Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Bush’s veto of bill
spoils apple pie
Remember Tiananmen Square? Mow could we for
get ? Thousands of Chinese students led a pro-democra
cy movement that shook the world and ended abruptly
via communist rule.
Not that American democracy is perfect either.
Given, the ideal of democracy is a peachy idea, as is
the idea! of communism or most any governing system
designed for the good of the people. But we humans
have a way of messing things up. liven the best of ide
als can rarely survive our mutating interpretations
Regardless, it's these shining principles we contin
ue to strive for — goals such as human rights and dig
nitv. which we like to link
to Democracy Anri going
airing with the typical
American thought pattern,
we want everyone and
their grandmother to he
; is! hke us After all. we
are the world's "police."
its savior, its hear.on of
light l.seryone knows that
don't the\ f
Most (it us do want the
best for each Of the
world's citizens. The ideal
of jierfet t human dignity
protected hv dosei vetl iiu
Why is President
Bush threatening
to veto a bill
recently passed
by Congress that
would require
China to better
its record
human rights?
nun rights inruns a lot. ut a! least it should Agreed'
So why then is President Hush threatening to veto
<1 Sill rerently passed bv Congress that would require
China to betier its record concerning human rights,
missile sales and trade harriers in order to keep its
most fas ored nation trading status.
There are all kinds <d possible reasons out there,
none of which we r an exper t to hear (rum the prrsi
dent, especially since his veto would completed) < on
trade I all the apple pie stuff we’re supposed to stand
1 he fact that l iongress passed this long-overdue
hill builds faith now it's just the president that's left
to question Hut then again, risking China’s huge poten
tial buying population would hr' a bit crazy — ul! for
something as silly as human rights, missile control and
trade harriers, Cood to see our fearless leader has his
priorities straight
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Butin#** Offurs %4b S5t2
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rfoauciwn warafl#i v » « c,
i*ps<> AJ**r1i*mg 346 371?
!»»»rti#d Actv«rti»»nfl 146-4343
I reflection scenario one
Pot tax
;>. a v>i. . u :.]
If you are really serious about
maintaining higher education
m lht* f.i< <■ ii! Mi'.iMitL* r>, i have
ns a looser Ih.t to M- jsurtt
*s» h .1 <I our l.,.! i. 'i i a i s<• i i l > v
y.’IK) A luX on legal pot of 10
n-ii'.s pur gram would raise
enough to reverse this tuition
i lit .feast*.
An .oiii.! e rial 10 i «*nl !a x
vs ksId repl,n t* those programs
vs hii h vs I ; o tr<-.i Another
J0 cent tax would m.Ae up the
difference over the next few
years Sui h a tax would be lair
After all. college students
Would probably pa\ most of it
John Flanery
Political Science
Not a crime
: v oli'il \ t tin Sli'.isurr '•
l r. i i k • ■ tin - m.ijonU u! students
111 ri• at tin- i iiin-rsilv, ! don't
fli i-.k V • • .rr a was a i ruin'
! '.tf ri'.il i rimi* in my opinion is
liui nnar total (iisn-garii stu
dents io ii! ! iif the j ,eJ ‘ ‘ T a!; d
Working t less of tills state
i or the midtilt" class find tin
roll, proper tv taxes aren't it
problem, but tor the poor anti
working < lasses, property lav s
1 j! r I • r:! •. \ erv real tilin’. II \
burden which causes enormous
amounts of human misery
Nb mht-rs oi tnv family have
worked all ol their lives, they
haven’t taken welfare, food
stamps, financial uni. or any
other form of government
handout N! v family doesn't
own much, but what they have
they worked damn hard to gel
The student body of this t'm
versity would happily take
away from my family the prop
erty they worker! tor to own
hi students would prstitv this
ril\ mg
iff t'dm
no! .»t
.1 lion
t h <' >■ x
\ uu
of rny
One o again tin' !ms s has t*
bfrn iir.iwn. tin- ru h .it;,ansi
lh« poor. .il.ii .IS a ! w (hr
poor an- roNpofOuhli? for -ill the
; : • •Hn* t-\ s; ( )r! tax
p*i\«• r who h-arud losing his/hnr
It- om t ! p: ji.-rly !a\
rs ri»! sUsijt'sfs of tlm Uimur
silv n*vii So grow up, thrn may
l»' Hit s iiootj |>u! 1 t!iv* si!\ or
spoons ul pnviifgf uu! ul Ilnur
I).)n ! sv r: 1 <* mi u !;usl s it*! U*r
I dun'l l.ik*• Sour gr<v,iv, si'll
into;. Or.j vuiUi's O ! v M flOUS'
Anthony Stumbo
!.v. um* mi- if i'in not I'lii
qurnl, but tu |mt it liiunth. i'll)
rt-,1 Itv Mi k u! flu-- - putty .111ii
Miipni political g.itnes whith
iltr Wasting till- Uliii! of our stu
dent leadurs
Why is ii that m a year in
which wo (uuld sec higher edu
cation in tins stair ail but ills
appear, we are bickering among
ourselves over fictitious,
trumped-up charges I am talk
llig about accusations which
have recently been made
against I'SSA. and about sti
pend over" payments
llre.it. so someone wants to
ttut k tiie only students in a
position to advocate tor the stu
dent bodv. and the only nation
al organization which can ad
vix.ate lor us Obviously, these
people don't have anyone's
ties! interest in mind but their
So. why are they doing it?
Childish political games Watch
the upcoming student elections
and M>r il !h>-f same people trv
t.. ;.,ri Let's rail it vvhal il is
tiiaiislitiging. Du sve want tu sue
our leaders of tomorrow m l
tliis way'
l want tu sot.' Mime people
stand uji abuse tlio murk and
help .r student government
help us | liev a;e very detimat
rd and hard-working people,
in.' i guess that doesn't matter
to people wilt) disagree with
them politmails
Stave Masat
It s time fur eiarifir ation In a
ret ent Emvtald article, the
word "wars'' s\as written as
'weary While an error ol only
one letter, it played havor with
the context, so 1 wrote a letter
ridiculing it
When 1 turned it in and re
guested that none of the spell
tng he ( hanged, the nice lads at
the desk assured me that It
would not lie corrected Natu
rally 1 Ssas upset to see the quo
I a lion li a d been (or r ec t e d
(Out:. I eb .11).
! Ills caused two problems
My later use of tin? word tired
made no sonsu, and it sounded
Ilka I was Ix-ing serious I ain't
take this character assassina
tion lying down Muylx* 1 de
serve it lor trying to be a jink,
but I mally don’t think it's fair
to proofread the letters if you're
not going to proof the urticles
And i would never write a seri
ous letter to the h'mrmld be
cause tin' majority of Its serious
letter-writers scare me
So Ducks, please stop con
gratulating me on my meaning
ful letter' I don't deserve it
Gina Harris
To BE P^iD fk& gV
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