Starship Enterprise exhibit beams up at Smithsonian NATIONAL V. A S IIIM.TON (AP) The < few of the (ingiiial starship Hnterpnse Kirk. Spot k. Bom-', .uni _the others is bold lv going where no pop icons have gi before on displuv in tin- Smithsonian s Air and Span- Museum "Slur Trek The l-.xhibitlon, whir h opens I ridav and runs through Sept 7. incorporates more than HO props from the original television senes, including phusers, costumes, a tricorder. fuzzy Tribbles and even transporter i he retrospei live e vain tin -s the r ei ons!r nr ti-d hislori cal, political .uiii cultural issues ot the !'i(i()s that wen incorporated into..the show, whuh run w-okly from l<« >• 1‘Mill and spawned six movies and .1 se. ond TV series Hul it's a I so a lot o! plum Id fun \ ■ 'tors can sit in Cupl James ; Kirs. ■ 1 ti.ur (M's c*n!v painted plsw ! .11.'d ‘..liip.1 livdej or ^et h i lose look .1! liny Klin^oii buttle cruisers and u model id the 1 SS Enterprise The\ can also Watch .1 25 minute do; uinentun film, prepared for lie retro sp. t ilv« featuring interview's with the slo w s principals, mi hiding t reator Gene Roddenherrv. interviewed befon ho d ied in ()i toiler Thr exhibit..-h organizrd into catego rn s.. il l: as A ( ••• '. War id !■ 'Civil Right* and Urban Krlwdlion and Sc* \ u a lit y Th.- ;. 111«• r hxusrs mainly mi Kirks mans mlrrstrilar and iriler-spc rirs llatMWis At .1 nr I... prrv a".s \\ rdra-sday . imisr urn (finals and tiir ai tors win! sturrn! in thr show (It •-( rilrvii .Star I'rrk with a rev (.'M*ru n tjsuai 1 \ trMinwl for grrat work*. ;n m lent r .a the humanities Wiirn yi . in. k ‘ it. biographies | the grrat'rrs til tin’ hold ( air and ri. you find that lnrte and time again, thrv wirr mspirrti In tin stutn-s t.! I i t, V\ i :d ultras \\■ sprt ilial. d ain/iit thr fnlurr and lllr role that wr as inhabitants of this earth would play in that future, said Martin Hewitt. diret tor of the National Air and Spare Mom Sur Trt'k did the same thing for the youngsters of the 1 (Wills Marv Henderson, the exhibition's <;, * I Ml ‘itJiii.JluriiH l () H« > 4* ■ ti >ic Main I 1>» : O I’m nurd All ad* mint K { unit »* billing hat Ivv ii » ! bed I • hilling aria » i iix , * -’■ 4 • ir i li i , .< it. y , ■ 1) I*. Vi o Deadline* I me Ad* i p rr. . tni-.m; • * day pin i t. mv( a, «i I)h.|m«> \vi\ ! pm ivi,i lx. vine* * ‘lav 4 fxs-*r t m*-: Mm n O h'rrors Refunds I *1 e4 • tin iHj.h»ni«t notify u% i*f the cn\ i by 1 j> in on the day *1 live (tf%l Die 01)1 taunot lx- liaNc for an amount greater than the amt Hint juivl l.x uu h a»l>ermmg Refund* vi il! lx- lirniU vl U' v fv iJitv .