Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Higher Education Act
doesn’t solve problem
College students got a break when the U S Senate
passed the Higher Induration Act last Thursday. Now it
just remains to be seen what gets broken - the spiral*
ing tuition costs limiting higher ed access, or the col
lective backs and pocketbooks of students.
Should the Senate bill get through the run-around
gauntlet known as the legislative process and avoid a
veto stomp by Hush and Co., students w ill have the op
portunity to go ev en more into debt to complete their
college careers.
The Higher Ivdocution Act noses the Pell (.'ran!
program's family income limit to $42,000 a your- up
front the current N 10.000 level. The grants themselves
would also increase, from $2,400 now. on up to $4,800
a year in 1097.
Yes, it tint hill passes, more middle income stu
dents will be eligible for federal grants Students don't
have to pas back the grants, but because the money
comes from federal t offers
la umneo sourceg not ev
erybody who qualifies fur
a I'd I fir.iiit u ill rr< civ e it.
It's the .same ul<i. tired
story of an ever-increasing
amount of students com
peting fur an ever shrink
ing pool of federal funds
Which brings us bar k
to the way most students
get through college
loans, loans, loans.
But Bush doesn't
like the idea of a
direct loan
program. So the
Senate, under the
threat of a veto,
axed the program
from the bill.
Two senators, Paul
Simon from Illinois ami David Durenburger from Min
nesota. proposed a plan that would take private banks
out of the student loan business and rreatr a direct fed
eral loan program With such a program, student loans
would be consolidated into one source, making it eas
ier for students to finance their education
Hut Hush doesn't like the idea of a direct loan pro
gram. So the Senate, under the threat of a veto, axed
the program from the bill.
Some education president.
The bill now goes to the House, where the repre
sentatives will get an opportunity to present their own
plans. Hut because any new addition would have to go
hat k to the Senate for approval, then on to Hush, it
seems unlikely any new or improved Higher I duration
Act will ( time forth
Students got a little bit ot an improvement, but not
enough of one to real!) get excited about It's still the
same old game, w ith no significant t Manges in sight.
letters to thr editor must he limited to no more tii.m
i’Ml words, legible, signed and the identification of the
*v11tei must he verified when the letter is submitted.
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Don’t limit self, others, with labels
.1 M
:' , t ' ; • - : j ' t. ,i'.!
In She [wist lew years and
intensifving ini i‘ntly i
ha v e been noticing terrible
events on i ampus. and indeed
m tin* world in general l p to
now I have just been keeping
tin- experiences in mind, but
now I am ! >o i oncerin d to al
low it tii pass any longer
Ibis morning, reading The
Ki’gistrr Cuuril (1> b -ii), 1
i burn i-d upon all artn l«* I'liti
tli d ")i-w w iirrii'd by ini rease
in inti'rmarrugi's In thr art)
i li>, Harry Shrage i an t )rtho
dos jew and president of tin'
( iunbilled lew isi; 1‘hllanthro
Jo. ■■ of cire.itel Hostoll ") spoke
of bow troubling is the Ini reuse
in intermarriages "to non
lie raised some good points
bni atise frequently the rhndrelt
of those marriages do not ret eig
en. tin'll Jewish her Huge Hut
But watt, I have a whole
ell! i •- to ; ■ ;.i; > I w , ■ ys e> k-. a go
I w .s [. e sing two | eo; ie
both men, one b I a. k one
white. !,,r those tteedmg to at
tribute blame to sin b things
w In w ere i alimenting on their
dish, i.e! I am writing the M ike
Tv son trial
Ono man (1 was walking the
opposite yvay so I didn’t knoys
who) stated, Veull. I know
You know she w anted it
lib.ilk ty\ > up on the board
While I was at a leadership
conference a! Washington State
University a leys weekends
baik. i chanced upon a board
ssitll yvhich I took great pleas
ure a sign stating < elebration of
HI.i. k History Month with a
cluster of bl.u ks from around
the world who hod tontributod
to humanity
Seemed to me like a good,
positive assertion ot value Two
other peopje waning with inn
The next time you
start to denounce
or judge someone,
consider what you
are doing, and try
to understand them
a little better.
