Despite Brand’s effort, special session on hold j Roberts, Brand meet to discuss higher ed cuts and the impact of Measure 5 lymra rv;:/:v iit!uJIIS . .. K'i >1 s'; ; ,i l !.!;»• tfji \ i \i ->; t y'" \v \ p:ir■ ■ 1 if t: 1 : oi .V- vilipw Ill.ilid ii-1 I-:.;. . • "i rs to ,,!] S in verSllv s'y;!>: ti r;;im: li write it'j sp;. I, ;.;i ii.-- iSiM-rni.r to te ijUi'-.t a : ; ;i ; :< fi ■ up vv lib .< i\ i : '' ' - k- , ' V.i Iii\ plan in >1 .statement ira-iisi-ii her iiu'i'i mg with Si:,ill ! iv, ■! i■ ■ rt! state go', eminent si,, ui.i n il implement .mother ••.gniltc .in! i n i i i, : i i .. :' mm1 ! )i < i ■ ■ I<-v;* students. However Hi,) reporteis .ill-T the in eel mg she will n.:t c:«i!i a spi el,d session Ulltii she 1 he', • the I ttt Zt-tis . ! ():i-ill !. .lie I v to i - uiside! sunn- changes ,e !i ■■ - . la\ slrm Gov Barbara Roberts and University President Myles Brand met at the University Thursday to discuss higher education and the impact ot Measure 5 luff, sue h as inipli’mrnrillg a s,i!rs l.iv But Brand and Koiicrts hud on I v (ir.nsu ! : . .. I: I'll 11 rsd .1V ai;.! s i .d 1:: 1 r■ • u :K Iiovurd tin- siilttc gn.ils B: aid s ii-tii r unfd tin sju-t ;,d si ssion Hr. i !: In M jirutt-.-’i d |jh.isr of 11 ;:i lh>' Kith;-!. iin I ilitmjj . • !.i; a:, :i. !<•: ihi- *»•> tm-niii |H)h>L<;>ul KuinTts il.. • ROBLHTS I'. )- < Reps skeptical of letter writing By Re' e DeCatr f fJHtr.ttl Associate t two* SrviTuI Oregon leguiiiilurs ure iru; I' »i vorsit y Tri'siilonl Mvlo-, Hr,uni's Idler writing t.innpiiign t<• pri'W'iil tufIlu r online ks m hu;hn , 1 ui .,li,in. S ilt ,iri' •.k.' j’lu .il el , ;il h . Mim !; : si : \s i!! ill:, m an unpri't iult nliMl m l. Ml.nil'll out h’tll'l s 1)11 I I'll ! ‘ cm nut . ;;e.g slUilcISts in Hrill' In tllclr stale legislator* ,iml tilts ll.iftiiifii HnSjcils li> ,r-k I In Ml lu t ,i i i ,i s | ■ *' 1 Sill 1 ■ 11 v i1 M -.'.m'i In Itml ,i Millllum In Mi i■ • s;(i■ . \ ■ 111 * 11 > >; i. 11 hu,!,:-•[ . ill . k-. vs . ,u ill itir.i!! .1 further Iii1111>m nu ti-iiM', ri-ilm Hun ul siiuicnt ui i lu liic i'aiviTM ts nr belli,' Itraml wrote in his lettci I ih mil ss .ui! Ilns ',|,i!fim;nl h ,ihif111 sum hut I iih,> ilu licit sv.nit v, u Ii He i euglii In Minn lie wrote l.i'j’isliitijis tin", ,iii‘ jilittiMirl lu see ,1 uruscrsils president gel in Turn to LETTERS, Page 3 Rain likely to return soon j Forecaster says recent warmth could be linked to El I Nino, but it won't last long );.!•,! tew ci.iv1> alii. A 11*111 s*rl1* k U , ; :;u M,.i!: v wanil air V1. t • ! •••i.iHv wrIll'll a e (***l ■ ,.k 'Ins in Bebruarv. wo h.r.r iiujli-r temperatures and sometimes i vi-n vi; i rold Arc!u: air." Temperatures wore anything bul frigid throughout the week. howovor, a* Eugene's high hit ti? degrees Monday and t>ti Tuos d.iv and Wednesday The coast was oven warmer, as North Bend residents saw H2 degree heat Tuesday W agner said it's impossible to say exact lv what is causing the warmth, hut El Nino might lie playing a rule El Nino, a cyclic warming of water tern peralures in the Bucific Ocean dial was no tit ed again by scientists last year, has been blamed for unusual weather all over the Pr«*o &/ Douga* Pftfton* world Wagner s.iid the relative warmth and dryness of iho current winter in Oregon has been linked to hi Nino, and the recent warm spell may he an extension of that Unfortunately, today will likely be the last nice dav for u while Wagner said an ipproaching storm will slowlv push the nigh pressure to the east, bringing cooler temperatures and increased cloudiness try later today and a chant e of showers just in one for the weekend Photo Of Potion University student Sierra Doano (above) takes a break near the EMU in Thursday s warm weather, whilo student Sarah Lewis (let!) plants vegeta bles as part of urban farm, a landscape architecture class. CIA HONOR Oregon graduate Richard Kerr received the CIA's highest career achievement award. See AWARD, Page 7 RETURNING TO COLLEGE The Non-Traditional Student Project, an ASUO Women's Center program, aims to address and assess women's needs by developing and starting a support system See SUPPORT. Page 4 LAME DUCKS Arizona shot down the Ducks by 48 points Thursday night at Mac Court Sec SPORTS. Page 8