Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Act boosts funds
for study abroad
By Shawn Efrart
ErwaStf C> “tribute*.
Federal funding ot international edm ation has detuned
steadily since Flail. but the National Sn .ir11v Fdm .itmn ,V I
muy help reverse this trend
The act, signed in, (’resident Itusli last month, will provide
mom federal moiiev for students to study' in foreign coun
The act will Increase current spending levels tenfold, ac
cording to a press release Irom Oklahoma Sen David Boren,
the bill's author ,\i cording to the statement, the National Se
curtly l.dm ation Art will allow low-income students to par
ticipate in study-abroad programs for the lust time
Currently. 75 percent ol college students who study
abroad go to one ol five western Europe in t ountrle-. In an at
tempt to diversify the countries selei ted students wanting to
study in thud world nations will be g \en priority nlu-n ap
plying lor scholarships
The act's potential to aid students is v\, client, s.nd jack
Van de Water, vi *• i ban riba tor internal! mil i-dm at tun ior
the (Jregon State System ol H iglier I aim ation
However. Van tie Water said ■-•! mien!-, will not reap the
art's henelits ior a lew years and the spci dir: benefits will
not Ire known until guidelines lor administering the National
Set urity Education Act are written and made publti
Van de Water t ailed tile at t a good example cl the peat e
dividend" because money already allocated to the Depart
merit ol Defense is being diverted lor educational use The
University t nuld benefit her ause of the act s high priority lor
stud v programs to non-European countries
The act will provide scholarships to hi ah >>,r,iiiu.itr and tin
dergraduate students as well as money lo studi abroad pro
grains at selected tolieges and universities Twelve milium
dollars Will go to both the graduate and undergraduate pro
grams in tin- first \r.ir and at tea-.! si ;m..ioii p- r \t-.n tl'mr. al
Van lit- Water said the National Security Kduia’ioii Act
contains safeguards to keep 1)01) mleiests separate loan the
act’s educational mission
The pri '.'tatil will b" adtninisteh I hv !he Defense bdelh
genic Oollege with g-aldi lines and criteria set by a hoard of
trustees ini hiding tie Secretare-s of Defense, Slate, lalte a
tiim and ( oniim-tt e and the Direr tors ol < eutrul intelligence
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Student attacked
By Gern! Koeppmg
A l ntversitv student ssas
stabbed Thurvl.iv morning dur
ii:p .in attempted mugging
The victim told puli! e lh.it .it
art mini 1 .1 m lie is .i>. vs .liking
nsi Alder Street between 11th
eld 15th Avenues when two
hi ii s m.lies ajipm.ii hed him
One ut the men began In
si. s e and i a u!e him ss hde the
other displayed a kr11■ the s u
! im ‘-aid Tile vii ! mi later told
polar it v\.iprobably at tins
point that hi; was s'ahbrd in tho
iltxlomnn but In; did not Ini'i
tin- Wium i at thn lmii
i tit- V ! I III said tin- inns dr
m.iii.li-.i ramiri and thri-aii-tii-il
to kill tom it In- did not . om
piv Attrr hr toll) the illi-l! !><•
didn't ha V I- am inoilrv ,
tra-sj to i ,i.iv hint into a iu-aibv
a!!-.-y with !I!I■ kill 11•
i hi' v ii tilll w as !(ton told to
rrniovt- his shoos by onr ol thn
' ..■a !■ ATTACK Pago Is)
CIA awards graduate
MCI.KAN. V.i I nivi-fMiv gr.. in.it.- Ku h.ini ! k.-tr ieputv iii
ti l tor of l.r/ilr.l! iMlI‘ii r, fr.i-lv.li till- ( TVs highest I ,111-cr
.i< hiovoimni award .it .1 ceremony .it !!.- n v -. h- n!,|Uijrt<-rs
Wednesday night
Holier! t lutes. t|tree tor ul (a-ntr.il 1:.'.■ i V; 4war. I .1 thr Distill
gmsin-ii Intelligence Medal 1.1 k : 1 .... w t. graduated hum the
! tmrrsity with .1 li.u lu.'li.i 11! Arts .1- 4:. m history in 1't‘ei k.rr
will n-tirr on Mm h .1 Itrr nearly i.t v.■ with !h A : n. \
■'Tilt' Issues m which Dick has playi .1 4 fi‘!t> over these years
rt'.iii IIkr 4 hisloi v ui mir lime .111.1 span ti 1 - gl. 4 ■■ ■ (lat. •> s.inl in 11
statement released by the ugen< v
Over tin- years. Dii k ability t.i i nigh .! hmtselh .it the system,
at tile agent v .it the government m.l at humanity, has Sn>t|Ufnlly
dispelled teiiMun in the must tense tma . (..it.-, s.ml in the state
men! "Of course we will miss his judgment aiul skill hut we will
nuss Ispet I.iliy licit win: (1 Is m S'. ' !* .! . ipplv ill U a si; n
his irreverence mid humor
Shelter has fund raiser
Till! 1 tsti annual Laputhiin
which r ,i i s !■ i i u n ii •> ! : r
Hi ::!i'.p.i, '■ A I il I - un S,i! ii r
:,iv Id) ."I Wi . > . i
nun-profit organi/attun that is «
st. .:■■[ fur hattwfed women and
ih> ir i;h(Wn;n Last year they
Ii. ,a ti't l w . Mien and 11
Lhtidren in their shelter
Anyone is invited to partici
pate HI tile l,up ,1 (hull hv either
w .i y iLy running nr swimming
hips .it ii different fo* at ions in
i i ;I i • li ■ ■ MuMi", ! false,) ll y
participants either {(trough
! i x eil 11 on,1! i oI1. or p le, !gos
basts) on h»Hv many lap-, a par
in i print 1 ollipietr*.
i In-, year’s goal r. S-U.5XM1
MllO.iy i ill he (ill. lie.| if
; t ; ! I , 1 I s s,: i UimIi'
: • i. ■ S Iii: .slioii'
intereste.i m partn ipatim;.
pii-ilge iorms un (mi pitkeii tip
at Leighton pool
\ ^fanning,
(. <j*4>un • !(*<••
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