Rugby faces ‘must-win’ games By Sieve Mims f cl Contributor The Oregon rugby team has built .1 large hale for itself early in the season, but the Dui ks are looking to start turning things around this weekend w ith a game a-,; oust \\ i stern Washington Oregon Inst its hrst two league games, hut still remain in the hunt for a lierth in the West ( ( I. ; onsiups The top : !•• Ill’s tin: tile Northwest l eague u.hat to ■!!:•■ t. .rn.tment in Los An . a:. i i .i■ : Til Ts teel thev still have a ;tl sh, { a! ihe seoqml .spot Ore,,on St ,te Oirrenlh leads the league .• md U !gt,is .e. md at ! 0 { .. 1. 1 ,... . r ii■ ' Sis vd r said the :. st .. Ixrth at home, .ire \V : W ' : ii V. . h ingloti two w e.. ;; . g uiit■ sit Port : U : we know what . k . ke jw w ;: e riot at full ■ :• Is s! the lil:n\j t • i atise I held • j . . rs i ut:;t.) v" how others would ploy." . he Dinks won three oi ton: at The Portland tournament and See! it should he a stepping stone lor the regular sed sun Last year we went undefeated through the preseason and then got over confident,' Snyder said i think we're a hit better prepared tins season The strength of this year's Duck squad is the front line featuring lan Williams, Boh Iheri e and Steve Knuust. all of whom made tin- Northwest Represonta live team [‘he hai k lint’ is young and in experienced hut appears to tie ifnpruv mg This Saturday s game begins at noon at South Bank field Next weekend, the team will fare Central Washington In other Oregon (Hub Sports new s • Oregon's two indoor soccer teams pooled ot! the unexpected last Weekend in pint tng 1 J ni their co-ed tournament I hr C)r>•;;‘>t 1 gold team won the lour ten, beating llic (ifeim Iciim I - in .1 shoot-out following a 1 t ile in the chain plonship game How,mi hvaelive ami Marlas H Hand It'd ihtt gold team. scoring all three rogu la!ion goals in the final game Andy (eignier. who ston'd two of the green teams goals in the title mati h. was the tournament s leading st urer with 10 goals " I'here were lots of upsets.'' Oregon head cuai h Mike King said "The hn ■■: . .1 play over the weekend was sen high The eight-team tournament featured two round-robin .'divisions with 'lie tup two teams from eat h advent log to tiie ii rials The gold team pulled off the biggest Upset of the weekend b\ defeating fill gene's World Cup team -1 k in the seu.ili lulls while the green sijuad tlefeated tile Kickers I or Jesus in the semifinals I lie Kickers For Jesus won the cofiso Tatum title by shooting past tile World ( up team I - m ii shoot-out follow mg a ! I lie With tfie title match tied at 1 1. tie gold team got off to a good start during the game, st ortng on its first two nppor ninnies wilin' gout if mu • mih; : the green team's firs! two shut'. The green Irani converted on its next two tml it wasn't enough as the gold* put their fourth shot past the goalie for the winning si ore King said he was excited about the teams' performances over the weekend 'I'fie two teams are now oft until Mart h when the spring season begins • I he t)rogon i tub baseball tram won its opener Wednesday, 1U H at Lane Com munity < College Lane went ahead H 2 after seven In rungs trelore the Ducks' six run spurt m the eighth put the game away Skiers to race at reaionals By Ted Burnham t I'waW Contributor The Onitton club ski loam travels to Montano this weekend to compote In the National Collegiate Ski Associa tion Western Regional race The women's team was one of only two Oregon schools to qualify for the event by placing eighth in the North west Conference Championships at Mount Bachelor, l ob H and 9. The Oregon men's team is sending one racer, Kevin Wueppor. who quali fied as an individual TV>o race will be held at Brldger Bowl near Bozeman. Mont. The. region encompasses Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Montana. Wyo ming. Colorado and Utah Two ( ana dian s< hooIs wilt also hi-1 -mpviing -it the event The Duck women will he led by sophomore Heidi Binder, who plat.ed 17th in the giant slalom at the confer unci! championships .sin! has several top-10 finishes at division races Minder will lie joined hy freshman Summer Swanson, who placed in the top five m a slalom euilter this season at Ml Bachelor Sophomore Kristen Klindl, whose best finish Is a sixth in a slalom at Anthony hakes, will also compete Rounding out the women's team ire senior Amv McNees and freshman Karlssa Schwartz McNees placed eighth in a slalom at Willamette Pass, and Schwartz has had several top I’D finishes Wuepper. who placed in the top 15 in the giant slalom .it the conference championships, was one of three men in the Northwest Conference to ipiul ify as an Individual to uttend re glonuls "We are exulted to lie going to this event." said McNoes. who serves as this ski loam coordinator us well as he ing .1 racer "We will In- computing against some of the lies! teams In the nation " In Montana, the Duck women will race against several nationally ranked teams, including Central Oregon Com munity College and Western Oregon State College, whose women’s teams plated llrst and second at NCSA Na tionals Iasi year Oilier strong teams competing at the regional race will include College of Idaho, which placed third In the giant slalom lust year at nationals and Hrlg bum Young, which tied with Idaho for fourth piece''overall at nationals Whitman College, which has placed in the top IS at nationals in years past, will also be racing at Uridger Howl, as will Seattle l'n l versit v. which tias Us strongest team in recent years UV are competing in vvltal is by far t(tu strongest region in ihc natton. McNees said i bn competition .il rr glonals is us strung or stronger thun ul nationals The winners at regional* nearly always win at nationals " The NCS A includes more than 2W colleges mnl universities in the Unit oil Stales ami t .in.ala The NCAA, by eonlrast, includes only !(> schools Nest \ear. the NCAA plans to merge with the NCSA and ski under one div ision "for a club sport receiving very lil tln funding, we are very proud to have made it this far. " McNees says "We are underdogs. We must have tlie lies! runs of our lives to make it to nationals " BYRNE Continued from Page 8 run u'iin system Thu footljuli learn was just m unity taken off probation, .mil the basketball trim Inis also halt its stium of problems Byrna suill the good standing Oregon Inis maintained may have boon a reason ho was nominated "Oregon has a reputation of running a i lean pro gram," fie said Byrne did nut apply tor the job. rather ho was chosen bv a h committee .it Florida "1 was '[ft ruited' by 1-toruia." Byrne ' vv lib a grin "I have not Ix'i'ii out sticking un op port u (i i t v to gel iiw,it (rum the University of Oregon it Byrne is hired by Florida, Oregon would have to find a replacement quitklv because the position starts as soon as someone is hired "Obviously, we'd have to go out and find someone to replace him," said Sandy Walton, senior associate ath lettr director 'Tor Hill, I think U s ,1 great opportune ty " Hill Walton will miss Hvmr, should In' Ir.ivc Tor mi.', I think U s ruUi’ii, she said " 1'v«’ enjoyed working with Hill, .mil I'll In- to sit him go tl lie iloiw get Ihi' job "Leaving Oregon is the biggest disadvantage to the Florida job. 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