CORRECTION In ilin polio? boat sort ton of the I'ob 17 Hmvrald. [lolit e rei ■ ords reported that .1 member of (’hi Gamma Delta frotcrnitv was involved in a fi^ht in Walson tlorin However, the police re port was incorrect ami the per son involved ill tin' f’ijjht was not associated with the fraterni ty. ATTACK Continued from Page 7 attackers The other attai ker asked first assailant why 1st' wanted him lo toko oil his shot's An argument ensued between the as suilanis over whether or not ih<■ victim should lake off his shuts At this point, the victim said ho ran from the allot krrs and was pursued for about it) yards before the assailants gave up Ho walked about hail a bit* k before he noth ed he was bleeding he.ivily from an abdominal wound The victim walked to the Sac red Heart General Hospital emergency room and was released later that dav The Victim described the assailants as nervous, jumpy and irrational during the at tack Throughout the Incident, one of the as suilahts repeated I v displayed a knife The victim was interviewed by police at the hospital, but said he was ill slunk and did mil want to talk to the officer Polic i' reports state the v it.urn v\ ,is < ooper ative at first, hut later became belligerent. Kventuallv. the victim refused to be inter viewi*ti unless .1 lawyer or bis father was present Ho also did not want police to lake pu lures id the knife wound i wasn't sure I wanted to talk to police .it that point," the victim said I was just par .mold, but that's typical of me around cops EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CI.ASSIFIKI) i*c > i -1 c 'i i«:s Placement \>h mav pJ*.c *1 ai K<*Ntn ^00. !- \11 'mam trffu n m l.’O lt»» •# Main | I'll \ men I \il *t» muM U- ptrpaul unfett »' iliu.g ha* Ihvii I«>* lulling affangrrtwitM j^lrair i \ <>i %i, t*v the laintl< a fttur. Ml) ! Ml Deadlines •id* \-I» i pi* >'(!( Inmit.. >i «Jas niioi ii> itiirrti* «t i >i »f»ta\ \-.\s I pm . Ur Kmiwoa - jMi.-r t« ir»u'f1»«*fi ODE CLASSIFIEOb 1-STOP SHOPPING too BRTHDAV GREETINGS WANDA i Happy 20th! Memories of Sunriver Tho Sigma Crow ite PERSONALS ; m D»y tt Phi Dalis If VC •» Mara' Y(Hi la gomii kick as* and taka namas this waakarxj Gat raady to bump sat a fid *p«ka‘ v Your Coat has I OB INTER FRATERNITY VOLLEYBALL CHALLENGE Fab f»Var 1 Gafhngaf Annas i>‘T'4j ' in>‘ o ' yCK»‘ ’»*•*» ‘ KA Congratulations to our 1992 Rho Chis! U C*l»y f Amy M KSu mgu* M tl.V.M M Mtilhti A W» k>v • > ou1 Youi ' KA SHAMROCK BASKETBALL CLASSIC t v*fyon# com# •upf»or,t your favor ta A j'eat '.«• you at !h• >.’t» tor a « • «*vi '^5 * ■> ‘ M*i «>a ' *• -i ''tt1 KA 105 PERSONALS Congf*tuUl*or*» to KAQ Mho Chi » **.vah D f ' at Tvd/ %V« «r« so p*oud of you low* Youl IK Cot>y«*lulat»on» to ouf Mho Ch* * Elissa S. Caron S. 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