-nly S. • . .4'h refills.b w .li b. ivn.r.l alter the ail dt adhn. Credit* muvl be sm .l vc jihin b me*nth* of iisue O ( op t UTVptMliT lhc (>l)l tru’n ci the right to revive. reviawify , frjcel or cancel any avl at any Imu lOS PERSONALS V* V* FRATERNITY MEN Don t fory*t to turn KA SHAMROCK BASKETBALL CLASSIC I v*fyorv« com# iupf>ort youf Uvonl* teim' Win Qf**t *>•• »OtJ trvi% ***4«r«J *1 th* | lOuMB • Ladies of K \: ! Th» jjaMf 4f*.J band flfiit O' '**1 fviyM i*» » t>* ik»'b lo do rt j *gitrt »om# n«gh4 in tH# »*••' ; The Gentlemen of \r I1B0 Congratulations to our Rho Chis! Heather M. Amy B. Kelly S. Kristin M. Shauna S. Have fun! Were proud of you! Love, Your Sisters no LOST I FOUND 105T M . I . ► -'! l ti 1.1, „ Mr, ' a . ’ *’>P! *OCfc •>«, *44 m TYPING SERVICES Punted lent to computer hies BBDZmanB 747 J500 «j AfiVvO 344-4510 gi'Al II \ W« ‘Ml* IN< >< » WIS1. i.kii'i » i • n • • • »r r m ■» »i> 11 m i 1* .•• r, 605 r nth mTYPWG SERVICES A )4«C?S* l< IliN • GRAOSCM xx appr* vf0 - .• ■ «'■ • v- : .1 • Ut. . -->* W OMCAMPUS! 7>jm/*q A *omJ fxcc *- «. *r r,4, • *’4 ' ' | »r, -'*0 i wi p>- * -, * * •> * | ( CMO lUium* A Wfrtmy ... vl i4*> wxn i . * NG I ’« •• ’»;•• = »* f at! icCufitt prtl»t*ion*l J1 00 pay* i*> 4M W3I JO? Mi TYPING PRO * ' > ' *•*. * M -xv: « ... C ti PIt* t- <44 ft »■ ” O I Mi WORD SPI CIAI IS IS »*« : i* • , i: a ■ j G»-»! ’» 1 » A, t v 1 **.< CINDY 464 ‘>4 >4 TYPING UNLIMITED tta'tjAf* l and **’ 4flS 3i43 1W TUTOR WG GREEK MATH tutor ! oat Uk.1,% 7 10 00 PM .!• . i.‘ L. «»*M 12S INSTRUCTION Pfonlo Sfvamth A Porluyata y**u'& o.» y I A „.t*6 no FOR SALE M6C i *!•(! 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',) • g a a <«» '<■' ••«: ' y Sfci Utah Apply lor a cr# • ❖ a..; . , ■ BE A PEER ADVISOR | Call your mijor department or -i' . * ■ mat ion_J AT IN All INTf RNATIONAL STUDENTS »A Ma g v... a . D*aU< •• Wauh 2 4 Co»l J'ji WIN |*.0 oKu|)tiiliiK the I milt I mi t uoitiiiuliti jMisition luf pri.'it \\ i art liMikmg ha u iludcfil In lill lh#» |kmlu>ivum/r ulid u 1 L>0• lik lnUr tulunlni > n it to t ( ultui ul iuruni |itu^iunit tur mutr Uilormulo*) uml un upplt* uluui t outut t the I Ml l ullut ul I in uni Suite 2 Hr* 4 J 'I Deudlbie I riduv Muithnlh T ft* O n «'• TO AA LmpAoyer Cruise Line Entry lava! on-board lend a»de avail yui rnd lummor 6t? 643-4333 Mart lime car wjah attendant • 1 ’ t O U 4i POSTAL JOBS AVAIL ABU* l.ia , i *H i *W I i1 .< ».V 210 HELP WANTED Earn Big Cash ! Nov« hiring •nthu»i*fttic fttudtnt» lor ih« U o! O T*l*fund 34b 3433 AIRLINES HIRING NOW lmm*di«t* *ntry 4#v#l CuSlomor i. '-igh: flftimOu »> 0#r.C4»: ftnd ma :»#••.i . »i f • o < wary axl 1'4 VH ’** »»' ' *, ; M' ■ - Vi' ' I Mi»l OVMI rj r L>»'»•■ Ml UNI IV I i1 >»o» in C hi*! ol !h# OHl GQH DAH y l Ml HAL l) - - -.—- | •* • • y •»w- •' ^ •* , ' I t» 1 V' ” «» H*‘. 9 < I f M \ \ ■ I* Ml M> '*d»> r> . ivj: At' .MiiivuhiAi »> i t*-* t* >*c I* -J t> | 11 •« li < .*/ J A pi I IM , f * . i • - i * , ( rner.ild » * l , • > it • ir i 4 4 4 > Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Kt ».VU (VP T'SSVLt •viC' T' ^ a*. "t>v .<<*' n-r r swvf A l fclblAM AKP Those UjHOPiWr > ! I rtX ZfMi.HPfA SfXWOt MY BEST Ht&NC'N HKjh 5CHXt ■’ Me HAP ABOUT THf owes but a«w> ca>u*r Affonv axace a? r*E GOT iOAS ON HtS > j n. -5. r TH47 COJLV HAVtd&H Mt.aaP' \ THAT *09 KXJ.SON \