fur the elevator. though, ihil nut
lake .is much pleasure in it
Both, taking inn !n lit' of hum
piMii dt sr 1'iit. piiK i .-liisi into a
M in's ul prut.mi- lit-nuni latinns
of tlic HI.u k Student Union's
actions on their campus, ami.
in fai t. its general existem
1 \s ,,uid isiui ,iti- tin-in i n ’i
Hut. i liaik three' risrn there
is tins entire Oregon (iiti/ens
A ! i i a in e m title r i i r.ili \ u
gut'ssed it bum ■
There's also tills sudden need
to see Japan and Japanese busi
ness as tlie rtieim bringing
down America (five) there is
the entire Afrocentrism move
sell African supreme! \ over
Wo! Uf h . slur \ , a 11 in response to
till' equally incorrect and real
tion.irv hurui entrisiu that, uis
lortunaltilv, lias fat ed world so
i ,! ties ti.r the last 500 V ears
There was tii.it hi e. k woman
complaining about that stupid
Indian at Nelive \merii an
.Student Union "i'bere are the
men who think all women are
valueless tile women who
think all men are equally sal un
less There are the men who
think that all lesbians uist need
a good in.in." and that gays
are bill half-men
And. ol course, the men and
women who think homosexu
als just have to have sex < am
pulsnelv with an\ ot their own
sex (And. dare 1 sav it. to top it
all. are a security risk )
Ih now. you're starting to get
tiie idea, hopefully We're sud
denly maintaining more angry,
uneducated, uni ummunii alive
myths than we should, by far
Feeling like you belong to
something is one thing But
vsh\ does everybody suddenly
- uuhtuntly have to affirm
tin ‘Hist? S v i-s as white hi.ii s. Na
live American, |t:vv. Ar.ih. hel
riiiMALial It .1 mi i( .1 ppi'ii, "
It!. homosexual. bisexual,
Asian. Aim-in an. N.i/i, gentile.
Christian Muslim, Basque,
insh. English, "old,” young,"
Ri jniblit an. Democrat. 'good,"
■ • \ i!. moral, immoral Am 1
dim \ mg vuu vet? Wot 1. I'm
sorry, but now votl know how
1st- been feeling
Who has the right to dr
miunoc anothrr ’ Tu oonverl an
. :m i ‘ 1 don't think of m\sell as
, white ithongh van wouldn't
lull win'll 1 ve gottrn rvrr. an
ho.ii o! Mini, m.or, voting, hrt
erosrvn.il. Blmkfoot. Latino
Amork an.
! trnd to tiunk o! myself as
who ! am. or. w hrn I Uniting
myself, as a human bring. Of
i ....rsr 1 liatai a trrs transitive
i out eptualization of the uni
vrrs« and tend not to have to fir
,, absolute in everything, hut
still, jus! as a practice, roufd I
imiui r someone out there to
share iiumanity with me '
The next time someone is an
gry at you don't get angry ti n k.
(ml attempt to establish lines ot
i ommunii alion and under
standing The next time you
start to denounce or judge
someone, consider what you
or doing and lr \ to under -
stand them a little better
f'lease lli i ause we all seem to
!.r do* :• i.ng up into our own
i amps ioi sieges that definitely
shouldn't come
The more people there are
who aren't limited to a camp,
and < an therefore go in be
tween camps, the more people
there will be to help break
l amp and create a unity
And fur those who complain
about unity, you don't have to
put aside your own beliefs to
become unified You just have
to be willing to respect every
one else s (and they must re
spin t yours) without imposing
your beliefs upon theirs
In the short term, it will be
hard, hut m the long term, our
i hildren or i hildren's i hildron,
will have it much better Seems
logical enough
trunk future Surd mu Mile* i s u
student ut the University