Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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    Muftique Gourmet
Catering to me
Discriminating Collector
CD's FROM $5 95
I 22
flhpearl Building
Come in to register for our monthly
drawing and check the weekly specials1
1340 Willamette 687-0288
Continued from Page 1
J ;11i11 ill bonk uf Revelations Their juiin. \ lakes
tir;.ugh a tiimi i lii' ii Ness Hr:, where
thrs tmt’t i host of quirks <lior.it iers
ft's basHillls ill tlljl mills' Shakespeare lesel
,f intrigue as thes '.sol I r tin :>nd . ouitng
Uyball '■■lit! i! s tfwged v ttlul < nu lls but II s
mostly silly
Although Dvball fame up ssilli ihr p|ol of Ral
Hrrring himself. some of fhr shoss ■■ details and
loirs sverr developed bv tin; plus ‘s <u.st
\\ llrll rehearsals started fo! I!.■ show hr linti
written only tint' but of right s .-nrs Aftrr dr
' filling to Ihr oast a grorml outlinr of ssh.it fir
ss.iriled for different w ones tie let the .11 tors Im
vise.'-'and together the group drt idrd wfi.it
, wo .lif commit to paper
i s'-n o. solid tii.it. sve will miikt a change if
1' 1 r i a ear- a I •- i S s ties ss a 11. t . a idn't Ss e
If.:-. tie siiI.i
1 Is! . i~ [ill. Is just one of iilxiul eight to 10
: : : i ssi,'ten sfiosss that are performed a! the
Is i‘ * ' : \ ; y lu ,. r '1 ter::
Students of any major with a pint summary f
their sin a ran apply to h.ivt* their play per
i; n.'-il .it the thriller
lill .Snyder, ui ih.nr of the theater, said about
it. [>«•< pm apply to the program each term After
the theater hoard evaluates the si ripts It) see il the
plays ran physically he performed in the pla\
house, the hoard schedules the shows for peril r
mam e on a first come, first serve basis
The theater board typically schedules a differ
ent show ear h weekend
Snyder said m-.st shows are well attended We
io tally pai k it. she said Unit's one of the ex
i iting parts about it to have a full house
Hie hoard is able to allocate some money, usu
ally about $25. to each ploy s producer, depend
ing on the budget he or she submits
Snyder said the playhouse is the only outlet
n, .st students have to show their original works
Dyh-all will graduate next sprang and hopes-to
continue with w riting and at ting
• The market lor writing and ailing isn't so
ati-.it. tie said Blit I’ guess as long as there are
shows like Iforni.m's Hc.nl, at least I i an Ivopi
i:\ m ( m s
\s! <) Winter s \ in pusi ti m
fr.nii 10 .10 .i m lu ! p m hi the
: M: . !■ • rr..■
l),l s 1(1 ( l.lks i
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Japanese Student ( ){rpi lii/u -
tuni .i . .np1. tut>.i
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' ’ 1 l ules/li .1! Deu ild.lllull ill
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Hi lie. f j d jr i :: : 1 V. . i
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I till tin di u ei dll it
. le.ten; IS tel ll.l.i; V* ill
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i'f ' t ni : he h: , I ,e.l « lif
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lhl\ less I) I 11 ; s Steles
e . .;: -ill :t e- tonight
11 I " in th>■ i M '
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till' !i ni,ty troin 1 0 .i in In p in
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,< .. :i,ii !!;u!f I. to
I Ims lu su I s I \ r \ our ill'll I
(irfrnsr u . . . : .
i» UkI.iv Irom noun to 1
i'. i<imm lot. U-Miiv
.!(. ON
(In \ Ipti.i ( to isli.ni I I'llins -
slup . :i.i■ i i So;;.gii! .it ' .10
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. u for suhniitlinp It
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1 M; uhi is mi, m thr ./,i)
.. non I t Ah run
i rut unit's* thr
■!'rilin' noon
\< !i :! s H H/l .1 (In
, hlirfii' IV Hi
: 11, .i. , 1 Campus
. ..! Ill'llu It'd
.. .i.vsi thr .turn iLite
u i.7 t m j'l . Ul , I hr Kill
iisi'iin thr 1 ntht to rdit
iu hi . .. for it: uuni.tr .tnd slylr
I want a
If it s Thursday and you see this man on your bus you
may win a pizza party for you and your friends.
', . ir Sieve .ust 91 jp lo !*r ,’K touting anc sa> '■>>*> stive a- ne
Aan: j p..’;a part> ' The first pefson 10 spot Tanner * tie treated' ‘ *v
;>;> *•••• “ .virm.s Jei'vefed to tfien door couf!e>i ' LTD. Track Town
Pin* iv 95 3 the KAVE Then listen 'nat mgh> ,nc hea- Steve re puv the
* nmng moment 00 the KAVE •«
95.3 RAVE
Con! niied from Page 1
i'H'II i ■■!;•( lr slii i; ki i i,' () i ks
The Clearinghouse is ( uf
renl iv inti st iguli ng Inst
year's death of University
y■ ..! 11;iIf ■ i i. lent |u ng Sdi L
Jang, who died in restraints
after an trig riiun of the drug
Oaks has organized pro
test groups for human rights
in psychiatry lor 15 years in
tin- l nited States and (.ana
da Raised in t Ihicago, he
grad ailed (rnii! Hurt ard
I ni varsity cum laude in
: I T despite being put in
psychiatric hospitals lisa
tunes V\ hile in college
(laks maintains that e!e<
troshoi k. without the in
tunned (nnsent oi the si a
dent, is becoming more com
mon, Ulai Is dune at S.u i i-it
Heart Ceneral Hospital,
where many students .ire re
ierr- d for intense depres
Oaks v\ i!, doa ,,ss humane
options that empower the
distressed student, as Well as
alternative options lor stu
dents hoping lor a career in
i ounsehng psychiatry
t )aks will s|J ,s to:. g!,t at
<i p m in Room too U iihun
otte The talk is free and
sponsored by f'ss Chi and
the Survival Center
Great Coffee
on Campus
Find the Coffee Corner s
GREAT locally roasted
coffee and espresso
on campus at
EMU Fishbowl
Skylight Cafe
Breeze way Cafe
Willamette Hall Atrium
Allied Arts and
Architecture Cafe
^ a*