Women struggle on ‘Home Front’ By Karen Engels E mw a ■ ’ ftet> J Wnimm fighting 1* Und tlnur n ■■ . if tv while their men .ire off lighting .1 w.ir one strong theme in Horne I ront. 0 play Is Karen Vossler-Chumpion that opened V. 1 v in Villard Hall's Arena Iheatre Set during World Wat II. the plus 1 enters around four women dealing iiot-onh witlethe ah sent e of their men hat with the absent'r .a the:: traditional roles The changes duint t ome e.lslh l uthrrme, tile heroine, returns home Irom college to tied that her father, brother 'and- sister's husband have all gone off to war Shi ..nwiHing!s si .is borne to help support tile I'amils at he! aging another s re quest Catherine, a pacifist and writer •- .peaks out against what she believes is a. uy .■ -a. vw. hat finds nothing lint silence s aila raie s mother and 1 - > I Volie. also each go on a psyt ii.iiogu .a , ■ .: 111 ■ % during the phis Brenda is. racked >vdh gaift be cause she is pregnant arid can t work-in li- ip the family Millie, at a tender lre d isi overs 1.- ; .sexu ality and falls in lose svitjh a returned siddiet I'lie mother, meahss!:; ha struggles belsyfen the old security of being taken t are . I bs her men and the new reality Although women are central to the pi.is, men are also "present'' through th.e women's eves in lirr.im M'i|Ui:i)ics .i;iii nightmans!*. liar ut,*..f mui* s,:cnes. portraying dark >1:ui sontr'. Hr. * •> v tulrnl i liangi's ar Causrs in IkiIIi thusi w!io g.i am! thuM- who stay in h : tAm thos. win May !.1- ini I! Win!!v. inn* nt luiir lli.ili* ast tiu-iiii ■ t-s , In* 1111*11 an! uti sliigii fi r tin* wi. ii* play, hut tin s arm t tiii* fix us. VVhilti i iti-s .1 it. ..nit M'lu* w: i * n hrwlhi'r w 1 ill’s .1 hrt.li-r to li.ilia-niu* ill pn *• ut all statin till! at tualli .n ( .itinTim*> t.n iu-.-.Ms Honu' Ironic liiri-itia Ainv S.uun 1 .Itnt. i.ii •.ttuii’iil tiv (lirati*: .tits, i>i>*: 1 is both uspr. ss:.*nis tu ami riialistu stylus, attuirpling to show <-at ii t iiar.H ti*r s ps\ 1 holi gu al ■ .miry in tin* iirgin nu.>*,. tilings start mil .n wl .it w. •. r .111,1 jjrogri'ss *,1* mt ri-.isingil nightmarish si in , Sarin' *-■■:,!. iti's i til * *. titrinis ui vs in;:* *. s :. , •*. m.i w n r.a ism. fapiSanii; aburtiun aft* ilisi vissi il It's an .inti a-int ul-thitigs pi.n Sarno -....it. milling tli.it .1 pn v.iiiirig thiritu* ul war -uni [ 1 • * 1 > P ]!•■. ri-.niti. >11 I . it in iti-s mm h llf till* ii.. VIS Sai :n 1 w at ns >.!.• ;sr w .til . pijap* , a j ■ 1 :: ► is tli.it a sltuiii* . light. U'l il in .. *•*■ I iti tii.* jn r i.it mam • Sunn* 1 untrnt is also pnsti .n.ilili* for 1 iuldn It. shi* s.nii ilulhf iiiinl i nliiiuis tonight :.’i:- s tar (in*, ami Aiarvh * ' in ! i. A. * ■ > ' Ail shows ix'gin (it H pin Lat.-i .itin-rs w.i m*t in* si-atud I 11 ki ts an Si gimiutl admission .mil st (or studi'iits COOL TOPS - HOT PRICES! 2/18.00 OR 9.99 EACH ORIG. 14.0015.00 EACH YOUR FAVORITE CAP SLEEVE, ONE BUTTON TEE OR ONE POCKET, CREW NECK TEE IN A LARGE SELECTION OF FASHION COLORS. COTTON BLENDS. SIZES S, M, L. 2/12.99 OR 6.99 EACH ORIG. 10.00 EACH EVER POPULAR TANK TOPS IN A LARGE COLOR SELECTION. COTTON BLENDS. SIZES S, M, L. Reducer #40 /tad! Cate presents 11»«* t oflw ( lull ( nnl. Buy 10 at your favorite cottee or espresso drinks and get... f ,1, In wri Hi! \|> rm/l' No fitnlih In' I w I In I mil. Coflee . Esprnss • Sandwiches. Catering • Etc. Ill |Mt laiH wmNMilm • |»n M«* lr<;» • Ui 11 Im • 1 * «M M43 r~~---*1 I N1T1 pymi ntoim'oktunh v_ Editor-in-Chief of the OKKCON DAILY KMKRAI.I) 1 hr OfrgMfi Daily I turiahl. tm.h j* i»*lcnl Mu.lent i»< \j*.*|*» r ai tta* I in v > i eifv .*t (>tr>•- ii n .utrcntl> a* i<*|»4in£ aj*plu Aln*n.N he tin poutum -( I *lif.*f hi iIk* 1 */*>J *D a* minim >rai I llf.ihfc , atuiiilaln must be cither an umin tfrAi a minimum of lit* v iic.lit h.mt* |*n term in i hi. . mi t),, f. ,\a a. .»■ I. mu quart, t * "I hi* <« hr i i tin a^ Dint Ml applu j ants must I* in p««n f: ‘ii I tally hmrtahl is publish..! by a n*»n pi'lH • n |*« >fatn>n * hit h > >(«-f air* ih*le|w iwlrntly I flw I mvntil) Ihr pniiMiy |*uq»o*f of the ()! )l n «.. (Kv-s i !>' hn atmti an. I training he itmirnt* in all a*j**« t* <«f ivv* n pa|H( .qvtafi.n by %rtsih»- a . am{Hi* amlinu r *tlh nf * v nlihiidl ami A.h a isjun^* i«*m nt ! hi Dim >i I tin < >1) I * hi' 11 j *« »t t s to a till ;*» i 'll Vi'hint fit 11 ai.l > ■ ( Ditch*' has : \ >n si hi lit y It all olit >«iaI operation* an-l all r.litonjl content ■>! the n *'j'i|vr him I •'line is Jun. J I'*4*-’ to June !. 1‘^H Ainl i* |*frvolr.l b. an 11 ntati-u |*crio»l Ii *iu \jeil D t • • June Mil* in a pan! ji*»Niti»«n lnlrfr%ti .I parti, n \h.*ihl pi k up an agination pa. krt wlmli itulml. * a job If.. t ijM i- in at *11«-■ (>D! 11 nf I > I Ih wu-l . <1 I hrr. h by ^ 111 p in M i,. U y Mai. h . I \ ii m.li v iai>l by April I -I. I ‘>J / kr i hr i; ■ f i / Kni. f mr uiU it >ifi h D//' 't-fnt \ / m't ip'ii ‘/74IM L_* r THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Eat my apple will you’’ LEAVE MY GARDEN' BEGONE1 And take all the mole traps with you'