r UO BOOKSTORE BESTSELLERS TOP TEN PAPERBACKS WEEK of Feb. 24th / Iron John by Robert lily 2. I rial Green tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe by I .mriie I 5. Homecoming by Robert Br.ulsh.nv 4. I oyote Waits by bony I lillerm.m ». I hr I inn by Robert C irislum (t. Hi tun in the Weals by I >eiriire Mi N.imcr 7. Parkness Visible by Willi.vm Styron .S’. \ext Century by I ).n nl I l.ilberstam •).Voh fust Don't Understand l>\- I >ebor.ih T.innen It). Annual l treams by B.trb.ir.i kingsolver UO Bookstore €l OthlKlncAid M f 7 10600 SAT ©00400 M4 4.U1 1 SUPER WINTER AUTOMOTIVE ^1 SPECIALS ire$tone AMIIKAS HOMI IO« CAI MtVKI [lube, oil & FILTER MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS 4 CYL. s49" 59'' 69" 6 CYL. 8 CYL. Maintenance I BRAKE SERVICE I*V«' -. .i *' *>'. ■ a\ ' t a -V- *•*. . ’ !.-A»e ‘-.iim. A 'WV'n , 3a ■ I * ' «*»> • ; j " 1 1 1 I I I I TRIUMPH 1200 J TIRES i • Steel belted* All season ® Compare Our Lowest Price' I Shop fee $1 for all items Tirestone w AMERICA’S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE 345-1 593 No Appt. Necessary 185 E 11th Store Only-Short Walk from Campus IFC allocates almost $230,000 By Kirsten Lucas '! in- Inc ulnnlal hoe Committer alim ;t!i•*i nruriv *>.’’10.000 lu seven student groups '. i.< i.iv ami U i dries.! iv night, dr; reaving four budgets .ir.i! in i reusing three il (: iii.iinvum.nl I.ydiu Lnrmu vin d again-.' rv ■ rv men .. <• Wednesday con*tuntlv ft imting thr i imitniltiii members am! student groups of the iv rd to cut bark on spending an.I keep student fees low VSt’C) Women's (.enter. the largest W . lit. ‘! ,r, I ; udget VS e s illn Ilieil S !■! .'' I i. ,1 .!. ■ I O Ise of •'( i percent from this year's S 1 ri. :*** t riie ASVO ret omrneiul.iltun fur the Women s ( enter, vs.>■. S 1-1 ill l . ire \V. n's Center budget vs .is heard in t on ..ill linn vs ith Women s R. ••• lUft e .'tint Referral lie vise of .i (ii.illtion th.it i vists between the tvso groups that operate out til the same office The Wc men's t en! r ;■ guest,-d $! .'00 lor a new stipend position of student < oordinutor I’o : ufT lie m< re.iv. the Women's t .-nler asked that tile vs.irk study money it currently receives ' i lie. ■ p! lums’s he transferre.l WRH, vs1. vs i , ‘ I then pits up tlie cost of re( eptionist services Hi it'll primps will benefit fmtn the ret eplionists and lint student coordinator U ! :111.i!11111 |i,r WRK vs .is V>.272 WKK n pieslcd Sic')•!(» I < n ! gellier. the two groups rtneivcd VilJ.'i 'll fur .1 net lierre.ise 111 1 ri percent I lie I’.,, k I I I'I ay hi 111-Si' '1’heater rei el veil SI ,702 Wednesday l-aglll, fill ill) 11 pen ent ini tease liver veal's l.u-ij’et ul SI.till) The ASi'O rei uni niellil.il I ill vs ,.s SI nnj l*Oi k' l Pliiyhuuse r.'ijuest cl S.'o'.'i Next vi . - *. ini lease will eover produt t um .uni pnmintinn i usts (nt approximately 20 stuilent priiihu e.l p tvs. whii h art Inv to all students . lie \ lettuiine'-, Sluiielits Assoc laliun which w tunileil |ur the lust time this year, rei eiveil a 1.1 10 peri fill UK [ease m er its current S200 budg • ' W ill n ■-.! IV \ \ v\ .. ■ t S-en) !,a tin* Sony 'I t Vial. V. .2 i t whii h will i user seasonal events pin ii. lire.; \ : i t namese lultufe on campus ’Hie 1'-! () : el llillel.ianli IV,IS N.’ i HO \A.\ H' ' : ' ‘ i she least controversial budget re.pies! heiird \\i din i.iv night w .is tin b.ttin \niern m Support ( inmittce ivlm li proposed a _'■! percent GROUP VHrtrurnwMi S A»vx' Woman % M«t A Mol Clf f SCAPf l air; Am Si^JpOfl Com lift: 92 S^oo 1.610 4 Mi, SB.7W 13 ‘M 174.636 3 SS9 S2 4«0 i'1.792 6,283 34.283 12 612 W) .063 2.71b *•» CHAW *1 1400' ♦ ' 4Ij0 . .. ?9 7 44 i‘i: 7 i * *■ a.0>;' ?A 0 dt'cn ase Imin llns years budget ol 5 LA.SC requested and ret eived S..'.71r) The \ SCO rc< oi 11 mchiiat ion w .is 52 .71 5 At I tic end oi its hearing. I.ermu applauded the i.ASC -.sell-im posed < uls At Tuesday s meeting, the AS l JO l.xci utivc re ieived a substantial cut This \car s budget is s I "■) .• • i*i and next year's will he Slti'l.Oti.i 1'h.it represents only a t percent det rease, hut next year tin- ASCO budget also includes a new S."i lull line iti*m Irom the CMC lor a state man dated reserve lor equipment repair in the student union building That amount had previously been in thel.Ml budget, but was passed on to the ASCO by the CMC Board of Directors last year Tin* ASCO took severe cuts, mainly in stall sti pends lor students and symposium costs ASCO President Jennifer Hills had proposed a budget, with lesser stipend and symposium cuts, of 5141,071 hernia pointed out that even with the new cuts lor le x! year, each student will he paying more than SIC) a term lor ASCO l.xecutiy e expenses The h.SCAI’h program received a 7 peri cut de i rease. with a new budget of S12.012. down from the current budget of $13,5(0 The cuts were made in stipends and office supplies The ASCO recommend, -d a deer.-use of about I percent It was incorrectly reported in Wednesday’s Iru rmld that lid appointee Sue Doekst.ulei would resign Irom her position as co-din dor of the l.es bian Oay Bisexual Alban y tie- student senate I'uesdax will remain co-director of l.OBA. l-.owever. slii- xs ii; no !(.ngi r ret eive i stipend lor her LOB A position GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon 97403 Birkenstfock Step into Birkcnstock footwear and find a remarkable blend of comfort and style in colors that range from basic to hi illiant. We carry every available Birkenstock. 1 ' Btrlrnilotlt S I r . ■ “< tV ' ltf> • • M,,„ Sol to to t l, • St?' -trrcl Put,iu M,ukc»! • 342 6107 • Ilotiv 6' 0 KINKOS More Than Great Copies • Report Hindi fry • IHS1 and Mai kt nl.iU • Instant Passport Photos • Next !).ix I ypirnj Set v m r ■ I .tst Self Serve < optrrs vsith Auto feed • Nr11 [).i> Resumes • Sri! {),t> Business ( aids • i. ustoftt 1 shirts C )|M'il 7 I >iiys i I « 7H«* | HUY US| l) Mil UUO THAT'S coot I RECORDS 9 $1.50 OFF any Jazz CD . cgood thru 3/5/92