a ,CvBeo GAMES MUC MARKET ¥2. VIDEO ADVBmJREl y&VAUIYNVUIPUU ■€» ^ THRU FEB 28 13th and Kincaid Open Mon.-Sat. Phone 346-4331 RIGHT ©N TARGET Call our Advertising De( irtrnent 546-3712 Project eases isolation, provides support Dy Karen t n.ge s r '• .<.1 -1 Women returning In college after years m Ih« home nr work form fare tl»ffi• ri• 111 pr..{» lotus than many of their < allege peers The Non -Traditional Student i’r t an ASI'O Womens (.enter program, -nri'e, to address and assess these women'-, m - I-. h\ developing and implementing a support system for them Helen (ioche, project pniltiium worker said she returned to school ill her late shir ties after U lew false starts l-amilv piahiems, the birth of a child wtlli lluvn's Syr. !:• :• e and I lien a di\ ■ ■: e ail kepi hi : I: :.. - . ho When she entered the f'nuersity t a fiai! ago, she realized tfi.it 1 he system Is not geared lor the returning student at all (h.i tie. who Juggh s si hold at el . an:,,; fur three children, shares tie plight of m„iH women Zella Ml ! fan n'i \ is I'A \ . r ! ordinalor, said' she sees a lot id w - men vvh. M isolated on this campus and the pro gram helps the in link up It's hard (or them to cunneet with oilier is, en w i;h the ■ m.e n -ij Mi n.iiliri wild i! In.il. (.■ urge l ux (.oflege in 19'IJ xvrib ii I it !.• .