Prince 4 The New Powei Generation Diamonds And Pearls ... V I L. _l Bryan Adams Waking Up Tha Neighbour* I MOTIONS L.A. GUNS • CMP-&J Apt! " ■■■■IW^' l OH BOY RECORDS r~ COt UMBIA CAC Music Factory Gonna Make You SAI.K INDS M \R( II 5. IW2 Gateway Mall Springfield 746-6373 Visa, MasterCard American Express A Discover DISC JOCKEY ENTERTAINMENT Bovary beautiful but lacking ★ if Fll M Mjdam* Bo»*'y i* currently ihow tr»g *t INi 9»pu Art C»n#m4» • «**Vl • • •»* 1*. ! • •• (N* ' i~ • •••• I just saw .1 in>ntl) film You know, tfit* kind that makes you fi'i l cul lured .ill over It subtitles and everything People spoke III nasal tones .11,.: mr b s |um ruin u on! mui Ihr ,iir from nowhere l-.voryonj; on the m rcrii ■scitincd smarter than ini' ■I . \ i .. > :. w w lull ' i i.. I! .: I -: 1! I- ri'111 ll pi opir I'll ;■ Oil I .ill !• Ji tl. lui ! ureii lives ! li nin'! get it I haven't rt , i tin* (lust.ivi* Maui* rt not el on wine h the !i :n is l>. tvmina leav e w ith tin- first i. an who comes to her house' It's a doi tor who conies lu set her father's broken leg Hid she all of a sudden dei life hi-r tile needed a man am tn.hi/ Sint e there's no expose !mn explaining Jilts tint'ision, there's a strung srnsr she s gulling what slit; deserves or al a as! is im redtbly poor al judg mg < harai !t?r As she goes from man to man and Imi k again, il g:mvs tin* - Mi■;i use in r lor ruler l.nnmrnl and leave her as soon as (hrs Ins mni' buri'd Tin* old) man who si’t'iiis lo nails lose her is Charles, her husband Hoi he is dull ami pri-dii table never returns Ins affet lions There .ire good things to he noted 'ulnait M.itlumv Bov,try It has .1 quiet, diffused, r list n be,Hit v it Its expert l\ frtimed by (di,i!;rol and all the images ate . asv to take Hut it s kind o! like eating t heese and drinking wine in a meadow all day and then realizing you had more important things to do eat i heese and drink wine In an adaptation of a literary piei e like' lhnur\, it's acceptable and even important to take oinein.itb liberties Tills is not a book and the audience i an t read pages of < harm ter in trospeetion It's up to the film rnak. r to visually t:fi ah mo ment.s that motivate the i liar.a ter Isabelle Huppeit turns ill yet another lieartleit petlorniam e One .d her best assets as an .it tress is that she seenis to a! ways tap into the heart of the charm ters she plays She, lor one seems to knows all the in ternal motivations of lantiia V\ i:s ji is in a m car. stir dominates through quiet deter nun.itaiii What goes through hnim.i's mind is .1 mvsterv to n;r, hut nl Hupperls pe: formant e. i wanted to un drrstami her better This is a noble attempt at a iiiia that perhaps should t)e\ er have hern made It means to show tba' soul ol a tortured woman, but onlv the neenerv is well debited By Lucas J Gutman FAST FAST FAST FAST IN A HURRY? USE 7 HR. FILM DEVELOPING AT THE UO BOOKSTORE hverythinp is FAS I these days fast food, fast cars So why wait for your pic hues to come hack from a slow photo lab? I \ii phi >to ex|'etts will ptix ess vout film in 1 hour usinp the Kixiak ( 11|. >i w ah h system h >r puaianteed quality You’ll pet hip *t" | nuts on lak psipet \vith FAS'I s--!'. it e. )usi the way you like it UO BOOKSTORE 13th and Kincaid Open Mon. • Sat. Ph. 346-4331