I SPORTS Coaches quite similar despite some differences By Jayson Jacoby The casual observer probably wouldn't find 'many similarities between Oregon's head coach Don Munson and \ n/utta N Lutn Olson Munson prowl* the sidelines, hands in pockets. usually with his head tilled down toward the floor He reminds the offi cials in Ins gravelly voice when he is displeased'with-their de rasions He doesn't snitle ten often when he's mi thet ourt Olson typit ally sits in ins chair and doesn't ruffle his suit the wav Munson soineliities does He is more i iMoopohtan He e\ ti does i elehritv endorse merits tor Arizona's Valiev' Na tiorial Dank But the two veteran I’acilit 10 Conference coaches, whose teams meet tonight in an 8 i‘> game in McArthur Court, have a lot in i ommon, as w ell Both slatted their ( u r.r en! jobs in l*m:t And both inherit ed troubled basket! .![ pro grams, Olson taking over a Wild, it team that had gone -I J -i the [) r ■ V I u u s veil and Mainan assuming the leader ship of an Oregon squad com ing oil t... st, I uk u lit sea Both are highly regarded m their profession Olson has been named But.-ID Coach of the Year three limes, and Mom soil was MM Ui",[ ( ,.u h u! the Year Ins first year In Eugene, when 111! took a 11• I t team to the National Invitational lour namcni Anti Munson .lii.! ()!s m c.u h ( iimc !o their current coai lung ■.lbs after having turned strug glmg programs into.. national i ontenders Olson look an la'w'.i team jltal was Iasi ill the Big It) l unlet flH e to live s! raigllt N't AY tournament appi'aram os. m ( lulling a ! mat lour In Till in 1‘J'BO Moiison was lot) 11 in live seasons as Idaho's head r oach, and In; look thi’ Big Nkv sr hr ml in two NO.A \ tournaments and had tin Y indals ranked eighth in the . ountry in 1 . w hen flu y limshed 2,7 I But llsat s about where the siinil ;i it,es end Since Ida.t, Arizona has come a national power, !: > ». trig up seven straight winning seasons after an 11 1" mark (luring Olson s fir•• t in Tucson ! he \\ iJoi its :;vo won live I’.h K) tilj-'s over that .span, uu hiding the last: four () I sort's ov era II rer nrd a! Ari/o na is 210 I, and Ins teams h a v e in a d e seven straight N't A Y tournaments V m en's record at Oregon is tlip 1 to, and vs lule the Ducks have three Nil appearances i . er that Stretc li. tiies haven't w.ai more than 10 games in a si■asi ii under Munson While the numbers might -,eem paz/ling. a closer look at tin1 two programs reveals a hit about vvii.il it takes to turn a college basketball team into a i (insistent national contender Naturally the higgr-.t far tor is recruiting Olson has lertainly h i more talented [>1.1 \t*rs to work with til.m Munson. hut wtuMi recruiting in Kugeno ami 1' u t sun is i ii 111)1 arml. t It a t .shouldn't i om«> as a Surprise l ui sun is roughly the si/.o ni I’ortlami, all.! Kugeiie S metri) politan populiitn.n is little more than 150,000 Keiruils don't always t .house a college just hfi.uusc it's m a big city hut they sometimes rep-t t col leges that aren't U e inn e, more u! a metro politan area (than Oregon):.*' Ol son saul "That's at least not i deterrent, like it might he there Ilotli Molls,.II and Ui son .agree that (dimate plays an im portant r -I. m tire . . :' .rts to attrai t cpiafity players k i ts in here, and its ... a y tl.i) days a veal. Olson said A kid goes ill there In; l v > lid . and he Hi i gilt ge t tamed nut the entire time I hat may he a hit o! an evag gi ' ate :i hut Mon-iin an I (in gull State i (Ml h liili Aiideison win1 has ln en at (*, r y all is ..s a [ilayer or i oai h lor more than do years agree I he yv rather in \ri. oiia r taillty appears m •r: ruoioas than it is here. Amirrson said We huv*' an in. 1 ;• . I .. !i of tile i nullify that -ill It dies is rain In-re Hut Arizona's biggest advan tage may bay.- O-en .ts record in ()!-., : i -. ...ni .. , ii yv hr n the \\ ndi ats w n 2 1 games (>1 -- a i trams h.nrii t is on tryver than lit games since and have wiitt m-ite th. ui 25 tlifiv times M ; so: r I () n :• *•. ..nd the boost m [ti ruillni; nl Jt) w it’, v- ; ■ .uni N't A \ t> ,;rts.i ItirtVi rts|}el ;e|.|t O IS .! Itlg pile When \mi wilt .Ml Raines thi'ii it s a program that s looked it as being on the wa\ ti;i -Olson said Ur i mill! >’i' out and sell litis to ret mils (litre tun t;r! that going. i! kind ol snowballs Von look at ross lint court tr\ Mottson said 'Kvery year It thn same 1or so teams al the lop Arizona's one of those teams now Surprisingly. Oregon actually spends more [Si.to.(100) on re i: r ii i ! I n K than A r i /. r. n a ($1115.000) docs But that may hi' a rollei tton i>I hovs inui h easier it is lor the Wildcats to attract top players With all its advantages. Arizona probably doesn't have to work, as hanl as ()roj>on to entice its ret riots Dos pile the 11 ft li ra n k ed Wildiats' (.!() 4 overall and '( I in the I'ai to) dominance of Oregon It) Hi. 1-VI) the last few years in I'm son, w it it h in i hides a 411 point Iron in iitf> last March and the Ducks u oi si loss ever Jun 40. til l 4 I, they have been ambushed the last tw o jjatllis at the I’ll W. 'MM [1 only at golcworks G O L n W O P k s \\ JEWELRY DESIGN ST LOO lSC2Wlfta meneS? 343 2298 WoQulnr Ekdlnea Houn fuo» Ffl 9am 1pm 2pm 6pm Sat l Oam 4pm Ji l/tutrixi?/ '/4&k. -asasisis HOME FRONT tnj KHREN UOSSLER CHAMPION FEBRUARY 26, 27, 28, 29 MARCH 5, 6. 7 1 Ar«ima Th«*lre Villard Hall —— Th h*t» S4 00 S 1 (X) student* and seniors RotXnson Theatre bo* Offu e 140 4191 It can’t do laundry or find you a date, but it can help you find more time for both. 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