WREST PAC-10 WRESTLING PROGRAM 1992 Pac-10 Championships at McArthur Court Feb. 28-29 EUGENE. OREGON FEBRUARY 27, 1992 One journalist’s adventure against Dan Vidlak j Almost George Plimptonish. one writer learns firsthand the Oregon star's best techniques and gets thrashed By Enck Studenicka Emerald Contributor At the first Oregon wrestling meet I went to. I saw u kid who appeared to he in eighth grade setting up some water coolers. I thought it was great that Kurt Einlev. the Oregon wrestling coal h. was letting some local kids net as waterboys and hang around with the "big guys.” About 10 minutes later, I was .surprised to see the "watorboy” take off bis sweats, walk to the renter of the mat. and then precede to thrash his opponent by scoring a technical fall. Since then. I've boon able to rerogru/e Dan Vidlak Vidlak. a two-lime All-American, enters the 1‘aeif ic-10 Conference Championships Friday enjoying perhaps his finest season He is undefeated in dual meets and is ranked second in the country at I 1H pounds. Oregon State coach Mark Johnson is ready to concede the conference title to Vidlak. saving that the senior probably won’t even be tested at this meet. So. the question is. how did Vidlak who looks like your average supermarket cheek out hoy he come the best wrestler west of the Mississippi •' kVh.it abilities have separated him from hundri ds o' other collegiate wrestlers and allowed hint to lie nine so dominant? figuring no amount of investigative journalism would distinctly answer those questions, I reasoned the only solution would he to turn to participative journalism and experience firsthand what it feels like to square off with an All-Arnun< an I would have to vv resile Vidl.ik feeling iike u modern day (ieorgr I’limptuu, I en tered the wrestling locker room at the appointed time I found Dan in the locker room sauna He had al ready practiced for two flours and was soaked in sweat He told me to enter the sauna, saving."It's a good wav to warm up." After afxiut two minutes in the 115-degree heat. I told him 1 was warmed up enough We then entered the wrestling room 1 he wn ■■tling mom has an odd odor to it. sort of like how your I' f. lin ker smells after you left a sweaty T-shirt in there lor a week Also, no fresh air is allowed in the wrestling room The air is hot and heavy, it’s as if you've entered a tropical climate There doesn't seem to Ire mm h oxv gen in the air, probably because it's only been ex haled four or five titties before you get lu breathe it Vidlak explained that the padded walls were in Oregon's Dan Vidlnk wears his opponents down using a potent arsenal of moires Vidlak signs autographs lor some young Ians IbelowI bounds. but ! forgot to ii-.k how umov points .1 wail toss vs .is worth Uo tN-giin I»v explaining his vv n stling si vie insti . i ol reiving on strength, ho counts on superior lusr his h.il,mi r Hr tluiiiixisSnili d thi! takedown tin uir ,i lew lnnrs. It., king nil It) li.V .mklr ill mutil Ihr Siimr way ,1 sm.ill ling might I iiskri! if llirrr was arty t nunter In this iitani'tivi'r. Hr saiti others h id tritI prayer I ! rn il was rnv turn tu try ihr takedown 1 made a dive for his loft km r and at ta.dly had a good hold ol his Irg for about two seconds before In: made a rrvrr -.1 nil tirg.in ruling on my shoulders kiml of like the way Yoda rude on Lake's hat k in Ihr L.tnpirr Sirikrs h'ui k TumtoVIDLAK Harp. -SH ASU, OSU favored as Pac-10 tourney hits Mac Court jOregon wrestlers could do well in several weight class es but aren't expected to challenge for team title By Erick Studemcka Emerald Contributor Tlit' Arizona Statu wrestling team, owners of one of the longest winning streaks in Pacific-10 Conference tourna ment history, will plane its title and sev en-year streak on the line as the 1992 tournament championship descends on NSi Arthur Court tins wn send Arizona Stale has not lost a conference title sinc e litit-!. when Oregon Stat' nar rowly beat the' Sun Devils by four points. O:•, in playing host to the tournament tor (hi? first tirin' sim i- 1‘17't, hus not wmi the title since IMHii The tournament, which will t»- divid ed into four sessions, will begin with first-round action at noon on iridav I he semifinals v\ 111 begin 7 p m Friday. with < hamplonshlp finals si heduted for 7 HI Saturday evening The top three individuals in each weight (lass will advance to the NCAA finals at Oklahoma March 10 - 1 The tol lowing is a brief ov erv lew of eat ti team ARIZONA SI AM With five A Americans and three returning l‘.u SO (hampions. Arizona state is favored to win its eighth straight tournament title The Sun Devils are a hit of a mV'S rv team, however, as the\ went through their entire season without meeting a ‘ASU is definitely the team to beat, but if we have a good tournament, we can upset them.’ Mark Johnson. On'; State fu/.r! ■ h.m* t onuiilnd ii losing tiu.il mi l ! M'.r.ii'i r' .: : .. Hu .its." At ./.or.-i Stall .siM.mt u • m.;' (tw( h Turn Oft lit said lift .HIM til the type of Irani vw have, with Mrtmj; wn-s menis Orli/. s.tid Aii/iiim Si./- . !.■ -i . .i meel !-*( oni w,i■■■ p.irll.iiiv due In .> iilli i all schedule, w hi< h m< luiii -i i-.p '.1 teams lovv.i. low-i Si iti .mil K-in ..is Top wrestlers !i-r lln- Sim Hevds vs oh (heir national r.ir.ktr.;. m p-irrht.'.esi iru lude Sh-iwn (Tiutli l> . o pounds. Shin . s.iii he/ 1 . \ t i U ! v ne Mi Mum ; i. :<-!v V. ; ! 1 r-H .mil M. k- 1 ’-! ■ i! ! weij;hf S.ii.i !.-•/ Mil!- ;'el M M ■ .,;i lormcr f*.s: lot h.iinpmns ()11r kids clei.I: lie!V h.ive the pr- .1 , . [!'.■?: ' ();■./ ... I;! > ,■ v t .... • ; TITLf f