Oregon Daily MONDAY, MARCH 2,1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 111 DUCK CALL UPDATE ; Registration times for juniors wrth 120-134 credits ■ who were scheduled to register today will be re I scheduled from 6 pm to midnight 000 • 074 075 - 182 183 - 290 291 - 398 399 - 499 500 - 608 609 - 716 717 - 842 843 - 968 969 - 999 8 00 p rn B30 9 00 9:30 10 00 6 00 6 30 7 00 7 30 B 00 Computer glitch clips Duck Call j I he 1.200 to i.bUO at fected seniors should be able to register today By l i.sa M eg an S(line v!uiirivt: ri ^lNtratUdl tiJl»«’ wlir te* i>iH au M- df a a ompil let h that slVut dAi.sn l)u( k ( a! ■ iiblfr fu u-,r the s\ stem beginning it a ,1 m hid is. Registration times tut juniors'who were supposed to rcgis ter tuii.tv have been rescheduled tor Liter: tins.'.evening '■ |i in In. mid night (sec table) limiiitv who try to register hel.ee then will tie told to register a! the new limes Kegistr.itinn times put she ! m I tie spring term Si /1 < ■. /. .'•• . t ( /.isse s Will he ti.li k ill flics t i .!■ • l.i V morning ft it a computer problem not otilv ;; . : ■ .1 |)t,i lv (.el. but uisn sliiil .(Own tile .entire Hallliel Student III ii iiii.itmii System, whieh i»t< hubs data u in, is ‘-.ions, flnam t.«l aid. sions i.li ! i ■:-N .in,I student utilities !h..k (.ill's breakdown yv.is lirst 'ndnr'il i Iuhs.i.iv afternoon when .ill s| hlents vs 11 I t ill'll 111 fi'j’iMrl were told 11*i• \ bad entered tin vsrimj; Sui i.il Sminh number or ni l si iii.il .it i is, i s>ci■ ■ I !;r nest si,iv. .1 re, unit'd message .1 : .1,1 ills tin' >v shin vs imlil hi' Irsed lust by noon. then tiv I |i in ami finally by today l' n i y r rs 11 v K ey;i s I r a r Her her t i I. ri , k s.ud hi' is i iiididcnt Dut k t .iH w11■ in' .’inT.itum;il 11..Iay A ju-1 >jde Wi II I" ' i'll it illy; ih i ini u! hours for llu' rm ovcry . Gas implemented as energy source j Replacing wood chips with natural gas will mean lower costs, more effi ciency and better air quality By Carrie Du"’ V A nmv natural g as tin' primary one Tin: system has burn undergoing lusts sins t! Its In stallation lain last year and uflu sails began operating on l-'nday. as m hudule! •'This is .1 big day for us. boo.him- vvc are moving into tin- -1st century. sunl (h-oigr Hia.bt, t nivcisitv I'hvsu al I’lant direi tor AV - ■ ■ ■ 1 . a mm l> morn efficient, loss-polluting fuel Uccht saul the University is paying StiOO.OtM) for tin- gas conversion ami expct Is to r-.-i avi-t ibat amount in five years or loss through n-dtued opera! After the pavhut k pirn .i the comer si n is eype. I eii lo give the University an annu li savings of Si 50,000 to SHOO,IKK) :.J>< GAS. P IJU s >■'» . .< . try M - ' M* ' > !** Switching trom hogged fuel to gas results m greater boiler ethciency and requires tower workers to operate the plant. First ticket enters ASUO Executive race j Student government officials seek to become next year's student body president and vice president By Daraiyr Trappe Vv o t e on iDMS It. I !)v L: i■ .Hal K.i. turn need their i.11. :. ! 11 !iir next \i .it s ASS'() >t r it I v n j : ■ - They bee.line the first ll Si J . i:.. i Oltit ..I..', s - S' University's political !i fore .m v Sutuiiiv president .Jieetive! x >. i ! to Jo ■>i ufl the campaign season Lee who has three \f.irs of AM O ex|■.< nenee, and Fore, president of the Student I'i-rsru Relations Count.d, said they have four main goals lor lost vital .1 elected restructuring the AS! () funding fur higher fducution, safety on cum pus and i ni reu mm) inulticulturallsm. Font lias been involved uilfi SUK( l a lour years i he group sponsors s . :i pr ..’rains as Parents \\ • end. Nfavlest, . ..»• A Dl.i K to I. .11. h a:..f off: rs that in volve community interaction with the I'niversitv Lee has been ASUO Aflirt: itivi A t; nh:i,.: r tor two years and Was ,i • ; ,.p .t:.>■ 111 an fore ifiat In his job, Lee has been involve.l m several A'JUO Affirmative Action coordinator Hobby Leo and Karmon Fore, president ot the Student University Relations Council, announce their candidacy for ASUO president and vice president, respectively ■ nt' i‘i! ,, i!.:,.’ tit.N (in r.»| • .in i i. i nun' prevention. (,ani|)i.s sitfety amt c