#GOOD LUCK^ ^ DUCKS! « FROM German Auto Service, Inc. 29 Years of Quality Service 2025 Franklin Blvd. • 342-2912 SAM’S ON CAMPUS sandwiches Where a Sandwich is A Complete Meal! We Bake Our Bread Fresh Daily FREE DELIVERY 804 E. 12th corner of 12th & Alder 343-1141 ♦ PROFILE ♦ VIDLAK Continued trom Page 1B Feeling suffit lelilH lr.11:;< K. i’• - pounds more than \ idlak. the first thing i did '.\.is reassure turn that i Wouldn't hurl him fie didn't appear Inn i onr erned We were tn wrestle for two oi.e-m n.ite periods lui< Il of us would si.u! it, tie- up position for one period Vidhik reminded me on ■ again the walls were inlxmnds. mi 1 < dn't keep running outside of the wrest hug i iri !e to St.I for tune Being in the up position to start the m.iti h. 1 fig ure i ,i simple strategy would t>e to sprawl on top of Dun for I lie first minute .mil keep him down I would ( ome ,iw at w.th a 0-0 tie and son i as r u mvii.iled tiding tine in g . I • il :j • t : one ■ . . no! jienod. I started well and got a g t go; ar t Ins waist, hut he unfairly iisir.u me by smug I to. : an illegal grip -1 loosei itl my grip ha a set ond. itftd in an Instunt I F und myself on my stom ,u : with tin right ellmw m tin tn inity «f my lett ear i he hrst period ended none too soon Si oil Seymour, Dans teammate, yelled that the si re was till. Vidhik OK ! figured. I gate him ■ ;m near-lull points. but I had the second period to catch up il I (O.dd ins! gel a hold of the little jelly led. m.ithe 1 t ouid even put Inn: on Ins in k It was now tin turn to he in tin- down pose lion Before we liegan. I turned to flan and asked i! !., would allow me to eM ape and gain a syilp.i th\ point He thought about it (or two set oiids. re plied lof and puis ended to loss mearotind the mat hki .! ilemonslrulm dutnuit I i ouldn t sat whert* one move began and an other ended, fmt Seymour told me that ill the span of less than a minute ! had espeiient ml first hand the Howling Ball, the Body .Scissors, the "Boston Lobster." tin Banana Split, and a variety of other motes I had only seen on late night l \ The move that lin.dly did me m was the "Coil w :,o ioi.u hurn Oregon wrestler Dan Vidlak. the nation s second best at 118 pounds, is a takedown specialist "Thanks lor coming, he said Nuu 1 have three career pins " Alter evperiee, \ id lak's abilities firsthand. I definitely i an ft . ite to ttie i pponenls Yalbik lee. humiliated and frustrated over his career I can appret late whv he is one of the top wrestle)s in lhi‘ country He IS a superb tei hllit wn and an e\ cellentlv conditioned .ltliiele who has been blessed with extraordinary speed and i ourdina i ion As coach Finley s.ivs, tor anyone to even have a i : an i to heat Yidluk. they v\ . .id have to wrestle a perfect, all out seven-minute mail h linlev speaks so highly of Vidlak licit hi' often compares lfcin to the legendary Oregon track star. Steve Prt'fontaine Prefonliiine yy.is aide to r un his opponents into tin- ground They vyntihi just eiVe up.'' he said "Han has the similar uhilitv !. inaki others ipm He Is always aide to raise his yviestling a notch alxive Ins i ipponent ■> Alter the N( .\.\ season. \ ailak yvdl try out for the Olympic team He believes Ins best shot to make the team yyiil '■ tin- to. ; .; ,: w • •. : v\ rr.- i .: ate..- ‘:. ■ u ■ said i’ii just havi- to spend a tew extra h m the sauna * RIMA WEEDS I\l>erb,uk $IO.iV A native of Montumt, Deinlre MeNamer grew uf) in C annul ioul Cut Hank, an ti e Hi-l-ine. She lives i». Mi.uoulu, MimMfui. L RIM A»™ WEEDS trrui In / ht‘ Ur*\h in a ie*m-,L * k it tin far Wi st: tnm a womans j*>mt <’f vh*u IYiiJn- M. \.umr a mu and tau nted female s>’u«, an asset to the liter an tradition <>f the \meruan West 11ns In i tint iu• vcI, *‘tlci' an ins^httuS hut unsentimental js rtrait ■ ! uoinni grow iin: up m a land ■ •{ Ima n d . , i1 .:;,:\ and h. »ncc hilling lone lint ' win* hast first to m\ar .:,* a ;;!c ! a tlu mu |vt s and the n ft*ate it lutrui In I fu- \V evd* , M-t m tlu Hu »,;) >ai\ r. n ! Madrid, Montana, m 1 \ tlu v< ar Ivrween the i uhan Mi • dt nu and J.l h s assassmat; n. M*. N.iunr paints a *. lassu pu tun 'Ismail * >,s: i life wit h herchamn ter* dreams of pomp ,twa\, then pe. uliat fix a' , n dent j; ad a aiii.m, and a lit dp!iiijj re ■ tain ant railed tlu Rui! s I \ < < r \ inp a tlu t* us n s s.a ial huh am! h* artlv.it i( \ l.Ufully nun in . first novel has ci crslhmg t. he in fed :.»r in a h< - -k u .iim/u'iiiMi.; st< >rv, .1 i Ji.i*. ■,;!»»• .mJ chann It-r, tin satisfy inx sense ' .i; :le,nn.i,\ utuU-rtaken and *,< unfilled O S ,nt b riifio no C'Kr on u li* ^ A xflendld m •» ei .N.t/nn.; (/:.:( haf-pens is .fuile uh.nl you J exfwt, in'.! us no i mi’ is .fuifc u/nif (fit's seem on (fu- surface I i erst/iing f\u.ks a secret punch O Chicago f rihunr ** Ms ShSamer’s hest character. \»m;.ircf l ireev,field is .in achiei ernent, she tmhues this moody and I'urtentihis \owni; uomun uith .ill the odd, hitlersu eet uncles , >f adiJesicnce O Sfu York limn Book Kc*t iVii SELF SERVICE Tice Cepy Sleep Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 A ' ' l»/< i' ’ •* 485-6253 GOOD LUCK DUCKS! Enjoy the competi tion at Mac Court and your dinner at the Gazebo. Middle Eastern 81 Mediterranean Cuisine 19 th &. Agate 683 6661