Oregon wins the battles and the Civil War, 62-59 By Jake Berg Emerald Sports f dilor Th« Oregon women's basketball team found the third time to be just us charm iiig as lim last two This Ducks. 1410 overall and «> H In tlie l’acific-10 (ionference, Unit Oregon State, 3 1 1 and H it), for the third straight time, ti2-r»M Wednesday night at Mr Ar thur Court In those three wins, though. Oregon has won by a combined total of only six points, and Wednesdays matchup was us exciting as its two predeci ssors The -'Heavers led in 4 1 midway through tin’ set opd hull before tie- Dm k< countered with "a 7-0 run to put 1! 11 -1 n ahead The two te.uns then tied lour times and never led by more than three during th>> game's final minutes Oregon Stale found Itself on top with just over a minute remaining whim Mar go Kvashovski's driving lav-in put the Iteuvers ahead 50 57 Oregon's Debbie Sport it:h returned the favor set onds later when her own lav in lied the game, and her ensuing free throw from a foul on the shot gave Ore gon .1 tit)-5>l lead Kvashevskt had another t ham e to play the te,.in's savior hut missed- out oh this o|ijx irJ vjnit\ l >n Oregon Staler ivv! pos the senior guard was sent it) the free throw line with '!') so »nds It’fl, but sin' missed the front end of the oneand cist’ situation Sport ich sealed the game .it 12 mi omls on .1 relxiund ami las in of her own missed shirt Hie Bc.ivms hud mm* set onds I * m nri- b..I Miss', Smith's des |)i*r.ition three point attempt came after the final bu/./er Innl sounded Spurcich was churls tin hero after.the garni*, hut tin* sophomore was modest Is skeptical of licr individual perforrnanre "! wasn't impressed with nn plus at ah said Sport li h. who finished with a game-high lfi points mid 1(> rebounds I'm jusi happy we won The win broke a five game homccourt losing streak that frustrated Elwin Heiny's team ' We were wondering, Heinv said Last week was not pretty (in both home losses to the Arizona m hools) Wednesday's victors also guaranteed tile Dm ks of not entering the month of Mart h looking like a pm k of lambs, Inn ing won one game all of February In the last Civil War meeting, the Dinks won Bit HI in overtime at Corval lis The previous matchup was Oregon's HI (>.i triumph in Corvallis last season UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE ' DRAFTING & DESIGN Sturdy **»">*** , 4" thick pt*>K)la'*5 ,op Built in t>witch X 12" (* 1012-101 » Correc1 SSI 00 SALE $39.00 x 18" ') Dayl'9W $98 00 SALE $59 00 , introductory offer Nj^ SOUD OAK TABORE . DESIGN master .Black ,,in > . CntaraemenWTUKkK • Vertical stand included . Sharp image C4 0Q f»0 JQ 189 00 SALE S139.00 SUPER AG 100 . :t* to .’0* enlargement • ... ■ r * . fcaw»V man“9,,& 3-0 objects f„1Qnn tun 3i9 oo SALE S219.00 .3 draw*'* "1 p $150 00 Reg $209 00 SALE .* draw Reg Sl'98 00 SALE S2 • Table Accessory SPIROLL . Dtawrvj.-Papar pronto' . Attach** lo drafting u‘^L!± l.1" W<*.j91 *8" tong* Rag *63 00 (Uxj V >8 7S SALE 20% OFF tari OTTE SIDE TRAV SALE S29.9S • SIERRA SEATING . Pn.umabc b**flM ad,u*fni.M . Black or gray ,obnc nllira Height 4" It Reg $'35 05 SALE $75.00 Dialling *'• ’• • Toiifdrop tootrwst (FR1) Reg S' 77 25 SALE $99 00 . v, - .t toolnng (^R2) St Reg t'97 25 | SALE $109.00 '|f J, Drafting/Drawmgj . PICKETT 'Style OOTA) :SassfffS» S900 3. ■ *1 »•» >® “ 1^11',79 00 36 , 4» R-9 1320 OO . STUDIO RTA Tech Table (31 x ^ ^ *S^S’u«rbo«- -Black or ^ top SALE $99.00 _ •OMNI Drattmg Table (30 x:., i M . t »ki a* ay . Sturdy & Roq 12*0 00 SALE *115.00 Req S199 9S Come Take a Look At Our New beautiful solid OAK FURNITURE < POST drafting tabu • 36 x 48 • Lfrific, •Wu’ >n Of»y, n Reg $250 00 SALE $185.00 introductory offer SOLID OAK •30,4- . ART TABLE , * ^c>r|l*mpofiirv -c • Heavy ga^ ^ ^ ^ Je^’ R°9 S‘’4900 SALES 169.00 m Women put in at 15th Till- Oregon women's golf Seam finished 15lh in lhe 19 team Chris Johnson/Arizona In - v national in Tucson Tuirsdilv The host Wildcats, ranked No 1 in She preseason poll, held a comfortable 1 SI stroke lead over runner-up t CLA after the hrsi .it> holes and cruised to a hi stroke victors with an B7ti id.'LA remained in second with a , old Shannon Maier was 7t>th wa .0 I.level! of tile 14 tourney teams am ranked nationally Oregon is Third in the latest poll Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Were Moving! :ieg "mna Vaicn 1 P Planned Parenthood w d© located at 1670 High St. Eugene c ...e, c. . 17th 4 Hign) New home same quality, cfforaabie services • Birth Control • Pap Pelvic Exam ■ Pregnancy Testing • Infection Checks ■ Counseling — 344-9411 —