!s j:n,-j ; ii|, would give the most i on I n i over i dm ulion in (Begun to tin- gov eri.or, with tht1 Board of Regents lieneati the governor ■ ins plan would allow lor the t.reulioi i ! a master plan (or all education How ever, the down side to this plan is tin possihihtv of e\c ess control Using in tin hands ot the governor in the sei mid plan, the modified singli hoard prop, ai. tla governor ami a new a 11 -encompassing Board of Ivduc utior would share the responsibilities and con trol almost equally Ibis second plan would eliminate the risk of disproportion.!!!' control by the governor and would ensure public schools and community colleges .1 role equal to mgher education However, the a., :k !i .1 111.1V be too great for the lav board'll it i a.'Uli ' delegate offer lively Keyset s.;;i| sin- is most committed to Ibis sis 11ml plan because it provide* ad ministrative 1 ost savings and efficiencies, id.ili' no! 1 .me entrating ell the power in tin' governur's hands i be tlurd plan proposed by Keyset, the joint hoard proposal, involves equal re sponsibibtv bv tbe governor and a joint hoard id education. 'Ibis joint board would include 'tbe Board of [.duration and tbi- Hoard of Higher'hdtu ation (lorn munity colleges would be represented under tb<- Board of Mdtic ation m this plan Tile down side to this is a! though the combined budget could im prove overall efficiency, financial savings w'iuiItl lie minimal I bis w hole plan (to merge the Ixiarcis) is really to eliminate the liurrters lor kids moving through the system (of ('due a tioiil.' Keyser said I bis is about policy : making more than anything else " K.still in tbe process oI review ing the three plans, but no definite! date b is been set !. r her dec euon I'lie Oregon Li gtsl.jture lias to approve the [)lan lor it 1 to go into el!el t EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 6 - Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You tomorrow! 105 PERSONALS CotvytoUiUlK tva lu k \(-> Mho C hi tk •*-' ilt'- 0 I H, .ll W* at * {>f oud td » i l . » o Yuui CLASSIFIED POLICIES O / 7.y»i nn nl \ nut I*- rU,cl i! !!.■ * o /’.n /m 71/ A i I a*!1 it t • i vi U j' ■ > : ■• biiSm^ lu. K t-sj i '.!,»! k•.?!, ,1 i b»Iiil«£ 41 f 4ll(,;v:nK*lUv |>li 4 tail • !' I U 1 hi p I>n tl , t, . '■» I AM O I h‘;ul lines \ : 1 p it? . . * . • tlj> pnt t u» ituffUin I )ivpi.l> \>U 1 p 111 . Iv*. Ixjttncti » piuK U» iit'CiUoti O I i rm s Rd'uiuls ;' r i .. thi tk v •*,! }v \ enwt tmmciJuU'K b> vu!i.r.?; i s' ; •} • w . , • •* m ot ihe crtui b\ i pm iw PERSONALS CON-:,HA 1UI Al .UN*.1 I* « R I iioLOSTIFOUNO l (".I I vl’fujl) » '• I |/H tHH lie: Muwrf* m %■$ 11s TYPING SERVICES . i i i, ' '• i H . ii f* i , Ii A . i -. Ill . i . . v>S . AM# . miiiiii mu I »l • *- '* i •• *' • Printed text to computer files Is C ANNjE RjSj 747 458^ ji.’oiw*uim •} 344-4510 1,H Mill IMP I'Wi M I.SM*> *11 *** ii'HH *rr«mii' nrisi i* • fi t /<,i ‘ / tj/ii/| 605 1 13th us TYPING SERVICES { A . i * i • t T Ylt'tv. I : { tft . --r • v >4 s • ! { »«M . Af t M . . U A MAv . 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A'x:‘.u t w.”./ Ai ' •/.- *.iO ii irs INSTRUMENTS Htckant>akar rhythm guitar. **...»• 175 INSTRUMENTS Guitar Moni>*r ST y». *% I M S ■ M - -I 1 >• ** 1 !>v A ■ S i‘ MJ> « mBOOKS SOISS BUrl.NG HOURS Smith Family Bookstore IK TRAVEL A t* 5> a } r’i|)i , n tffJt' t Hi l TRA Vt L K-'U '■ Hjm.Jx. rv ' Mj.'if."* ■' Hjt* u ii • ■. -tr, ‘‘lOitis at Lia U L’j ’ u ^>-1 * . stoj t M l THA.tL a- .r3 ’ 1 MCW’ •nAfil ’Hi•"•'.< '•• <1 *i.»